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Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:46 am
by WifeIsVanilla
I could never clean / dry my Curve satisfactorily, and I upgraded to a JB with a double base ring and an extra ring on the cage. It is a thing of beauty and cleaning is a non-issue. Now I have a different problem. After about 2 am, when the serious night time erection efforts occur, I start to experience ball burn.

i have tried to power through it, and it gets worse to the point of being intolerable. I have tried baby oil under the scrotum where the base ring makes contact, and I have tried baby powder. Neither help much.

Possibly exacerbating the problem is that, in my penis' attempts at erection, the head is not taking the downward curvature but is pushing against the top of the end ring, effectively shortening the cage and pulling harder on my balls.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:03 am
by poor
Baby oil isn't durable enough. Experiment (but start with Vaseline). I settled on Hemp Hand Protector Creme from The Body Shop.

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:55 am
by kpb57
You may have to schedule a nightly pit stop in the toilet. Emptying your bladder helps in controlling the nocturnals.


Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:18 am
by WifeIsVanilla
Thank you for the suggestions.

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:51 pm
by HeldForHer
I had the same problem but a small drop of silicone lube between the ring and just below my boys did the trick!

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:20 am
by wantshiny
not sure if you have bepanthen there for nappy works a treat, it lasts all day, does not smell, its perfect, its a bit thick to get out of the tube in winter tho

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:06 am
by RegularJoe
I have had very good luck using Gold Bond hand lotion. A very small amount seems to last a long time (I think it's the dimethicone in the formula which, according to Wikipedia, is considered a 'skin protectant'). I have to be careful, however, that I don't use too much lubrication of any type since it seems to facilitate excessive rotation of my I very sparingly use Gold Bond every three days or so.

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:05 pm
by danj
I've also had very good luck with Gold Bond lotion (Ultimate healing skin therapy). If I forget to put a little on my scrotum at the ring before bedtime, I'll often get some pretty intense burning. With it, I'm usually fine.

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:49 pm
by kept4her
I would second the Gold Bond, it will last all night and protects from skin irritation. with stainless you also do not have to worry about device damage.

Re: Another Obstacle to Long term Wear

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:20 pm
by WifeIsVanilla
In my case, I needed more than just a good lubricant. I chatted with M MM of Mature Metal, and she advised me that I needed my gap adjusted, a half size wider. I sent it back, and had it back in no time, for a cost of only $10, and it is now wonderful, just a little of the good lube and everything now works wonderfully :-)