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Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:52 am
by justplaying
Has anyone seen or purchased the new MCD from Phoenix Male Chastity from New Zealand?

It is called the Xannadu (their spelling not mine). It has two very interesting design components. One is the back ring which is oblong instead of round. The idea appears to be that the testicles can be secured more closed to the penis if you allow them to spread out instead of being bunched up. It makes sense from a math /volume equation point of view. The second is a roller tube that acts as a spring loaded cam inside the caged tube. According to the site information, if the user starts to grow it causes the roller to press upwards into the tube thus keeping the user from experiencing an orgasm or probably any more growth...

Does anybody have any first hand information on this company or this particular design? I would really appreciate it....thanks!

Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:59 am
by thumper
I seem to remember seeing that a while back, but I've never heard of anyone using it.

BTW, I split this off as a separate topic.

Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:24 pm
by Tom Allen
Let's see...

Squared edges inside to collect dirt, sweat, lube.
Squared edges outside to rub and chafe.
Squared off front profile to create an interesting pants bulge.

What's not to like?

Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:06 pm
by thumper
Is that an electric razor in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:18 pm
by Dev
Electric razor is apropos since it's hooked up to the Dreamlover Labs male training apparatus.

Zap! Zap!


Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:46 pm
by justplaying
Tom Allen wrote:Let's see...

Squared edges inside to collect dirt, sweat, lube.
Squared edges outside to rub and chafe.
Squared off front profile to create an interesting pants bulge.

What's not to like?
I agree, not very functional on the tube side of things. I was actually interested in the oblong back ring design from a comfort level perspective and comments on the "roller" from an innovation to a traditional design point of view. Are these two design elements useless nonsense or do they provide something worth pursuing for a metal designer?

As far as the dream lover thing....that is a pretty interesting twist on chastity....their web site reads more like FemDoms unite, we must train all men to serve us....or something along those lines. There is a lot of pseudo psych stuff printed there, but surprisingly they seemed to actually do quite a bit of research on how to "shock" the jewels. They claim that it does not feel like a shock, but more of a "punch" from a muscle contraction....either way ouch! I don't think I am ready for that just yet....I'm still adjusting to a simple CB6KS... Thanks for the comments on the rest's a dead product from those points alone....

Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:02 pm
by Atone
That doesn't look very comfortable but I agree that it is good that there are folks out there thinking about these things. I was trying to figure out a way to make a ring that expand during a nocturnal erection to allow some comfort but would contract the rest of the time to provide a nice fit, also for comfort. This would be somewhat independent of the securing rings. I couldn't figure out a way to prototype any of the designs that I came up with but it is still fun to think about it. I used to have a laser cutter that would have been perfect for cutting pieces out of acrylic to play around with. I just recently sold it. Now I'm wishing I still had it.


Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:57 pm
by ocbear
Hello! I'm new to this forum, but I'm a longtime fan of chastity devices.I purchased the Phoenix Xannadu in mid-October 2010. However, I had to email them several time before it finally arrived in mid-December. During one of my email exchanges, I received pictures of the next generation of Xannadu products. They've improved the sizing and added a number of new color combinations. There are several bold color combinations, including a really cool black and yellow combo. The black and yellow looks like Caterpillar heavy equipment.

A little background on my experiences with chastity devices. I like cockring based devices; anything that clamps on and locks tight. I also like to take advantage of confining cages. I'm a grower, not a show'er, so I have opportunities to stuff myself into confined spaces. Let's face it, if you can get an erection while confined, you're missing 1/2 the fun. When flaccid, I can get into a CB-6000s. when erect I'm fatter and longer than a CB-Curve.

Part of the excitement for me is to obscure the cage contents with color, size, and now shape. The beauty of the Phoenix Xannadu is the shape. Most of the popular clamp-on type devices are still a familiar shapes. When you reach into your pants and feel the boxy shape... it's a freaky sensation. Even though there are only three parts, getting into the Xannadu takes some practice. The oblong base has a degree of difficulty getting on, but once you find a method that works, it's easy. I grab hold my junk, squeeze tight, and pull forward. I then put the base on like PacMan chomping at the based of my junk. Once you're in there's a C-clamp assembly that slides from the base of your penis toward your body. Don't do the reverse! The C-clamp and the cage are aligned in the back of the base, this forms a locked position. The reverse will not form the lock and cause a lot of pinching. The next step is lot's of fun. You stuff your round peg into the square hole. Lube helps the process. You don't have to stuff the tube like a CB-3000 or 6000. It's more like aiming your penis at into a CB-2000. Make sure the roller is lubed. Once you're into the cage, pull it back over the pin, the press the cage down until it meets the bottom of the C-clamp. make use you use the enclosed washers. The entire assembly must be locked tightly into place. A wobbly fit will pinch for all the wrong reasons.

Now, take a look at yourself. You are now locked in the strangest configuration... ever. Aside from the shape, the Xannadu has a unique fit. Sit in a chair in front of a mirror. Try and contract the muscles in your pelvic area. The Xannadu doesn't move. Try this with a BirdLocked or CB-Series, you can bounce you're junk very easily.

Trying to get hard. If you can surpress an erection, you're in trouble. The Xannadu is a penis masher like the ExoBelt Extreme. It's not just an encasement to prevent you from playing with yourself. This is serious entrapment. The roller is not your friend. When you start to get erect you set the roller into motion. At first, it's not too uncomfortable, then the pressure starts, and finally, it feels like your skin is being pinched. I have no evidence of pinched flesh, but It feels intense.

A final word on penis mashers. The Xannadu and ExoBelt Extreme are fun, but peeing and sleeping are impossible. If you attempt to pee, there's a great amount of pressure internally. The worse part comes later when you're finally relaxed. Any pee between your bladder and "the kink" will suddenly release... you pee your pants. If you want to see the ExoBelt in action (and soon the Xannadu), checking me out at chastitybear on x tube.

The product: It's easy to keep clean. You will not be disappointed.

Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:39 pm
by justplaying
Dear ocbear;
Thanks for giving such a detailed explanation of how it all works. I was very curious about the roller and the oblong backing ring, because no other design has that. Most of the comments on the forum were fairly negative about the "boxy" design, because it would be bulky to wear and hard to keep clean (for long term chastity). I was a bit surprised to hear about the roller being so brutal. I heard from the manufacturer that he guaranteed that you couldn't pull out because of the oblong backing ring and I guess the roller might contribute to keeping things in place. He also commented that you couldn't possibly have an orgasm while wearing it, which I guess makes sense if you can barely take a piss in it...I'm guessing that this is not great gear for wearing 24/7. I would imagine a nocturnal emission would nearly kill you...

Best of luck to you, wearing your new colors!

Re: Phoenix Xannadu

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:47 pm
by Dev
Now, take a look at yourself. You are now locked in the strangest configuration... ever. Aside from the shape, the Xannadu has a unique fit. Sit in a chair in front of a mirror. Try and contract the muscles in your pelvic area. The Xannadu doesn't move. Try this with a BirdLocked or CB-Series, you can bounce you're junk very easily.
I'd love to see a picture, if you felt like sharing...