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Be careful what you wish for indeed!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:28 am
by Obmon

It's been a while since I've been here. I have been going through the motions of life.

I wanted to share how far my goddess and I have gotten...

Lately, I found myself locked up for a week a time.. This is the new normal since Christmas. I told her about my observation and all she said was, "I know. It's by design."

Needless to say I was immediately swelling up which she found amusing.

She has slowly but surely grown more and more into it since it has been introduced. She doesn't mention it much.. It isn't much a topic of conversation. For her it seems, it just is. And the way it should be. Today she tells me it makes her feel good and powerful having this control over me.. She has once or twice also gotten instantly upset when she thought I had taken it off (I hadn't)... Yup. Definitely come a long way...

She has also has made the decision, a few days ago, that I will remain in chastity and denied for the duration of any pregnancies, including the period when she will be breastfeeding.. So about a year and a half at a time!

Just between me and you, I don't think she will do it.. She will be horny and want me too much to keep me locked I'm sure. Still... The thought...

She has several times said that torturing me is satisfying for her.. And her teasing and denial has increased...

It is certainly official in our relationship. I asked for it enough.... I will remain locked up unless she wants otherwise. And when she's done, it's locked again. She decides when.. How.. Who cums... Or not.

Gentlemen (and amused lurking ladies)... We are on an adventure!

Re: Be careful what you wish for indeed!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:07 am
by coffee2sugars
"Just between me and you, I don't think she will do it.. She will be horny and want me too much to keep me locked I'm sure. Still... The thought..."

You may regret typing the above :) :) :)

When things finally start to settle down and everyone finds their own space & comforr in this lifestyle it certainly takes of very quickly.

Enjoy and good luck.

Re: Be careful what you wish for indeed!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:28 am
by Obmon
I had that thought as I was typing it! Thanks for the luck.. I may need it.

Re: Be careful what you wish for indeed!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 12:21 pm
by KittensBoyToy
You're safe....unless she is a member of the forum! :(

Re: Be careful what you wish for indeed!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 3:16 pm
by cshorts
" I don't think she will do it.. She will be horny and want me too much to keep me locked I'm sure. Still... "

If you'd like, any number of us could let her know where to get a good harness and realistic dildo for you to wear...

Re: Be careful what you wish for indeed!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 1:29 am
by Obmon
Thanks! I already showed her a vixskin!