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Its like first time sex....

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:28 pm
by celticqueens_sub
but without the crap bits..

Last night CQ and I had a really long and slow build uo to full sex. It is the first time we have had an opportunity to do this and it was incredible. The things I noticed were how exciting it was! :D :o

Its like the first time you have sex with a new partner, BUT with the added advantage of knowing what makes your partner tick,squirm and most importantly orgasm! MC has done this for us, it has made love making a real pleasure and a real privilige and the super best bit about it is that CQ doesn't feel pressured and that makes the whole experience so wonderful.

I felt like a horny teenager! :P I wasn't expecting to be allowed orgasm, but CQ invited me and it was really powerful and special to be gifted such a treat.

However, just so I know who is in charge I find my self with a steel butt plug in all this evening... :shock: