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New and need some advise

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:43 am
by ChastizeMe12
Hi everyone.

I've been practicing Chastity on and off for nearly a year now - we're trying the honour system first and this is working well. I found a road bump though that I hoped some more experienced members could help with.

It takes me between 7-10 days after orgasm (oa) to get back in the zone and I really despise myself during this period (and it is literally a male period!), so I want to extend my chastity as long as possible - Our relationship flourishes so profoundly after this period.

The problem I have is that at around two weeks oa, I experience a great deal of congestion in my head, it builds and builds until my head is unbearably fuzzy! I drove home from work the other day and felt that I really shouldn't be driving, it was almost as if I was slightly drunk. Having read various blog on the subject, I found one that explained that Dopamine builds up and that is what causes both your increased good mood and libido, but also when it gets too high it causes the congested feeling I have experienced.

I have found that if I abstain from sexual activity and thoughts as much as possible I can reduce the speed of it's build up a little bit, but this really isn't ideal as a major benefit for us both is my increased libido for her.

Has any one else had a similar experience and if so is there a solution?

Re: New and need some advise

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:24 pm
by happilylockedman
Hello ChastizeMe12,

Welcome to the Forum. I'll share my experience which may or may not be applicable to yours. I have been using a chastity device since April of this year. Not 24/7 but pretty darn near to that. When I am not wearing a device my feelings of sexual desire and need feel very, very strong. They are so powerful that I feel I must have an orgasm. That feeling of need and desire is consuming and distracting. If an orgasm isn't in my immediate future I find that putting my chastity device back on causes those feelings to subside. They're still there, but not as strong and much more manageable.

I wonder if what I have described about myself is what you were describing about yourself.

Re: New and need some advise

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:52 pm
by Namron
Not familiar with having this feeling, but I wonder if a good ruined orgasm might address your issue (albeit a dribbling one.) ;)

Re: New and need some advise

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:25 pm
by cuyahoga
There is a solution ...

Sometimes, you will hear people talk of an alcoholic acquiring a sort of immunity or tolerance to the effects of alcohol, and therefore they will need more alcohol to get drunk. This is actually not at all true. What happens is that they actually develop internal coping mechanisms that allow them to appear on the outside to be less drunk than they actually are. Their brains will naturally develop these coping mechanisms over time and exposure to alcohol. The alcohol always has the same physiological effect, but they are able to mask it.

This is what you need to do. Time and exposure will increase your ability to deal with the effects.
So my recommendation would be fewer orgasms until you've learned to handle having fewer orgasms.


Re: New and need some advise

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:48 pm
by ChastizeMe12
I shall persevere then. Thanks for the advice.

Re: New and need some advise

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:09 am
by TwistedMister
cuyahoga wrote:Sometimes, you will hear people talk of an alcoholic acquiring a sort of immunity or tolerance to the effects of alcohol, and therefore they will need more alcohol to get drunk. This is actually not at all true. What happens is that they actually develop internal coping mechanisms that allow them to appear on the outside to be less drunk than they actually are. Their brains will naturally develop these coping mechanisms over time and exposure to alcohol. The alcohol always has the same physiological effect, but they are able to mask it.
As a former alcoholic, I can tell you from experience that this is incorrect. It is possible to develop a tolerance to alcohol, and to *lose* that tolerance. At one point in time I was in the habit of consuming as much as 3 quarts of hard liquor every day, and occasionally known to polish off a 1.75 liter bottle in an 8-hour period. Nowadays, 3 shots and I'm pretty much done.

(And the BS that AA pushes about 'recovering' alcoholics never being able to take another drink again is not true either. It may be the case that *some* weak-minded individuals cannot exercise enough self-control to change their behavior except by complete abstention, but it is not the case for *all*.)

Re: New and need some advise

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:33 pm
by cuyahoga
You mis-understand me TwistedMister. I'm fully aware that an alcoholic will feel the need for more and more as they progress in their disease. My point is that some people believe this is because they've developed a tolerance; that they have become 'immune' to lower amounts.
The reality is that the body does not develop this immunity. The brain develops coping mechanisms that will help the alcoholic 'appear' less impaired, but in fact, they are impaired. They learn to speak more carefully so they don't slur their words. The steps they take become more deliberate so they don't stumble as often. They literally learn how to be drunk. Yes, they absolutely can handle consuming more and more, but the point I was heading toward goes to the feelings that the original poster was having, and my opinion that the swimming head feeling is not so much something to solve, as something to get used to and learn how to be 'drunk.'

And my bonafides will stack up here as well ... Irish Catholic family of alcoholics, my own issues with multiple addictions, and bartending for twenty years ... I'm familiar with the subject from a multitude of angles. Alcohol is unique in the addiction world, as the brain really does not develop a resistance to it, it does not build up receptors to deal with it. It learns behavior modification to mask the effects.

Re: New and need some advise

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:39 pm
by cuyahoga
Oh ... and I never quote AA, lol. I was addicted to alcohol, but after dealing with the actual underlying issue, I was able to move on. While I'm happy that AA will work to help some people reduce the damage their addiction does to them and those around them, I'm with you on being well over their judgmentalism regarding the "only" path to recovery. Each of us has our own journey.

I'm now addicted to the feelings my wife can create within me ... but I have no access to the magic bottle that comes from. I'm restricted to the ration that she offers.