Just when I thought I was out of it, I got pulled back in.

Living the real life under lock and key
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Just when I thought I was out of it, I got pulled back in.

Post by lockedsteve »

My wife was all for me taking a break from Chastity until the end of September due to skin problems and just getting tired of wearing my Jailbird and the rut we got into. Today my wife told me to lock up because I have been very grouchy since she has allowed me to go free range. She had a long and intense orgasm today and gave me a ruined one. She has been giving me too many ruined orgasms because when she removes her hand, I can start to ejaculate a few seconds later so it is hard for her to judge. In the past I would not cum as soon as she removed her hand. Now I will cum 5-10 seconds after she removes her hand. I do not know why that is all of a sudden. Any ideas?

So we are still going to stick to our original plan but we just started it sooner. We are using the holidays and special occasions as general targets because they do fall about a month apart but my orgasm can be before or after and it is up to my wife to decide. We are still planning on a few breaks during the year to let my scrotum skin go back to normal. It is amazing how more comfortable my Jailbird is now that my skin is all healed. It was not bad, just slight but constant irritation. The main problem was that my balls got sore where they rested on the ring after a few months. Sort of a bruised feeling. In any event, we are going to put some week or two long breaks between orgasms. As my wife said today, it should be fun for both of us.

Since we are not doing this in a D/s context, for us it is a fun sexual game. She solely decides when and how we have sex and that is it. Once outside the bedroom, we are the same way we have always been in our marriage.
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