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My Prince Albert experince

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 2:35 pm
by The Grinder
Last fall I discovered an entirely different type of chastity device - a free floating tube that is anchored around a Prince Albert piercing. While I found a lot of information trolling the internet, there were some serious gaps and some information that seemed wrong to me. So I thought I would offer up my experiences.

A PA appears to be a scary proposition. A giant needle shoved through the most sensitive parts of my body? Yikes! Truth is the PA was the easiest piercing I have gotten. I'd rate it a 1.5 on the 1-10 pain scale. Comparable to a stepping on a sticker.

Not every shop will do a PA and not everyone who will do one, should do one. Research and shopping around are important. The piercing is the foundation for everything to follow. Be picky on who does your work. Cheapest isn't best. The placement needs to be spot on.

You are going to bleed for a few days. Make sure your KH knows - mine fretted a lot. Follow the aftercare instructions and be patient.

Bigger is better. Every time I stretched up a gage the piercing became more comfortable. That was counter intuitive to me - the bigger gages are daunting. I ended up with a 6ga but would have preferred a 4ga.

The bigger gage jewelry is often not in stock and might take months to special order. I wish I had been told that somewhere along the way. It was demoralizing to go in for the last stretch and get told it was a two month wait.

Stretching was not a do-it-yourself project for me even though I found lots of people on the internet who said they did it themselves easily. My piercer had enough trouble getting mine done - so much that he gave me a special recommendation to wait 3x the normal time before going from a 6ga to a 4ga. Like I would/could wait till 2016 to try out my new toys.

I ended up taking eight months to finally end up with a stable, healed 6ga PA. My chastity device took five months - so I got to look at it sitting unused a long time and we all know how that felt. I tried to short cut the process but that didn't last eight hours. Much as I hated it, patience was required.

The PA was worth the effort. My tube works as advertised and unlike all the ball trapping devices, this one is both comfortable and effective.

The Grinder