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CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:08 pm
by locked4her55
A question to all here that have transitioned from a CBxxxx (or other hard plastic) device to a metal CD.

I found that I was aroused more in plastic than in metal. I'm sure it was due to the friction the hard plastic had on the head of my penis. No plans what so ever to go back to plastic but was just wondering if any of you out there miss that feeling?

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:41 pm
by wishful4
locked4her55 wrote:
I found that I was aroused more in plastic than in metal. I'm sure it was due to the friction the hard plastic had on the head of my penis. No plans what so ever to go back to plastic but was just wondering if any of you out there miss that feeling?
I found that to be the case as well. Think it is the fact that the mostly solid cage put uniform pressure on the shaft and feels more like someone gripping my cock with their hand when I try to erect. I don't feel that at all in the MM device.

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:46 pm
by Blaeu
Baring TC's objection, I'd like to add a follow up question.

To those who were aroused more in a plastic cage compared to metal, was the switch worth it? Do you miss it? Or, do the benefits of a metal cage outweigh that missing arousal?

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:57 am
by zombiegod13
Blaeu wrote:Baring TC's objection, I'd like to add a follow up question.

To those who were aroused more in a plastic cage compared to metal, was the switch worth it? Do you miss it? Or, do the benefits of a metal cage outweigh that missing arousal?
I'm curious as well. I haven't been using the CB for very long, but I'm already diving into sites with steel devices.

One thing that is an obvious plus for steel is that there is little fear of cracks/breaks. So, mentally, the steel would be more comforting. I imagine this peace of mind would be worth the trade-off, but I'm sure this depends on the individual.

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:10 am
by Atone
zombiegod13 wrote: One thing that is an obvious plus for steel is that there is little fear of cracks/breaks. So, mentally, the steel would be more comforting. I imagine this peace of mind would be worth the trade-off, but I'm sure this depends on the individual.
I transitioned from plastic to steel really early on. Fortunately for me I didn't know about the potential cracking problem with plastic. I wouldn't want to have to worry about that, it looks like it would really hurt. Having said that I wouldn't go to steel too quick, it is a lot more expensive to make changes than it is with plastic.

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:48 am
by wishful4
Blaeu wrote:To those who were aroused more in a plastic cage compared to metal, was the switch worth it? Do you miss it? Or, do the benefits of a metal cage outweigh that missing arousal?
Absolutely, the switch was worth it! The hygiene issue was a problem for me in the warm moist climate where I live. With an active lifestyle, it's really tough to keep up with it. The arousal is still there, just not to the extent it was before. It could also be that my bits are getting used to being caged, as well.

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:32 am
by finallyhappy
I definitely had more arousal in plastic plus even some sensitivity in the metal. But would never dream of going back due to hygiene, visually better as per gf, and better for her teasing.

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:28 am
by locked4her55
Blaeu wrote:Baring TC's objection, I'd like to add a follow up question.

To those who were aroused more in a plastic cage compared to metal, was the switch worth it? Do you miss it? Or, do the benefits of a metal cage outweigh that missing arousal?
Absolutely: As many fellow metal lovers here have proclaimed, hygiene is a big part of metal over plastic, comfort for me being the second best thing. My wife loves the look and feel. Teasing has taken on a whole new level. I knew when I was locked in plastic that I would need to be let out for cleaning on a pretty regular basis. Now with metal, when my wife locks me up I have no idea when I will be let out. A week or a month or two. It doesn't matter cause she knows I can keep myself clean.

I do sometimes miss the arousal I would get in plastic but really I'm not wearing a CD to keep myself horny am I ;)

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:44 pm
by biggar
I had all of the Millers plastic devices except the long CB6000 and could partially erect in most of them and it usually wasn't fun! Since going to metal I find what they said on the Chastityheaven info page, "you cannot and will not be able to get an erection", is very true! The most I can do now is swell a little and with no discomfort at all. I feel I am just as aroused, just not in discomfort when I am. I also like the extra weight of the steel. And I'm pretty sure the steel one will never split or break! Don't get me wrong, we enjoyed the plastic ones mostly but because my new one is made to my totally limp dimensions it fits so much better! I would recommend the SS devices to anyone that is serious about being locked 24/7 for any amount of time! Just my 2 cents worth!

Re: CBxxxx to metal

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:19 pm
by hotrob99
So, I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times on the site, but I didn't find an answer in my first search. Do the quality steel cages allow you to pee standing up? I am guessing that they do, but I suppose some designs are better than others.

My lady has me wearing my cage on business trips now, and the bathroom issues are tough to manage sometimes. I love the humiliation aspect of having to sit and pee in my CB3000, but I really need to stay locked up for longer periods...and solving the bathroom issue would help with that.
