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Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:40 pm
by michaelnmelissa
I'm 40 and my wife is 31. We just started this 30 days ago. We like it - a lot. Right now, we'd like to continue in this for the rest of our years together. I wonder if that's possible?

It's already more than a game for us. It's changing so much for us. I know some of you are new to it too. Do you see yourselves staying like this and never going back? What about those of you who have been at it longer?


Re: Forever?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:16 pm
by thumper
When you say "forever", do you mean using chastity in your relationship forever or not coming forever? I assume the latter.

I see no reason at all why it can't go on and on. The more you do it, the less it seems possible to go back (permanently, at least). Neither of us want things to be the way they were. I don't think there's a chance in hell it'll ever happen.

Re: Forever?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:43 pm
by Atone
Now that my wife is completely on board I don't think we will be going back to the old ways either.

Just last night she told me that not only will it be a long time before I am allowed an orgasm, but when that time arrives it will be just one orgasm and then locked right back up for another long stint. She didn't say how long a stint it will be but she made it sound like the intervals will not be getting shorter so I am guessing at least 4 months. She did say she was still thinking about it and wanted to know how long I thought I should go. We agreed we would both think about it a while and discuss it before she makes up her mind. I like the long intervals but don't know if I am ready to start with one that is that long, so far we have been starting with something shorter and then adding on as we go. I guess I have some serious thinking to do before we have that discussion :)


Re: Forever?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:05 pm
by thumper
The funny part is, it's the wives that really seem to latch on never let go (when it works). It's impossible to say, but I suspect that had this only been my choice that I'd have gone off the wagon a few times in the past two years. But now Belle *really* likes it and seems to want me in the device more than I want to be in it.

I'm not going to say the cliche phrase that typically follows a statement like that, but I'm sure you're all thinking it...

Re: Forever?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:47 am
by Shane67
As far as I can tell, my wife truly enjoys keeping me chaste. I've very insecure about it, as it was initially my idea, and I always have this nagging doubt that I'm just dragging her along. At this point, three months in, she definitely doesn't want to go back to where we were -- two people who had lost the shared intimacy that once defined them. We connect now, just going along in our daily lives. I don't see us going back.

I also admit that the thought of only having a handful of orgasms in the next few years is thrilling. That's my kink talking again.

Re: Forever?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:50 am
by Celtic Queen
I certainly wouldn't go back. I think the reason for female enthusiasm is pretty simple - the husband's behaviour reverts to the courting, thoughtful behaviour he exhibited when the couple first met. Who would want to give that up? Massive generalisation coming up here but I would say that all wives would want to be their husband''s focus, the centre of his world and his fantasy woman. Holding the key / owning his penis drives that. We want to be courted, valued, adored - and that is true whether we're Domme or not. No one wants to be taken for granted, be part of the furniture or just not appreciated. Hell, if male chastity could be made part of every marriage ceremony, not only would divorce lawyers be put out of work ( never a bad thing), the world would be a happier and more stable place.

So yes, absolutely forever.

Re: Forever?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:59 am
by michaelnmelissa

I meant living out male chastity. Orgasms yes (but few - ha).


Re: Forever?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:02 am
by Atone
thumper wrote:The funny part is, it's the wives that really seem to latch on never let go (when it works)
It does seem that way and we are certainly on that road. My wife likes many aspects of MC now but admitted that she really likes the control part. Taking control is (has been?) generally not in her nature. This is going to be really interesting as it plays out. I will be sure to share any significant details.

What was that saying again? So far this has been exactly what I wished for only better.


Re: Forever?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:13 pm
by thumper
Atone wrote:What was that saying again? So far this has been exactly what I wished for only better.
Exactly! Which is why I think that saying is overused.