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Four month mark...thoughts and experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:09 pm
by usaabn
Hello all,

It has been four months since I first watched my keyholder snap the lock closed. A lot of water as passed under the bridge. We have grown into a very a comfortable day to day arrangement. I find that I enjoy checking in as otten as possible. I personally have little to offer except for the beginner stuff. I wasn't sure how to cronicle my experience. So, I decided to make a simple list.
1. I decided on a metal device from the beginning.
2. I jumped into the deep end right from the beginning..wearing it 27/7 for about a week. Chalk it up to being dumb and an over achiever.
3. I tried the completely shaved route first..It doesn't work for me and my keyholder.
4. We decided on a five o'clock shadow.
5. i have not turned into a cuckold..Wasn't really concerned about that to begin with truthfully,
6. Our sex lives have re blossomed into a very wonderful thing.
7. Our house is clean and well kept...Thanks you very much
8. My beautiful keyholder has accepted my chastity and grown to use her new powers for both good and evil.
9. When she uses her powers for good and evil....both are mind blowing
10. My orgasms are much fewer in number, but much better then I ever believed possible.
11. We do dabble in orgasm denial.
12. My keyholder has turned denial on its head. She knows that I really want to wait and not orgasm. She enjoys the whole process of my orgasms. It seems that insteaad of asking/begging her to let me orgasm. I have to beg her to allow me to not orgassm.
13. Just when I get used to the above I go several days to a week or more with no hope of orgasm.
14. I do miss wearing my device when its removed. I don't notice it when its locked now, it has become part of my body.
15. This forum has been very helpful with my adventure...
16. I could go on for much longer....but hey you folks already know the wonder that is male Chastity.

Re: Four month mark...thoughts and experiences

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:42 pm
by locked4her55
usaabn, Except for numbers 1, 3 and 4 I could not agree with you more. It's been a wonderful adventure. I am still amazed how much my very "vanilla" KH/wife has taken to this. :D

Re: Four month mark...thoughts and experiences

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:17 pm
by usaabn
locked4her55 wrote:usaabn, Except for numbers 1, 3 and 4 I could not agree with you more. It's been a wonderful adventure. I am still amazed how much my very "vanilla" KH/wife has taken to this. :D
I think many of us walk the same path don't you. 8-)

Re: Four month mark...thoughts and experiences

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:54 pm
by locked4her55
It's certainly reassuring to read posts from so many here that share the same values regarding MC.

It took some very deep and serious conversations with my wife before she bought into this lifestyle. It didn't happen overnight. Having had almost 20 years of wonderful marriage behind us helped. I knew when to back off when I over saturated the subject. She has seen a change in me both around the house in helping and in the bedroom with the attitude that it's more about her than me.

I was amazed two weeks ago how willing she was to talk about upgrading and look at websites for a SS metal device. It was like we were shopping for a clothes washer. She wanted to check out all the pictures and read the descriptions of the different models. This never would have happened a year ago.

This past Christmas I gave her a diamond studded sterling silver key pendant. One very much like my Avatar. It was expensive and I wasn't sure how well the gift would go over. Much to my suprise she loved it and wears it quite often. We will be out together and she will be the one who spots another woman wearing a similar key around her neck and says to me. "Do you think she's a KH?"

I could not be happier with the way this is going for us and it's nice to know there are many others like us out there. :mrgreen:

Re: Four month mark...thoughts and experiences

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:36 pm
by poor
I could have written the last post.

Her Steelheart sits in her bedside cabinet whereas my side is filling up with creams and moisturising lotions that she buys for me.

Re: Four month mark...thoughts and experiences

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:28 am
by usaabn
My keyholder and I have been together for twenty plus years too. I agree that knowing each other so well was a key ingredient to being receptive to MC. Still being new to this life choice we have had a remarkably smooth flight. I can see a new device in the future...One of her choosing. I would like to see my Keyholder wearing a key. I want to put time behind us first and make it a special deal. What a life!