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Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:08 am
by Dev
Eloquent as always, Thumper! LOL. Actually, I enjoyed your blog today.
But just as Dan taketh away, Dan can also giveth. Or somethingeth.
Cute. It's too early in the morning for me to be witty, so I just wrote a nice welcome to the many new folks who are showing up on my digital jnuts says, "The metric fuck ton." Metric fuck ton? Okay, whatever.

My busiest day ever was 1167 view which was the day Sarah mentioned the blog in her weekly newsletter. I wonder if I'll go past that today? I am already up to 520 views for the day and it's only nine a.m.

Have a great Friday, everyone!


Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:28 am
by jnuts
I heard that phrase somewhere and I rather like it.

Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:56 am
by Dev
jnuts wrote:I heard that phrase somewhere and I rather like it.
I like it too...just a little gentle tease, my friend.

Go read the ruined orgasm thread. I included a little semen play just for you... ;)

Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:01 am
by jnuts
I saw that. Good times!

Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:52 am
by Belle
Just wanted to apologize to anyone that I offended with my posts over there yesterday. If any of you have read any of my blogs you know that I am not the dominate, controlling type. It was taken out of context, which is partly my fault. I am used to a web community who knows me personally, and understands my short and to the point posts are a result of children and a lack of time. Again I apologize.

Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:09 am
by thumper
You have absolutely no need to apologize. None.

Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:11 am
by Dev
Belle, I don't think you have anything to apologize for. I certainly wasn't offended by your comment. I think some of the subsequent commenters read a bit too much into your statement, which to me, reflects some of their insecurity. The idea of chastity makes some men go "Eeek!" Witness the juvenile articles that occasionally get written and posted. They can't think outside the box and when you call them on it, their reaction is to get hostile and insulting.

Being self-reflective and having an open mind is a wonderful thing. However, there are lots of people who don't get that.


Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:23 am
by thumper
I think there's a huge subset of people in the world just itching to get pissed off at something someone else wrote online, especially in comments. I totally understood what Belle meant, but others preferred the battle. Whatever.

Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:24 pm
by likes2blocked
Belle wrote:Just wanted to apologize to anyone that I offended with my posts over there yesterday.
When I first read this, I had no clue what you might be talking about. I hadn't seen anything I'd noticed as being anything to even consider apologizing for. Then I went back and re-read the comment stream.

What you're dealing with, especially in comments to blogs and other articles, are people who like to build up their own (lack of) self-esteem by being snide and critical of others. It is really a bully mindset. They're also often people who have decided to make their great achievement to be the smartest person who comments to fill in the blank. They'd really like to be Rush Limbaugh and get paid well to be hyper-critical, rude and narrow-minded, but they'll settle for abusing others on comments.

I've been dealing with various Internet forums about a variety of topics since the early 90's, and have gotten so accustomed to it that I just ignore them instantly - that's why their rude responses to you didn't even register with me.

Thumper's comment is spot-on.

This is one of many reasons I enjoy a forum like this a lot more than many other Internet discussion areas - we do take the time to get to know one another, and we have moderators who keep things civil and the riff-raff out.

IMNSHO, you have nothing to aplogize for at all. In reality, they should be apologizing to you, but they're not civilized enough to do so.

Re: Well, well, well...Dan Savage

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:00 pm
by Belle
Thanks guys. I am not new to the internet, I am even an admin on other forums (non-sexual in nature :) ) I know the behavior of others is often less than stellar, so I am not sure why the comments upset me so bad. I think it is just because I am so new to this community, and I am afraid of being taken the wrong way. Thanks again.