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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:19 pm
by Bird in a Cage
I was an electrician a long time ago, in the Navy (20 years pre-chastity). Depending on what type of work you ar doing, but there are circumstances where you will need to remove ALL metal from your body (high voltage hot work). That includes the locking mechanism in an HT2. Just beware of that limitation and be safe—I don't think you want any arc contact where your metal resides!


Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:56 pm
by locked4her55
Semi-retired now but when I was working full time I was in a car for pretty much 8 hours at a time. A pinch or two now and then wearing a CB6000s but nothing with the MM JB or WM.

As for being an electrician, I would just make sure if I wore a metal CD that I didn't ground myself out. ;)


Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:23 pm
by male_pet
There is an option of using hypnosis to enforce chastity without a belt. Weird, but effective. Long thread here:



Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:56 pm
by Chastelaxbro
I'm caged full time as a mechanic and I've yet to have a single problem.


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:04 pm
by Sammysm
I am a journeyman carpenter and I wear a jailbird to work everyday without problems. At first I was paraniod about it and felt like I needed to make adjustments a lot, but after I realized nobody is paying attention to my crotch I dont even notice it half the time. My wife was understanding about it when I started wearing it to work she let me take the key in case I was a problem while working. After time she also realized there is no need for it to come off and I wear it everywhere I go.


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:10 am
by jlocked
I'm a general contractor, mostly remodeling homes. I wear a steel version of the CB600 and experience some discomfort but no major issues. Lots of ladders or up and down off my knees can make me a bit sore, especially when my balls are swollen. The other issue is peeing when no restroom is available. Can't exactly just whip it out in the weeds.
I've learned to choose my jeans or shorts carefully. Do package checks more frequently before climbing ladders, getting in and out of trucks, etc. I must say the most torture was running a bobcat all day for 8 hours of vibration, drove me nuts. I'm a bit more careful when doing electrical.
When I have complained to my key holder about excessive ladder work or some soreness, she has replied, "you'll get used to it".


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:02 pm
by Forherdesire
I work outside as a landscaper/arborist. I move around a lot carrying tools, brush and other equipment as well as climbing trees with a climbing saddle for a couple hours at a time. I have had no problems with my jailbird. Mind you it is a shorty at 1 3/4".


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:16 pm
by Caged55
Thanks guys... After reading the above responses... Madam KH has decided it will now stay on 24/7 unless released on her demand, no more "free-time" during work etc.... With her comments echoing other KH's... "Get used to it, it's not coming off!"


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:18 pm
by Bird in a Cage
Caged55 wrote:Thanks guys... After reading the above responses... Madam KH has decided it will now stay on 24/7 unless released on her demand, no more "free-time" during work etc.... With her comments echoing other KH's... "Get used to it, it's not coming off!"
Sorry buddy... or should I say, "You're welcome?"
