Painful mornings

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Re: Painful mornings

Post by celticqueens_sub »

newstuff69 wrote:My husband and I have been in the chastity lifestyle for only 3 weeks now. We currently use the CB6000 and the bird cage. Most of the time he is fine. It has done wonders for our relationship. But every morning (sometime between 4:30-6:30 am) he is extremely uncomfortable. This morning he was ready to throw in the towel. Any suggestions on what to do for morning relief? :?: :?: :?:
So my take on this is very different.We all practice this in different ways... I have terrible trouble with nocturnal erections and the pain they cause. I get several each night and there is only so much peeing I can do.... The suggestions here are all sound. However the factor that these overlook is the distrubance that getting out of bed and peeing, or doing something that relieves the erection has on your partner. Not to mention that fact that I lose sleep too and that could have serious consequences for my job. CQ soon got very sick of this and the solution was simple. At night when we sleep together the cage is removed.

When I am away on business I remain caged and as I am on my own getting up has no consequence on CQ.

S'what we do.. and it works brilliantly for us. :D
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Re: Painful mornings

Post by mikecb »

The trick that worked for me, when I was wearing regularly, was to get up immediately, when I was awakened by an erection, and urinate. Usually, just the act of removing that slight pressure in my bladder would be sufficient to lessen my erection, and I'd be fine. Over time, my body got to the point where I didn't get erect with slight bladder pressure.

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Re: Painful mornings

Post by imposedsensation »

I may be the only person who actually appreciates the morning discomfort. I'm not a morning person, and generally, I'll just roll over and snooze if given the opportunity. I've found that the morning discomfort has been a pretty reliable alarm clock and it seems to get me up and out of bed early. An unexpected regulation on my sleep and a little extra frustration is never a bad thing, even if it sucks. Truthfully, it turns me on a bit just to think of it.
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Re: Painful mornings

Post by Aarkey »

newstuff69 wrote:My husband and I have been in the chastity lifestyle for only 3 weeks now. We currently use the CB6000 and the bird cage. Most of the time he is fine... This morning he was ready to throw in the towel. Any suggestions on what to do for morning relief?
I don't have time to read all the replies, but as I've been around this group for a while I'm sure you got some good suggestions.

For me, I tried for years to make the CB 3000/6000 work. It was a struggle. I got better at it, but getting a good night sleep was definitely tough. I wrote an FAQ for folks new to the experience, perhaps there are some suggestions in there which can help.

FWIW, when I got a custom sized Jail Bird from mature metal it completely changed the experience for me. I wish I'd made the investment in it sooner.
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Re: Painful mornings

Post by michael »

I still have painful erections in the morning, but I got used to them. My wife regrets that this is normal.
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Re: Painful mornings

Post by nommie »

Baby gel all the way. Put a decent amount on the bottom side of the scrotum if he has a burning sensation. Now, if he has an internal pain (i get it below my gut) that means the ring is too small and he's basically swelling up inside his body. Just ask him to really describe the pain. Burning = lube, cramping inside = ring size. Pinching and chafing can happen with both.

Personally start doing ring sizes first and keep the largest spacer in. Once you find a comfy ring size, then start messing with the gap. Too tight of a gap can cause some nasty swelling in the cords and has the potential to do some damage, so thus being the last thing I personally mess with. Took me a few weeks to find the perfect combo and Ive been using it since size wise.
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Re: Painful mornings

Post by imposedsensation »

slavesteel wrote:I would suggest a touch of lube in contact points.
If you're going to go this route, try Body Glide. It's like a deodorant bar, so it's not wet or sticky. It's actually designed for marathon runners and triathletes to fight chafing, but I've found it's super effective in keeping everything in order between me and my device. Find it at any endurance athletics store or Amazon. Cyclists use it to prevent saddle sores too, so it's completely safe in your nether regions!

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Re: Painful mornings

Post by chastityrandy »

My wife and i are also new to the lifestyle. I was lucky to find a ring size and gap that has been quite comfortable. The only time i have trouble is when i have an erection. I would not refer to the feeling as painful. It is more of an erotic uncomfortablness. This morning she teased me to a full on erection and i noticed the skin bulging out the slit on the end of my cb6ks was extremely sensitive and the ring slid down my scrotum stretching my sack and squeezing my balls very tight. My sack also turned purple, but once i was able to get my erection down, everything turned back to normal.

Also, I noticed my skin bulges out of the side vents even when flacid. Is this normal or does it mean the tube diameter is too small. It is not uncomfortable and i love wearing it so I hope it's ok.
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Re: Painful mornings

Post by Tom Allen »

The skin bulge is an issue for a lot of guys. I used some clear silicone aquarium sealant to block them up.
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Re: Painful mornings

Post by locked4her55 »

chastityrandy wrote:I would not refer to the feeling as painful. It is more of an erotic uncomfortablness.
I like that analogy and think is should be coined as a new description here on the Forum.

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