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Post by slaveg2000 »

Does anyone know where I can find stats regarding chastity usage? I'm looking for number of devices sold, number or percentage of people partaking in it?

My wife thinks it is extremely rare and I've told her that I don't think it is, but wothout numbers, it's hard to back that up.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Stats?

Post by Tom Allen »

If you spend some time Googling around, look for AL Enterprises, the makers of the CB2000 - CB6000 line of devices. You'll find several articles about the size and growth of the company, and possibly something to the effect that they have sold well over a million devices in the last 15 years. When you consider that there is enough of a market for the Chinese to start making knock-offs, then you've got to wonder how many people are wearing them.

Also, there is enough interest so that there are about a dozen other manufactures making stainless steel devices, plus Chinese knock-offs of those, too. And those are just the inexpensive devices; there are also several companies making fitted steel belts.

You might also try to contact the various distributors, like The Stockroom, or Kept For Her. I doubt that they will give you numbers (and AL Enterprises has never given me any numbers when I've asked) so all we can do is to make guestimates.
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Re: Stats?

Post by Linus »

Looking at the number of manufacturers from the western world & China, and the number of blogs, websites, etc. millions of cages & belts are sold & used, that is for sure.
However, I agree, building statistics is very very difficult, because this subject itself can't be discussed openly, as other subjects like watches & goggles.
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Re: Stats?

Post by Atone »

You can count me as one partaking in it. I'm responsible for about 10 devices though.
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Re: Stats?

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Follow the money....

With a bit of digging, I came across a consensus annual revenue number for AL Enteprises of about $52K. Let's say that a CB-XX averages $125. That's 8 of them for $1K, or 416 per year.

Similarly for Mature Metal (of Jailbird and Queen's Keep fame), the consensus annual revenue number was $120K. At an average price of $300, this means annual sales of 400 devices.

Of course the revenue numbers could be off (a lot) because the companies are privately held and don't have to disclose.

But, as Tom said, you also have to include all the other manufacturers, including all the Chinese knock-offs...
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Re: Stats?

Post by Tom Allen »

A few years ago I asked JT Stockroom, and they told me that they had sold over 20,000 units, making them (at the time) one of the biggest distributors. That may have changed somewhat, but it's a starting point. Also, there are a few interviews with the Millers/AL Enterprises, and they have declared having sold in the "tens of thousands".

Finally, consider that the daughters have taken over the company since their dad retired, and they now present the device in "adult" trade shows, with their own booths, video displays, etc. They certainly aren't doing this for a few hundred units per year.
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Re: Stats?

Post by male_pet »

if 1% of the male population is into chastity, that makes for a community of 150,000, in the US. Cut out the kids and the elderly, and assume that there are 100K that are into chastity in the US. Add Europe in, and perhaps that figure is doubled to 200K? Assume interested parties from the rest of the world, and say another 20K.

So 220K worldwide. I know I have bought at least four devices over my lifetime, so I can see how thousands of units of being sold a year, based on new chastity enthusiasts, and the veterans who are looking to upgrade.

As Tom said, there are shitload of Chinese knockoffs, I don't think they would bother for annual sales below 1K, given all the other markets out there.

Male Pet
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