Question about wet dreams

Living the real life under lock and key
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by Blaeu »

Got back from the doctor.

Basically, it is happening to me because of how little I cum and how much my body is preparing to cum. The metaphor used was a well, and when it overflows your body needs to do something about it and wet dreams are typically what happens. Each persons "fills the well" at different rates, the primary factors being genetics and age.

I cannot say this is unexpected, especially after what I read online. However, I liked hearing this from my doctor and I figured I'd share.

Knowing this doesn't help me stop them though. I guess I fill my well quickly, so I will continue to have them until I find another outlet.
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by cb6000s »

This must be a highly individualized thing. I had my first orgasm during the summer between 5th and 6th grades. I masturbated as often as I could from that point onward. I have never in my life had a wet dream. Even today when locked up for extended periods I have not experienced a wet dream. I have had an experience where I was enjouing PIV and I stopped because I was getting too close, About a minute later I was doing some serious lickaing and I felt something like a switch relaeasing. My fully erect cock ejected an incrediable amount of fluid and I had absolutely no sensation of orgasm. I assume that his is the ruined orgasm that I have heard about.
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