Loop Lock

Living the real life under lock and key
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Loop Lock

Post by Tom Allen »

For those of you who don't spend time on "locked Twitter" or some of the Reddit subs, a few months ago some people put our an idea about having locked guys wear a small padlock on a belt loop to signify that they are into being locked. A few other people suggested a "hanky code", such as wearing it on the right side means you're locked, and on the left side to show you're looking for a keyholder (or whatever, I don't remember).

At first I thought it was kind of cool, but I've decided that this is nothing that I'd want to do, myself. For one thing, I have legit been doing this long before it was cool. 8-) I don't need to broadcast it.

This topic gets into the "Would you tell your friends about this?" question. The idea that if this is something that's bringing a a lot of good to your relationship, then wouldn't you want others to have the benefit of that? The flip side, of course, is that you'd have to discuss your sex life with your friends, something I haven't done since my 20s.

Anyhow, since a lot of people on Reddit didn't seem to k now about i t, I just thought I'd mention it here.
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Re: Loop Lock

Post by Curiousrk »

The more mainstream it would, will, or may become, the less interested I would be to participate in loop lock. I can see it now, two business guys who don’t know each other, but end up bellying up to the bar at the Marriott or in the United airlines club, on a business trip. “So, been locked up long?” Ugh it would become yet another “connection point” for the extroverts to chat about. And then naturally, the talk expands to the other guys around them, and ultimately everyone whips out their day tracker to show who’s the winner of the “I’ve been locked longer than you” contest (can’t be a dick measuring contest since they’re all locked up but its the same idea).

On the other hand if it stays a secret handshake with a nod of acknowledgement among a smaller segment of the population it might be cool. But thats nearly impossible.

Sort of like the “jeep waive” used to be 15 years ago. Now its just annoying, almost.
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Re: Loop Lock

Post by cuyahoga »

My “Would you tell your friends about this” obstacle is always them, not me. There is no shame in my game at all, but no one wants to hear about it. Now, my wife, on the other hand, would be mortified for anyone to know about our sex life.

I’ve always thought that we all do ourselves a great disservice by not discussing our sex lives more often.
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Mr Pickle
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Re: Loop Lock

Post by Mr Pickle »

I wouldn't 'not' tell them. Is this the same?
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