[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


I got my three minute vibe. C said I could kneel over her looking at her breasts.
I'm not sure if it was nerves or pent up lust but my caged edge turned into a woops!
Not a lot but not permitted.
C decided it was an on the spot fine. "And you'll have to lick it up. I get paid for that too."


"That might count as your caged orgasm this week".

"C be merciful. It was an accident, I hadn't realise how worked up I was".

"I'll decide before Sunday after my orgasm and foot massage. We'll see".

Sunday came and I couldn't belive what C said to me.

"So. Am I Suposed to keep you locked up or let you out for a treat today?"

"I thought you had already decided. What is it you want to do".

"I don't know, I'm confused with the 'want to come out, want to be locked thing. I'm not good with control, I have enough to do".


"The why sentance I gave you. It didn't help" ?
"You like it when I'm mean to you or a bit selfish. I think I'm already that anyway sometimes, but you want more and I don't like being mean. So while you say it's about what I want.. It's still about what you want".

Cant argue with a woman's logic.

"Yeah. This is more difficult than I thought. I know what I want, and that is complicated too I Suposed. For you to be happy and confident, and feel wanted like you never have I suppose. There is more to it."

"Yes, it can be tiring working out what I should do".

"Burdeing you is the the last thing I want. So. Clear your mind, think. What would be nice this morning, what would make you feel nice".

"You down there".

"Right away my queen".

"He he. I like that bit.. Can I let you out afterwards, I want to reward you".

"Yes of course, what ever you wish".

And she did.

So the line made little difference, it'll probably lie in the back drawer of C's mind for a while and pop up when she is in her selfish and little bit mean mood.

But for now, I think I'll be content with the fact that C has found a place in which she is happy, and that's the best place for her to be until she decides otherwise.

The keyholder fees work very well, the list gets amended to make it fair. This week I forked out more than usual due to her being a bit more strict, I text the statement over to her.

C counted it and said "I'd worked it out to be more than this".

She checked the list I sent then realed of the things I had missed.

I was both surprised and impressed that not only had C read the document of fees. She was using it and keeping tabs?
Maybe this is the best way to go?

Steps in every bloody direction this week.

Happy new year everyone.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by LuckyEddie »

Being honest, you write faster than I can read. I read while working, and in between calls, so after taking breaks and all that life throws at me, I have finally finished your blog. 2 weeks. Thank you. An interesting read.

Several things. My wife was a very vanilla person, if I were to give her a “flavor”. If you have read my blog then you might know a bit about it. I am now dating what I assume to be another vanilla woman, we haven’t gotten that far yet, maybe sometime in the future. I am still grieving the loss of my wife, she is a widow as well and really wants me to take my time before becoming involved again. Not sure we are THAT compatible, time will tell.

I have 6 children, all adopted. Of those, the youngest daughter suffered from anorexia at the age of 5, what they called “restrictive anorexia”, so I completely comprehend the struggles you are going through, and brother I feel for you. That daughter passed in February of 2023, hit and run, so she no longer has issues. Honestly I’d rather have her, with all of her issues, than be where I am now.

You have an inspiring story, and have given me quite a few ideas for how to approach the subject with the woman I am interested in now. But that’s a ways off in the future. Thank you for writing it, and please continue.

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Thanks Eddie. All my best👍
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


All is well on the home front.
We are soldiering on against anerexia, it's hard work and our daughter is doing the bulk of it.
I'm happy to say she is determined to get back to normal life, and if eating is how she has to do that by God she will do it. So far, with our support, meal after meal after meal, we have hit every single one.. Eventually.
She has her mothers determination. She has us. C isn't as stressed about it now and it shows.
A few times she has either made use of me quickly or told me that she was horny and would if she could. Also, out of the blue she said "I haven't decided whether to let you out for an oily edge tomorrow or to keep you locked up"?

My first thought was 'This is what I was talking about?'

"erm.. Can I not put my foot in it and just say nothing"?

"Awww. So considerate. I suppose if I just don't let you come you'll stay a good boy for the weekend. Maybe I should let you out? "

I am saying fuck all. This sounds like bait.


Ah bollocks..

"I'm at your service my lady, what ever you choose will be perfect. Would you like me to rub your feet later".

"Hmmm. Ok. Ill let you do that, and I'll edge you tomorrow. If you come or you're not good I won't let you out for a few weeks".

Phew! I definitely dodged a bullet that time.

Since then C has come on again. It isn't fair all this menopausal stuff, I really feel for her.
So with this on top of everything else things are on hold for a few days.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Been a bit stressful and busy this week.
C mentioned having to tie me down if she has to go much longer, which really made my day. Just to be thought about and wanted in that way with everything that is going on made me feel wanted and proud.
C did eventually say 'Put that fucking knitting away and get to the bedroom.
I had hardly started when C grabbed my head. Started to say "Slow down a..." before an orgasm tore through her.
I got to eat pussy for about 30 seconds.
"Can I have another go please" I asked, "I hardly got any"?
C answered "I think I'll need more. I was going to treat you tomorrow or Friday, so I'll treat you to some more of me instead".
Whilst chatting about a meal we had last year, I mentioned that after getting home C had told to me to fuck her, but I wasn't allowed to come. It was so incredibly hot I'll always remember it.
C said "Hmmm. We can do that instead".
C made use of me again on Friday, she had totally forgotten about the fuck no come thing.
I didn't mention it, I was just as happy eating and fingering C.
This time she lasted all of three minutes.
Then C came out with "I should let you out. I feel mean using you like this".
I was a bit surprised to be honest and put it down to what is happening right now, the stress and being tired?
"But that was what I asked for when I put this cage on and gave you the keys all those years ago. I like it when you're a little bit mean. Would you feel better if you didn't keep my cock locked in a cage?".


"Good. If it helps. One of the most erotic things you did last year was tell me you were going to keep me locked, even though you knew I was really desperate. And then you made me eat your pussy".

C didn't reply, but neither did she repeat the offer to let me out.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

The "I feel guilty or mean" line from C concerned me, it has popped up again when looking at treating herself to a special offer in the january sales.

I wanted to deal with it before it became a problem.

So to help steer C back in the right direction I typed up a "This month's special offer" for her service fee.
C likes special offers and sales.

So the gist was :
C has to have six orgasms in two weeks on seperate. Simple enough normally, but she's not in a confident mood at the moment.

In order to claim her prize she can't let me out during those two weeks no matter how mean or guilty she feels.

If successful she gets double her service fee.

The point being it will help C recover her inner resolve.

As C read the offer, the response was.

"I could treat myself to that handbag."

"You deserve it"

"Oh.. But You can't come out? I was going to have you inside me this week.. Never mind I could still use the vibe.
Ah. It's two weeks? That's a long time to keep you locked. Well at least the extra time will make it easier for me."

"You don't have to start it today. We could do all that stuff and then start it. You can have it all".

"Nope. I'm starting it from yesterday. So I have one orgasm in the bank already. You're staying locked until a week on Thursday".

I'm happy with this. C could have said No. But she chose to chase the prize rather than unlock me and has confirmed I will stay that way whilst being used.

My initial thought was "Wow. Where did all that guilt go?"

Problem solved I hope.

C had wonderful orgasms again on Sunday and Wednesday.

C Also sat on me and gave me a cage grind, asking "Can you imagine it, warm, wet, sliding it in and filling my pussy with cum?" .

"Imagine" ? "I can almost feel it".

Then she climbed off and said
"Well it's not coming out so that's as much as you can have. I'd do more but meh! Can't be bothered, I came already".

That was frustratingly thoughtful of her.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


C had a day of fire and brimstone yesterday. Rue the day you walk before me etc.
Basically she's been using me as a mental and verbal battering ram.
No problem for me,. I know it isn't me really, sometimes you need to let it out.

Then last night the guilt kicked in and that also included the "keeping me locked" being mean.

I said "To me. Mean would be you giving in and not making the most of it".

Nothing more was said. We went to sleep.

Today she feels much better.

I'm on food and care duty for next couple of days so C can join her work colleagues. C was messaging me in her break.

Amongst those was "Use you later". What a wonderful pick me up that is.

So I feel happy today. That line, "use you later" really made my day.

Added to this C then said as a special treat she would play with my cage and let me know all the things I could do if I weren't locked before she uses me.

My Brain just melted and started dripping out below.

If it happens great! If not. It won't change the way I feel right now and I'll not forget this feeling.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


As forewarned. C played with my balls and cage saying how nice it would be to be able to suck on it and use it. Then gave me a fictional ride describing every movement and intentional tease.
She even got to the point where she was describing edging just the head with her pussy lips.
"squeeze my breasts. Ooh yes, just like that. Push it in harder, oh God that's good. Don't come yet, let me just rub my clit against the tip of it. Are you close yet? Should I let you come".

C gave a very 'pleased with herself' and wicked smile when I whimpered "Oh god please let me come".
Then she climbed off. "Aww, but I can't. it's staying locked for at least another weak. I'm so wet now. You can get down there and make come instead".

And that's exactly what I did.

What a wonderful head fucking buzzing mind fuck that was.

On Saturday things went so well at home with feeding we were able to leave our son in charge of our daughter so we could walk into town for an hour and have a meal. Quite exciting since this is the first time we have left the building together since November.
Whilst sat at the table C noticed me staring at her breasts. She asked
"And what is going through your head right now dare I ask?".

"I really would like to fuck those".

She then reached for the key between her breasts and twiddled it whilst saying "You can't. You're locked for at least another week". Then her face lit up "But I'm not. I'm sending you down there again in the morning".

Sunday morning C had me sort her out again. Then vibed my cage over her breasts until a lot of cum came out. An awful lot. I won't say caged orgasm because to me it isn't anything like an orgasm at all. It's more a relief than pleasure, if anything It's painful.
I was made to clean some up.
So another week to go.
C has chalked up five of her six orgasm target already so it'll be an easy win for her.
I'm just happy she is using me again without the guilt.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


I'm sure that C constantly, and quite happily telling me I'm staying locked this week has given her more confidence.
It certainly shows.
Last night C txt me "Sleep time. Come to bed. Don't be long". Then a few seconds later "Actually.. You can't 'Be long' can you lol".
I was quite amused and impressed at that.
There isn't a hint of guilt now, and with the extra confidence C wants more orgasms.
This morning C let me know she would be using me later.
I don't think she is thinking about the goal now (which she is about to smash), rather she is thinking about what she wants, whilst at the same time not having to think about what I might want because there's no point.
C is chalking up orgasms every other day without fail.
Nice one.

This rekindling her confidence was the whole point of setting fees and this 'Special offer' in the first place. I don't actually want to be locked for weeks on end whilst suffering painful Cum relief. Not at all.
I would much rather be released often and orgasm denied.

But most of all. I'd like to find out what C actually wants rather than her trying to work out if she is doing what she thinks I want..

Does this make any sense at all?

Anyway.. As far as I'm concerned mentally this is much easier than orgasm denial and I'm pretty chilled all the time. It doesn't have all the ups and down which I both crave and hate.
I can see why C might prefer my being this way. I don't beg, or need etc. I would certainly like to be taken out, stroked etc. But I'm not desperate to be. I could live with this if it was what C wanted.
I am not about to repeat that to C by the way. Is just my thoughts.

I suppose we might get to discuss this next week?

Latest knitting projects completed. A kermit the frog figure and a moshy monsters big eyeball beanie hat.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Well the two weeks were up on Thursday, but C is enjoying the attention and genuinely feels I'm enjoying being locked for her (which I am). So this is quite a leap forward from last month.

C told me I'm staying locked anyway but I might be treated to a tease and vibe.
C had another orgasm instead and put the vibe off to "maybe tomorrow".
As much as I'd like to come out and have some attention.
I'm really happy with the sort of attention I'm getting. And I really don't want to spoil the admiration and love I have for C at this time.

Whatever she does. That's what I want.

Tomorrow came. C said she would have to change my treat again because she needed de-stressing 'again' , and her reasoning "I'm not locked so I need it more than you do. I'll treat you to me instead".

But mealtime was exhausting and late so C went to work in the morning quite frustrated with "I'm making use of you later".

I'm leaking like a tap. I feel a gentle simmering inside , slowly slowly it builds.

Thursday marked our longest continuous lock up. I'll let her know when she decides to unlock it.

C's frustration grows. She tried her best to make excuses to get time for me to sort her out. But our daughter wanted us to join her on an online family game. How could we refuse.

C was very frisky and wanted it all. That meant me aswell.
After seventeen days locked I could barley move it once inside. C wanted to feel filled so pushed it all the way in and held on for grim life.
C finished me off over her breasts.
Held my balls tight until clean. Her words "It's important you clean up because I know you don't want to. It shows I'm in control".

A good couple of weeks all in all.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(