[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

C edged me while playing a game on her mobile phone.
I like this because it isn't taking C's time up as such and it lasts longer because she forgets the time. After melting my brain this way for what seemed like four years, C asked "I think my boobies look sexy. Do you think my boobies look sexy?"

I nearly came. C released her grip. "Yes they are amazing and beautiful just like you. You have fabulous boobies"

C seemed to consider something for a second and then said.

"I want to see how sexy you think they are. Fuck them".

My jaw dropped as I stared at her.


I put my very well edged penis between C's breasts and started to slide between them.. Within seconds I had to tense up and try to hold the cum back.

C pushed me away as I grunted my disapproval. The sudden absence of that wonderful feeling was torturous.

"OK. I'm convinced they must look very sexy. You can lock that back up now. No cuming for you this week".

This is exhausting, but I locked as soon as I could because C would pat me and say how good I was.
I handed C the keys.

"Good boy".
I swooned at hearing this. Why is this type of attention so good?

C looked very please and told me

"I'm working in the Men's department next week and wondered if these should be on show or not (pointing to her cleavage) . You make me feel sexy enough to do this".

I felt a real sence of pride hearing that I had made C feel this way, and I really hoped the 'Men' would notice how incredibly sexy C is when she wants to be. It would be good for her, a boost to her ego.

C must be enjoying the Men's department. She is very chatty and excited. C made use of my tongue and toys and came incredibly hard on Saturday, Monday and again today.

I wondered what I would do if C decided to change the direction this is going in?

I decided It didn't matter what she wanted as long as C is happy and loves me, I'm on top of the world.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


I thought I was going to come. C definitely made me think this.
I'd done a few good turns for her today, saved her from being late for work, took C's car to be mended, took and fetched the kids from school, made fresh cookie's and coffee for when she got home all on a day I should have been at work myself.
Not for reward, simply because C needed me, my help, I love her and I have her back always.
C told me I'd be rewarded well. I'd been good and helpful.
C let me out of the cage and stoked me slowly to the boil, kept me there for half an hour, then started saying "you've been a very good boy, you deserve this."
I waited for the final strokes, the big finish and "But your not allowed to come".
"Oh my god.. Please, I thought.."
"Do not come, you can make Me come soon. But now you have to lock it back up. Stay horny for me and make me come hard when I want to. This is the reward. Tell me you don't want it".

My head spun. I honestly didn't know what to say. C had let go and was looking at me waiting.
"Oh my god thank you so much. You're fucking amazing".
"Oh I know I am. Now get that thing locked or no eating pussy".
It was a struggle get it back on. Took ages.
Head still spinning, cock cramed in cage, I went to make suppers.

Came back into the bedroom, C showed me her breasts. Told me she had considered making me lick my cum off them.

I asked "Did you want me to eat your pussy now?"

"Nope. The waiting is all part of it"

Friday morning wood was enough to wake me and visit the loo. C teased me, held my balls and then said I could 'Put my, tongue in'. I was dying to eat C's pussy. Hard, horny, hungry I went down straight away only to hear "push it right in, but don't move it. No licking".

This was a different type of frustration.

30 seconds later "OK, enough. I'm going for a shower, you make breakfast".

The treat is my being locked for C, wanting her more, the denial and control.
Being told I can't come, keeping it locked. The frustration is a massive turn on, knowing Ill be locked and used. The teasing is the icing on the cake.

C is definitely nailing it this week.

Friday teased and dripping.
I took C out for the day shopping, including lunch. I delighted in being with her and wanting her. C delighted in teasing me and making use of my being generously flirtatious, as well as generous whilst shopping.
C has said she prefers me horny and might have to re-think how she makes use of me. "The more I say" No". The more you say "Yes".. Hmmm. So what else can I keep you horny for? "

C also let me know my tongue would be inside her for a much longer time tomorrow, that she needs to come quite badly now "Omg. It's been three days! ".
Also that she might allow me to put my cock in afterwards for a minute, but I can't come so I'd have to wear a sleeve.
It took a while for the wave of hormones to wear off after washing over me. Cage bulging and leaking and Light headed.

Oh. My. God. My frustration meter is going off the charts
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Is there such a thing as a mind-gasm?

C made use of me. Tongue, toys, vibrator. But before doing so she unlocked me so I could put on a condom, then the thick sleeve, then another condom, and then another for good measure.
It isn't true to say there is no feeling, I could still feel preasure. Just like you do when wearing welding gloves. You can't feel any sensation, but you know you've got hold of it. Pulling the trigger. With experience your mind works the rest out.

I was allowed to put it in for a minute after C had had her orgasm.

What a mind fuck.
I was horny enough to nearly come while wrapping my cock up in the first place.

C Came hard and then said she was ready to take me inside her.

I could tell it was going in, there was a slight warming up sensation. Resistance causing slight pressure at the base of my penis. C took it all then grunted as I bottomed out.
She then said "fuck me slowly, but you're not allowed to come" .
I slowly withdrew and pushed back in, then got into a rhythm.
The rhythm is also a big contribution to coming because I started to build up as I did this.

Then C started fucking my brain with dirty talk and fantasy about being locked, eating pussy, coming and cleaning her up.
She came again.
I had to stop and breath and concentrate on not coming.
Just because my mind decided it wanted to dump all my cum out of me regardless of the fact that my dick felt numb?

Then C told me I 'Could come if I wanted to. Inside the rubber'.

It was like I didn't have a choice. My brain said "fuck this. I'm going for it". I was still. I hadn't even moved and I was building up to a big fucker. I used everything I had to hold it back.

C: "But if you do. You don't get to come on my tits tomorrow and you stay locked".

I pulled out, but it didn't help much because it wasn't the feeling in my dick that was making me blow.
My brain was doing it all.

I continued to fight it back, on the edge of coming. Eyes closed because one look at C laying there with a gaping pussy would have me spurting into rubber. I really did not want that.

I slowly calmed down. Let out a breath. I hadn't managed a minute even with all that gear on.

C sat looking post orgasm satisfied and amused.

"Wow C that was so close".

C "Yeah. I'm just an incredibly good fuck. I'm too much for you. Get it locked. "

I did eventually. My mind is fragmented. My dick doesn't know what is going on. I'm being played with this week for some reason? (Men's department?).
Weeks like this make it too exciting not to become addicrive. No wonder locked guys want their wives to get into other guys, this is powerful shit.

I didn't feel anything in my dick, but my brain simply filled the missing spaces so that when I think back I can feel every part of every stroke. I would have had a full on orgasm because my brain essentially simulated the stimulation on my behalf. A Mindgasm? Braingasm?
What a head fuck.

It is so much easier just being locked and eating pussy than being let out and brought to the boil again and again.

C has gone out for the day, I'm finding useful things to do, terrified now that I might blow my chances for tomorrow.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Sunday. Not what I'd had assumed.

True to her word I was to come on C's breasts, but she hadn't said she would unlock me. Had she?
With the aid of C's vibe and her gentle fingertip stokes through the bars I came quickly and for a surprisingly long time.

It wasn't like a normal orgasm. It flowed out of the urethral tube in waves and I never felt I had really got there, just a continuous need for more, so I kept the vibe on hoping to reach that climax. It seems without some sort of stimulation in the right places it ain't gona happen. No orgasm as such, no big fanale, no refractory period or down time. just an absence of cum which took the edge off.

C asked "whats wrong, you come and you still look frustrated? "

"I'd assumed I'd be let out for this".

Well you know what they say about assume. I'll let you off with the licking it up bit".

"Actually. I still feel horny enough that I'd really like to do that".

"Awww that's nice. No. Go make breakfast".

I feel like I've been mugged and robbed". Can't complain though, I realise how lucky I've been this week.
4 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

I normally get a few days repite from morning wood waking me after I've come.
Coming in the cage hasn't given me that. If anything It was harder on Monday then harder each day since. But it did take the edge off being overly horney like normal.
It's like my head is fine but my body just kept going and I've remained overly obedient. C has noticed.
This week is back to the routine. Me on this day, you on this day etc. So C made use of me on Wednesday.
While C was letting me know the schedule I had to ask "But. If you did get impulsively horny you would still make use of me?"
"Yes of course. I just like routines, you know this".

"OK. That's a relief. I think? ".

Thursday evening C edged me whilst paying little or no notice other than to let me know I wasn't allowed to come and would lock up straight away.
She did add "But I can come when ever I want".

As a bonus treat in Friday (not sure what for. Maybe the new shoes? Earrings? Lunches?) anyway, for my efforts C let me have a ten second Tip. Tongue in pussy, but don't move it.

Saturday I'm scheduled to give C another orgasm.

Another skill i have acquired is Baking.c has me wear a lilac tabbard whilst making cakes and cookies with the kids.

C enjoys saying.
"Aww Doesn't Daddy look pretty in his pinnie".

I'm Just damn proud to be part of it, and my cookies are fabulous.
4 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Things got back to normal. C made use of me on the Saturday. Let me out on Sunday, sucked and fed it to me.
Then a problem to do with one of the kids health popped up so C skipped a few days.

We did get out for a meal, C had decided she wanted a keyholders fee, and has now told me what it will be.
C also pointed out that I always get what I want, so it's only fair she does too.
I questioned this? (silly me).
"I locked you up, let you out, make you do chores, ask you to treat me, smack your balls or use you in any way I want.. Whatever I do. It's what you want. So no matter what I do, I should be getting something for it other than giving you more of what you want".

I sat a bit dumbfound and then replied "I honestly can't fault your logic. Your keyholders fee sounds very fair. I will of course pay it" .
C then looked at me and said "That just made you horny? Unbelievable".
I got a ten second tongue in pussy for the meal and for being so agreeable.

Edged on Thursday and then C made use of me on Friday.
This time she specifically asked for the big one. She said it hurt a bit whilst getting used to it, but worth it to have a fast hard orgasm.
Sunday C let me out for an orgasm of my own, but first she held her hand out and said "you owe me some money".

Later that day I lost my temper with one of the kids. I felt bad for doing it, but it needed to be done.
C understood, but also pointed out that had she not let me come I might have handled it differently. Also she said "I might have to keep it locked up for a few weeks as a reminder".
3 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Wednesday C let me finger fuck her. She thought it would make a nice change.

C came with a bit of a squirt and jerked like crazy.

C said "Wow.. I'd forgotten how nice it feels when you use your fingers."

"Yeah, for me to. You feel amazing. I got to give you a g-spot orgasm, that was so fucking hot, even for me considering I'm locked?"

"I suppose it's because you're penetrating me instead of a toy..
Didn't you used to do that before you fucked my pussy?.."

"Yeah.. I'd finger fuck you, make you come then pin you down and give you the real thing."

"Ahhh memories of things that were but are no more. Go make coffee".
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Still locked. Still completing my penance. I'm horny. Too horny.
I need.. Something. Anything to ease this.
I'm home early, have an hour spare. I'll take a shower. Take my. Prostate toys with me...

Monumental fuck up on my part.

So, as you may know C bought me a prostate massager for my birthday, which she has no problem with as long as I'm discreet. In short she would rather not know what I'm up to regards this thing. I also have a manual tapered bead thing (helps to ease it in).
I do mention the massager from time to time in hope C will eventually allow me to have it in whilst edging etc. I suppose I'm trying to very slowly normalise it.
I use the massager whilst showering sometimes, but this time, due to door bell answered in towel followed by a phone call I forgot to clear them away.
C came home and asked me "How long they had been on display?"

"What? Oh. Oh shit! I got distracted and.."

To say C wasn't happy is an understatement. She actually posted a message on the family group to say "If you saw anything. These things were nothing to do with me, they where Dads prostate toys and any question should be address to Dad".

In all fairness the kids (one is officially an adult now, with the other not far behind), came back with "No questions, Dad's allowed a private life ya know?"

Regardless. I was fined on the spot (money wise). Had all my points taken off me and told I would be kept locked until further notice...or worse.

Worse? Wtf does that mean? I have no idea and I really don't want to find out.

It isn't all bad though.
The next day C said she recognised I had these things, that she know she is married to a kinky slightly perverted Man, basically "A Man", and for whatever reason I seem to need some things in my life that she doesn't get, but tries not to judge.
So please be more discreet in future.

In other words. Not an outright ban, or a get that stuff out of my house (my house? I alway like that one).
It was a general acceptance of who/what I am allbeit in an expensive punished kind of way.

So this week I've been locked and used.

Today C told be I'd be tongue, vibe and finger fucking her in the morning. She hasn't yet decided if she will then make me "numb dick cumless fuck her" (for her benefit of course), or she might keep it locked and make me come in my cage instead, because she knows that both hurts and frustrates me.

My brains melted at the mention of "finger fuck". The rest has had me drooling precum ever since.

I'm both excited and terrified.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

C chose to make use of me, tongue, vibe finger fuck, toy, and then give me a caged orgasm.

A caged orgasm with a urethral tube can be painful. It's not too bad if I'm going from zero to pop as I come pretty quickly.
But if I'm hard beforehand (from morning wood), it's just bearable before the vibe hits me, then it gets painful, even more so after eating pussy.
My arousal built and the pain built, The arousal always a tad ahead of the pain. My need to come enabled me to take it.
C did a great job tit teasing me and telling me I'd be staying locked. Then I blew. Cum oozed out of the tube onto C's breasts and the need to come passed. The pain then registered.

"ahhhhhh.. Fuck fuck.. Ahhhh".

"Stop wining and clean this up"

"Aaahhh! I can't move".

"This bit is running down me. Get it cleaned up Now!"

I was still super swollen and hurting so I didn't care, just licked it up.

"Blah yuck! That is so disgusting.. Ok. Now clean up the rest of it".

The pain bit afterwards was horrible, totally destroyed any pleasure from the after effects, which are about the only pleasurable part anyway with a caged O.

I was left with empty balls so even the pleasure of the frustration has gone, and I can't reminisce on the pleasure I had.

C said she would "Lock me up or worse"?

This is worse.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


C's fee was bigger than I expected last week.
She gets a set amount plus bonuses for pretty much anything she does regarding control Including denial.
C pointed out that denying me and keeping me locked could earn her more than if she let me out if she was clever about it.

C wanted everything on Wednesday. Breast massage, tongue, vibe, finger fuck, toy and some Mr pickle. Woot!

C unlocked me after 9 days and told me "Don't touch it. Just put the sleeve on".
That was a disappointment, the sleeve is thick and dense with no ridges etc. So even though I'm unlocked it hardly makes a difference from being caged. No complaints from me though, I had my first hard on for over a week, and I would be getting on top of C.
C had a mind blowing orgasm before I got my chance.
By the time she was ready to let me in it had passed so I was of little use to her other than to delight in verbal teasing me and mocking me. "Your tongue and you fingers are better than this thing, it doesn't really deserve to be in me, maybe I should just keep it locked rather than suffer the disappointment". "It's been so long since you made me come with that thing, I think you've forgotten how". "Good job you have a sleeve or you'd just cum prematurely, like a desperate boy virgin".
That sort of thing. And she really did seem to be enjoying it.
I didn't get long at all before I was told to "Get it out, it's useless, let it go soft in the sleeve and lock back up".
So apart from pulling it out of the cage and cramming it back in I didn't get to touch it.
However C is please with my additional attention and with the fact that letting me do this has earned her a bonus on top of her fee. So pleased in fact she has indicated she 'might' edge me tomorrow.

Then the next day when I asked if she had thought about it C said "What? Let you out again? Why on earth would I do that?".

"Oh. I though yesterday was a bonus thing?".

I must have looked crestfallen because C said "Hmmm. I'll consider it, but don't ask again".

C Did edge me (just now) , she said she had intended to because I've been so much fun, and she was enjoying keeping me alert like a hungry puppy.
3 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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