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Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:58 pm
by CaptivatedCaveman
So where were we? The night of Saturday the 2nd, when I made love to my wife like I had never done before. I was able to pound into her without being limited by my cock's sensitivity. Three orgasms for her and none for me, not even a drop. And my arousal at the denial and submitting to her will made the entire experience beyond anything I would have ever expected in our marriage. We went through some very rough patches and I didn't think something like this would ever be in the cards. More on that another time perhaps.

The evening of Sunday the 3rd my wife allowed me a ruined orgasm. No need for detail here - I'd just be repeating myself. One of the realities of life is that most of it is either repetition or variations on a theme. The new stuff, when it comes, is amazing, but you can't live there all the time.

Anyway, I think maybe that last ruined orgasm was a tad too much pleasure for me. I felt my headspace drop afterwards. Not as far as from a full orgasm, but she had been teasing so many ejaculations out of me recently that a good deal of pressure was let off the cooker.

The rest of the week was uneventful. My wife was back at work but leaving a little early as her body finished healing. She'd come home exhausted every night and go straight to bed, leaving me feeling a bit lonely. One of the effects of denial is an increased desire for intimacy and romance, not just sex, but I wasn't getting even that.

In the past I could easily have let that train of thought cycle out of control and complain selfishly about the lack of attention. I think the fact that I had a slight drop in my headspace from the weekend opened the door to me experiencing those feelings, but my new outlook prevented them from governing my actions.

Of course my wife loves me, I reminded myself. There's no need to doubt or feel insecure. She's having a hard time. She's dead tired. Just take care of her, the house and the kids. That's all I have to do. The rest will happen when she's ready.

On Friday my wife assured me that we'd get some time Saturday night. She expressed how much she has appreciated all the work I've been doing. I went to bed eager with anticipation.

Saturday morning. I get up, make my coffee, feed the kids and let them play quietly. I go upstairs and find my wife awake. And it hits me - the kids are all downstairs. They're getting along. Everything is under control. Why wait for tonight? Maybe we could have a little teaser before the main event.

I lock the bedroom door and get into bed. Starting slowly at first but rapidly picking up steam I ravish my wife. She's pleasantly receptive and soon I have my tongue buried in her ass and pussy. She comes hard. And then...

What is it about trying to have sex that makes batteries in game controllers suddenly die? And apparently summons the lawn guy for a surprise mowing?

So that was it for the morning tease. We continue enjoying our weekend. Nothing planned except a friend joining us later in the evening. After lunch I realize that there is another opportunity to grab some time together. Once again I lock the bedroom door and am soon lapping at my wife's pussy. My hunger for her is overwhelming these days.

She rolls onto her belly and brings herself off with her magic wand as I tongue-fuck her ass. If I was lusting for her before, I'm practically rutting now. I slide up and press the head of my cock against her soaking pussy. She raises her hips slightly and I slide in. Fireworks go off inside me. She feels incredible. The longer I'm denied the more delicious her pussy becomes.

I manage a single thrust and I have to stop. I try and control myself and thrust again. No good. I have to stop again. My wife is grunting in annoyance. I grab another Performax condom and slip it on. She rolls over onto her back and I enter her again. I'm too crazed with lust to wait for the numbing agent to work. I keep trying to pound into her and have to keep stopping. I concentrate. Just as I begin to pick up the pace, BAM! Someone pounds on our door. My wife's legs, which were hooked around mine, straighten explosively, yanking me out of her.

"Who is it?" I call out. There's no answer.

Does the other controller need batteries now? I didn't hear any fighting.

"Who is it?" I call out again as I pull on my clothes. Still no answer. I open the door.

It's the dog.

I look at him. He looks back up at me. Just wanted to let you know I was here, his expression says. Thanks pal.

I look back at my wife, a hopeful expression on my face.

"Uh-uh," she says. "That's all you get for not being able to fuck me properly."

Sigh. It's going to be a long couple of hours until the main event. I cook dinner, our friend gets here late and leaves even later. It's too late to do anything. It's seven weeks since I've had an orgasm.

We go to bed and I hope Sunday night will be better.

All day Sunday I'm slightly on edge, hoping for sex. We put the kids to bed and my wife picks up on my irritation. She deliberately chooses non-sexual activities to start the evening. I try to hide my annoyance but I can't fool her.

When I ask if we're going to do anything tonight she tells me no. She doesn't like my attitude and has decided I'm not going to be let out of the cage for another week. Actually, since I had to give up on the 1 3/4 inch base ring as it was too tight and switched to the 1 7/8 inch ring, what she really means is I'm going to wear it until a testicle pops out (daily), re-secure myself and continue like that for a week.

I go to bed feeling pretty upset that night. I had been looking forward to making love, touching and being touched all week long. It was especially difficult because she had fallen asleep right after getting home all week. So lonely.

But the problem was I hadn't managed those feelings. I let them spill out and mar our time together. I had accidentally slipped into old "tit-for-tat" behavior patterns. I had gotten her off, when is my turn?

Once I realized what I had done my mood shifted. I understood why she had denied me and agreed with her decision. So here I am, writing this while locked in my cage, counting off the days of the week in the hopes for what may come this weekend, but not expecting anything. As it should be.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:50 pm
by Barons

I'm new to these forms to but I'm really enjoying reading this thread. (I just got to the one where you were talking about not getting any replies) Thanks for writing this it's given me a new perspective and I'm only on the 3rd post. =)

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:01 pm
by CaptivatedCaveman
Barons, I'm glad you find my journal helpful. That third post does show a little more insecurity than I realized I was carrying around. At this point I just write and assume that the rising view counter means people are interested. My wife has also said that she likes the idea of having our exploration of chastity documented so we can reflect on the journey later.


Now that I've done some more reading I'm a little embarrassed at that choice of words for the title of this thread. I must have sounded so naive. Ah well. What's done is done.

I mentioned in my last post that I was having trouble with the 1 3/4 inch base ring. No matter what I did, after about 48 hours it became intolerable to wear. Just too damn tight. So I switched to the 1 7/8 inch ring. It's far more comfortable and now I don't even wake up during morning wood. The downside is that once a day a testicle pops out as my scrotum involuntarily contracts - usually in the morning.

And it doesn't happen fast either. It generally starts with a burning sensation that gets worse over the course of a half hour, ending with that blindingly painful ball-crushing moment. The gap must be just barely large enough for the nut to squeeze through.

I'm planning on writing up some detailed thoughts about trapped ball devices in the 'Thinking about Metal' thread. Maybe later today. Depends how the rest of the day goes.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:52 pm
by Sir Chaste
CaptivatedCaveman: What make and model of CD are you wearing? Is it made of plastic, metal, or custom Stainless Steel? Is it possible for you to adjust the gap yourself (plastic series), or send the CD back to the manufacturer (custom order) to have it adjusted for you? In that way, you would be able to continue wearing the one-and-7/8 inch base ring, with a smaller gap between the base ring and the cage.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:07 pm
by CaptivatedCaveman
I am currently wearing a CB6000S with the shortest spacer and, as I mentioned, the 1 7/8 inch base ring. I am going to post my thoughts about switching to metal in the Devices forum, but the short answer is I'm planning to purchase a Mature Metal Jailbird.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:44 pm
by Sir Chaste
CaptivatedCaveman: That sounds like a much better solution to your problem! I am currently waiting for the delivery of my own MM JailBird. As you have probably read in other threads, I would recommend that you first purchase their set of nine plastic measuring rings, and then follow the enclosed instruction sheet, in order to obtain the most accurate measurements possible for your CD order. The standard gap recommended by MM is 3/8 inch, but that can be reduced to 1/4 inch or 1/8 inch. The smallest locking post and spacer available with the CB6000s provide a gap of 1/4 inch (I just measured my old CD), so you will probably have to request one of 1/8 inch. Good luck with your order!

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:23 am
by CaptivatedCaveman
The Best Father's Day Present Ever

After another week of (sort of) patiently waiting for some free time with my wife, I get my first Father's Day present on Saturday night.

My wife and I lie naked on the bed. All I'm wearing is the chastity device. She lies on her back and directs me to her feet, which I kiss and lick, much to her enjoyment. And mine. I start to work my way up her calves but she pins me to the bed, one foot on my throat and the other leg draped across my chest. Her thighs are spread wide, providing me with a full view of her pussy. She smiles at me and wriggles her hips suggestively, teasing me with a tantalizing view of heaven, held just out of reach.

She pulls her magic wand out of her nightstand.

"I thought I'd make you watch," she says as she flicks the vibrator on. She places the head on her clit and is moaning within moments. Unable to resist I keep trying to sit up and bury my face between her thighs but each time she tightens her muscles and holds me down. My cock is straining painfully in its cage. I've heard of seeing red with rage, but I'm seeing red with lust. My mouth is salivating.

Her moans become louder, her movements more urgent, and then suddenly she's coming, long and hard. She turns off the vibrator and looks at me with a grin worthy of the Cheshire Cat.

"That was lovely," she says as she runs her feet over me. Her hand bats at my caged cock. Her nails scratch along my balls. She does this for a while. Long enough for me to wonder if I'm going to be let out tonight. Finally she pulls out the key and unlocks the cage. My cock pops out and grows fast. She grips it firmly and starts pumping. Sometimes she builds my arousal slowly but this time she ramps me right up to the edge of orgasm quickly.

She sits up and swings a leg over my head. I'm thrilled. I can never get enough of what is about to happen. I watch as she lowers her pussy onto my face. I bury my tongue inside her. She's soaked from her orgasm of a few minutes earlier. I watch the twin globes of her ass rock back and forth as she grinds herself on my face.

She lowers herself onto my body. I can feel her breath on my cock. I go absolutely still - I can't remember the last time she took me in her mouth. Not because she doesn't like to, we just haven't gotten around to it in a while. I feel something wet on the tip of my cock. Her tongue? Saliva?

She spreads the wetness around with her hand. Saliva then. She teases my slick cock with her fingers, gently now, deftly holding me at the edge of orgasm. Every once and a while my muffled moans turn to strangled cries as I reach the point of no return. Each time she backs off for a few seconds so I can recover. Each time I have to clench down hard to hold back my climax. Each time I barely succeed.

One time a small drop leaks out, which my wife collects with a finger and spreads onto my shaft. She teases me verbally as she does so. She adds a little more saliva. Again she starts teasing, stroking just with her fingers, even more lightly now. All the while I'm lapping at her pussy, the beautiful bud of her asshole winking at me from just inches away. I'm wishing I could reach that too.

I start to moan urgently again. My orgasm is building. She doesn't stop her stroking. She doesn't tighten or accelerate her movements. What she does do is drive her weight down onto my face, smothering me. I can't see, I can't breath. I thrash helplessly as my ejaculation begins. She lets go of my cock as spurt after spurt of cum splash onto my belly in a massively intense ruined orgasm.

Finally it's over and she rolls off me.

"Happy Father's Day," she says with a grin. Then she cleans me off and locks me back up.

Happy Father's Day, indeed.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:56 am
by CaptivatedCaveman
As I shared last time, my Father's Day was amazing. It started the night before with my wife and I having an amazing love-making session and continued the next morning with some very cute presents from the kids, a fabulous breakfast followed by a delicious steak lunch. Best Father's Day ever.

After that the following week was challenging. My wife and I didn't have an opportunity for any more time together until last Thursday. While the lack of sexual contact during these periods is tough, it's the lack of any intimate moments together that I find to be the real challenge. Finally on Thursday night my wife got home early enough that we were able to curl up in bed together after putting the kids to sleep.

After nuzzling and kissing, massaging her and running my fingernails across her back, she says to me, "You can worship me for ten minutes from my knees down."

I have a mild foot fetish that has been growing rapidly since we started exploring chastity. As frustrating as it is not to be able to use my tongue on her anywhere else, I found myself overjoyed as I licked and sucked on her feet and toes.

I sat up, raising her legs in the air as I moved up to her hips as though I were going to fuck her. My cock strained against its cage as it brushed against her pussy. Then I sat down and lay back, letting her feet rest on my face as I did so. My caged cock was still brushing against her.

"That's cheating," she said.

With a small groan I moved myself down the bed slightly until only her legs and feet were touching me. I spent the rest of my allotted time with her feet covering my face or pressed against my throat. She commented later on how much she enjoyed it, particularly, as she put it, my blissed out expression.

I had been drifting into a bit of a depressed mood over the course of the week, missing having time with my wife. I was pleasantly surprised by how happy and fulfilled I felt after having some time with her. It was a relief to know that I could still be happy while being denied sexual contact.

I have to admit it was tougher in the days following, though. The foot worship had primed me sexually and the energy had nowhere to go. I reached the end of my rope Saturday night. My wife could see I was out of sorts and agreed to milk a drop out of me. Unfortunately that's not all she got.

"What's this?" she cried as as spurt after spurt of cum poured onto my belly. "This is unacceptable. You're going to have to wait much longer before I give you any release again."

I nodded through my tears of relief and joy. The ruined orgasm she had given me was not only a physical experience. It was one of the most emotional cathartic experiences I've ever had. It's been more than two months since I've had a full orgasm.

I am both excited and fearful at the prospect of going longer without any sexual contact. The short stints I've experienced thus far have made me painfully aware of just how challenging it's going to be. It's going to require some serious mental focus. I don't want to fall into my old behavior patterns again. I have to make this all about her and not worry about myself. Time will tell how it goes.

Long term chastity is going to require a better chastity device, though. One testicle keeps popping out of the CB6000S. My wife leaves the key in her nightstand to I can remove the chastity device, wait a short while for my scrotum to relax and then re-secure myself. Not an ideal situation. Switching to a metal device quickly became a top priority.

On Monday I ordered a Mature Metal Jailbird with an extra ring around the cage. Hopefully this will allow me to live in chastity 24/7 until my wife decides to unlock me.

Which might be a while. I was talking to her on the phone the other day as she was driving home, telling her when we could expect the Jailbird to arrive.

"Oh, interesting...," she said, letting her voice trail off.

I guessed what she was thinking, but rather than let on, I asked her what she meant as butterflies bounced around in my stomach.

"It'll be here before our anniversary. To celebrate maybe I'll lock you up and not let you out until our next anniversary."

And involuntary gasp escaped my lips. Yup, it was exactly what I was hoping and fearing she would say. As my silence stretched on she cracked up.

"Oh, I wish I could see your face right now," she said through her laughter.

I could barely speak for the next five minutes. I had to keep stopping and take deep breaths. Each time I did she laughed again at my obvious arousal. If anything my reaction made it all the more likely she'll actually go through with it.

I'm still not sure which emotion is stronger, the fear or the arousal. I suppose I'm going to find out. I hope?

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:34 pm
by CaptivatedCaveman
Things have been slowly evolving here of late. In the first few weeks of chastity my wife would release and tease me frequently, edging me and either squeezing out a few drops of cum or bring me to a ruined orgasm.

But that sort of play is becoming much less frequent. Instead our lovemaking is becoming more and more focused on her, with me pleasuring her while I remain locked up. The last time my cock received any pleasure was about a week and a half ago, when I was allowed to fuck her while wearing the desensitizing condoms. After she had her orgasm I was locked right back up.

Since then I've been allowed to suck on her toes while she kneads my trapped balls with her other foot, or to massage her while we are lying in bed, pausing only for long, slow, deep kisses. Today she had me go down on her for a good long time before turning me over and sitting on my face. We finished as we have frequently of late, with my tongue in her ass as she grinds herself into her magic wand.

That a toy she's beginning to really dislike, by the way. She can get off with it but it's far too strong for her. She has complained of feeling numb after using it too long. We'll probably look for a more mild vibrator some time in the near future, after we have finished digesting the expense of the Jailbird. I'm still anxiously waiting for it to arrive. Partly because I'm still a little worried that it won't work. What if my measurements were off? What if they were correct but it just isn't the right device for me? Maybe I'll still pop out.

And of course the flip side is - what if it's perfect? What if I can wear it indefinitely? My wife has been expressing interest in having me go for longer and longer stretches locked up. She's said such things as, "I think you created a monster," and "I'm enjoying torturing you," and just yesterday, "you know, I didn't think I'd like this as much as I am. I thought I'd feel like I was losing something. But with all the love and attention you've been showering on me...this is great."

That's the part I find to be incredibly arousing but at the same time makes me feel like I'm in a plummeting elevator. I find myself getting more comfortable with living in an indefinite state of arousal. Not that I was doing too badly before, but I've been adjusting to the idea that we are really transitioning to a more intense (deeper?) level. The one truly difficult part, the emotionally painful part, is when my wife has been too tired or busy for any intimacy. That still feels very lonely.

She's noticed this and has been making a concerted effort to make sure we spend a little time together almost every night. Even if it's just cuddling and kissing, or licking her toes while we sit on the couch watching TV, those moments make all the difference.

That's all for now.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:50 pm
by J Random reader
CaptivatedCaveman wrote: "It'll be here before our anniversary. To celebrate maybe I'll lock you up and not let you out until our next anniversary."
:lol: Epic!

I asked the misses. "How long do you think is a reasonable maximum?" "Two years. Do you think you could go two years?" Total deadpan. & she gets upset when I take her serious & object. Or last break, on the edge of my last orgasm, she asked "What if I stopped here? Made you wait til our November?" "You mean September?" "Isn't next time November?" "No!" "Oh. Really? OK September then" Pretty funny. Gotta Love a lady with a sense of humor.