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Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:05 pm
by kept4her

We discussed this early in our marriage and my wife was very clear that intercourse just didn't do it for her. So oral and vibrators were the way. Plus for me, getting to see that orgasm from between her legs.... No better view :)

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:05 pm
by kept4her
Being in chastity there has always been one fear that my wife would just not except the chastity and we would be at a crossroad. For me things have worked out really well. My wife isn't just "jumping at the chance" to tease me or deny me. But she is quite fine with me in chastity and I do believe getting use to each week me focusing on her orgasm with none for me.

I explained over the years that everything had been so focused on my orgasm. I would insure she would have a orgasm each time (usually) before me but it was a race to get hers over with so that I could get mine. If she didn't feel good or just wasn't in the mood, well good old masturbation took over. So as most men I was very self centered.

How the chastity has changed that. Now I long to make her orgasm's long and as good as I can. I love feeling her body move, watching the legs quiver, hear her breath and sounds. I use a hand held vibrator to separate my body from her as much as possible. So that her orgasm is completely hers to enjoy. To think of what she wants and not have it changed by my touch.

I find myself happier in my marriage than I have ever been and closer to her than ever. We both agree that it has been a positive change. She is pretty quiet about it all but when she does speak it is all positive so I am a happy chaste...

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:50 pm
by RegularJoe
kept4her wrote:RegularJoe,

We discussed this early in our marriage and my wife was very clear that intercourse just didn't do it for her. So oral and vibrators were the way. Plus for me, getting to see that orgasm from between her legs.... No better view :)
There truly isn't a better feeling than being wilfully denied orgasm while one's queen experiences total sexual release. Many a morning, my wife stimulates me to near release....and I spend the day in glorious sexual tension...hoping for another chance to bring her to climax and then even further denial of my easily met sexual needs. She reads me like a book....and plays me for her well-deserved pleasure. I worship the very ground she walks upon.

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:21 am
by TwistedMister
I would insure she would have a orgasm each time (usually) before me but it was a race to get hers over with so that I could get mine. If she didn't feel good or just wasn't in the mood, well good old masturbation took over.
Now that I think about it, this has been my MO as well. Beginning with the second woman with whom I have had a sexual relationship, I have had a habit of making sure that *she* got off first. At least part of that was from knowing that I could be a little quicker on the trigger than a chick might be, but I think that another part of it was my enjoyment of the [self-imposed] delayed gratification. (Although, typically, I would rub out a quick one an hour or two before an expected sexual encounter in order to take the edge off.) However, I can recall times where there has been the 'race' you speak of, rushing to get her off so that I could get mine.

Now, it's a little different. Mrs. Twisted sometimes can take a while to get there but there is no longer a 'race' with my reward coming at the end (pun not originally intended). Recently, she apologized for 'taking so long'- I'm still having trouble convincing her that she shouldn't worry about how long it takes, that she should just enjoy it for however long it goes on...which, if she enjoyed it more and worried about it less, would probably speed things up. I'm sure that her worry about the time actually adds to it, but detracts from her enjoyment of it.

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:49 am
by RegularJoe
My wife could care less how long I have to lick her clit, vagina, and asshole to provide her an orgasm...I'm in for the duration. Sometimes my tongue is literally swollen and speech is difficult (that really tickles the hell out of her). She did, however, make one concession...Liberator ramps....which helps my neck and keeps her much more comfortable through her rather extended oral pleasure events.

By the way...the ramp makes a 69 most erotic (her on top, of course)... I can breath so much better in that position....and it keeps me continuously in the humiliating spot of facing that pretty pink rosebud of her asshole. She frequently feeds me a creampie using the liberator in such a manner....gravity assists quite nicely....and shes such a squirter that a thick towel under my head is necessary...the old cliche about 'feeling like a glazed donut' is completely true after such an episode!

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:29 am
by kept4her
TwistedMister wrote:
Recently, she apologized for 'taking so long'- I'm still having trouble convincing her that she shouldn't worry about how long it takes, that she should just enjoy it for however long it goes on...which, if she enjoyed it more and worried about it less, would probably speed things up. I'm sure that her worry about the time actually adds to it, but detracts from her enjoyment of it.


We are in that boat also. She worries at times how long it takes or feels bad that it took her longer to orgasm, feeling bad at times and I am working on her not to worry not to feel bad, to just relax, not worry and enjoy the ride. Plus to just relax and enjoy the fact that it is all about her now.

She is slowly getting use to being able to orgasm, then be able to roll and go to sleep or pull out a book, whatever she wants to do but not have to worry about me.

The funny thing is, every time I get to bring her to orgasm I find myself wanting to stay in longer. She is quite happy with once a week having a orgasm and I would love to up that to two or three times a week for her but she is fine with one right now. I have offered many times and she is "thinking about it and see how it goes". I explained the other day that everything was about me all these years of marriage and now I want it to be all about her.

I keep thinking about it but haven't said anything yet.... I keep thinking, cut my release dates down greatly. I can honestly see where I could stay in and have a maximum amount of releases being 3 times a year. I see a actual amount being 2. as a max/min if I offered with the dates being our anniversary and my birthday.

But that is something I want her very comfortable with also and as things go we will learn.

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:47 pm
by kept4her
My thoughts of how my wife is dealing with the chastity always causes some worries that she might not be "all on board" and if it makes her uncomfortable in any way I would have problems wearing my device.

Just the other day we were talking about it and I really laid it on the line for her so that I might get a full understanding of her thoughts. As a vanilla keyholder I wasn't sure what I would get but was pleasantly surprised. This is what she said;

"I am not into like you are, I don't really think about it like you do. But, I would be frustrated if I found that you were taking the device on and off. I do like the changes that have happened and it would also frustrate me if you changed back to your old ways."

She was afraid I was going to be disappointed but as I explained I was very happy with her feelings. I know she will not be at the level of knowledge or interest I am for a LONG time at best. But just the fact she doesn't hate it and likes the results so far was huge.

One issue we do have is "when should I get out" the first two runs in my new device we sort of "agreed" to 30 days off my suggestion. I have passed 30 days this time and knowing my wife she does not want to have to "decide" so I thought of a marble game that we may use. Basically marble for each week in, and one marble of a different color for the chance to get out on a "drawing of the marble". If the release marble isn't drawn, 4 more weeks, 4 more marbles and then 1 more marble for a chance to release.. thus two months.. 8 "no" marbles and 2 "release" marbles. Low odds but that's part of the point for me.

I haven't completed the game rules yet but still coming up with ideas..

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:59 am
by kept4her
To my surprise, my wife came back with a dice game of her own that will decide my chances for a release and the type of release I will receive. I would have never expected her to come up with a game herself. I was more hoping for just a agreement to help her not have to worry about when I would be released.

I basically have to stay in a minimum of 4 weeks before the game can be played. She rolls the dice, depending on the number I may have to stay in 2 more weeks or 4 more weeks before the next game or.. Be released but if released depending on the number depends on what I get. Including a strap-on pegging session but if it is pegging the device does not get taken off. Bitter sweet....

Now just can't wait till next week when she will take the first roll. :)

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:11 am
by TwistedMister
Awwwww, you don't even get to roll the dice?

Re: [ Kept4her ] My journey into chastity.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:11 pm
by kept4her
I thought it be her hand throwing the dice because she is the one with the key. I love the idea of her rolling not me because the fate is really in her hands. I have been in 5 weeks and Thursday will be week 6 and we plan to roll the dice then. Could be a thing or bad thing. However, It will be week 7 before I get out if the roll goes my way. :)

We tweaked the game and rules and thought to post them.

• After 28-30 days (4 week minimum) the game can be played after “date night is over”.
• ROLL 10 = “release – intercourse” on the next available “Date Night”
• ROLL 8 = “no release – pegging” on the next available “Date Night”
• ROLL 6 = “release – vibrator or masturbation” not allowed to orgasm till given verbal “ok” (denied a few times, hands free orgasm – aka when orgasm all stimulation is stopped (ruined orgasm).
• ROLL 4 = “release –vibrator, BJ” on the next available “Date Night”
• ROLL any other number = “Denied” for 2 more weeks or “Date Nights”
• ROLL 12 = “Denied” for 4 more weeks or “Date Nights”