[Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Bought the wife, CS, a new mattress for her bed. It is suppose to be delivered today. Last night I suggested we send her old mattress out with a bang but she said not tonight. I know she has a busy workday and then will be gone all of tomorrow. Been locked only 4 days but still hoping she will be up to christen her new bed.
Updates to follow.

Update: it is now Saturday. Last night CS had me pick up pizza and we just watched movies and relaxed. She was too tired to christen the new mattress . I went in at 2:00 to sleep with her but between her dog, cat and her stealing the covers, I was soon back in my bed. Made second attempt to cuddle at 6:30. The dog was in a good spot but the cat was annoying wanting treats. I swear those cat treats are laced with cocaine.

CS alarm went off and she reached down and grabbed my cage and asking if I had taken a pill. No pill so cage stayed on. Gave her a good twenty minute breast massage and another twenty on her feet before going down on her. Brought out her vibrator and edged her a couple of times before letting her have her climax. After about ten minutes of recovering she looked at her watch and said she needed to get ready and go to her grandson’s baseball game. While she got ready, I got her Poweraide drink ready and made her an egg, ham and cheese sandwich on toasted Italian bread. She will be gone all day so getting all the house work done and if time, think I will see John Wick 4 at the theatre again.

2nd Update: Sunday. Last night CS too tired for much of anything after helping her daughter move stuff to her new apartment. Before anyone says anything, I was not asked to go or help. So I cleaned house, did the grocery shopping and took care of her pets. Today CS slept in till almost 10:00. Again too tired to play. Took her to lunch and then she went back to work. I made a joke at her expense about the old pillows and got two days more locked up. So should I get a release the two days will start then.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Monday morning. It’s been a full 7 days locked 24/7. As per my last post I made a joke about her pillows that got me two days added on should I earn a release. I am actually proud of CS. Any time I am pushing the wife’s buttons she will warn me that I could get two days. I continue and get another warning and still another warning that she doesn’t actually give the days. So the fact that she gave me the two days is a good thing.

And then I pushed my limits again. Such a child sometimes. Took her out to dinner for Mother’s Day and when we got home saw the neighbors had put a mattress out with their trash. I made a joke about how she should run over and put her old pillows with the mattress. CS said,”that’s a week added on. You may not get out this year at the rate you are going”. Again proud of her. Most days she has given me.

And then I pushed my limits again. CS is lousy at math. I couldn’t sleep last night and texted her a math problem of if she gave me 2 days and then gave me 7 days. How many days did I get? I”ll post her answer.

Got 9 days. It went from 2 to 7 but since I hit her with a math word problem got 2 days so 9. Lol
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

CS asked me to go look at a car with her yesterday. Her daughter is having her third child next month and CS wants a car she can fit three car seats in . Pull in and Tony the salesperson greets us before we are even out of the car. She finds the car she wants. Test drives it and with all the fees and what-nots comes in at $31k. Three and a half hours of negotiating and I have Tony and his boss down to $22k. The $500 trade in on her car is now up to $2k. We buy the car and drive it to Red Lobster where I buy the wife dinner. While eating, CS says as a reward I will definitely be unlocked when we get home. But I have to win at cards if I want to cum.

Got home. She unlocks me and I go shower while she gets the cards ready. I win the first two rounds which she then declares a third round winner takes all. I win. I’m clearing the ottoman when she pulls out the lucky deck. I draw a three of spades which is not one of my lucky cards so though I won having an orgasm, it was just taken away. Lol Got to give her credit. That was a good one. Some making out leads to me going down on her giving her the first of two orgasms before entering her and bringing her to her second. Tell her I am close and that ends the fun for the night. She tells me before going to bed what she wants for dinner tomorrow. Yes my queen.

This morning let her sleep in and then made her Belgian waffles in bed. After breakfast went down on her edging her several times before giving her her release. I was hard by this time so slid in bringing her to a second climax. Afterwards I showered and was told to lock back up. Day one begins again.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

This weekend has been the wife’s birthday. How old? Don’t ask. Lol The trouble with her birthday being a holiday weekend is the birthday lasts all weekend. Yesterday drove her to Indiana to the Hard Rock Casino. Got a hotel and then went to let her play the slots till she had used up the allocated money we had. Got to go to those places with a plan and a budget. She had a great time. Then to a Mexican steakhouse for dinner. Back at the hotel she let me out of the cage. Must have been the strong margarita’s at the restaurant. I had brought the toys in case she didn’t let me out so bonus. I used a silk ribbon to tie her hands together before taking time to explore her body and spend serious time kissing her all over. I headed south going down on her and then introduced the vibrator and edging her a few times. I moved the vibe to her clit and slide into her bringing her to an orgasm. Flipped her over and took her from behind till she came again. At this point I exploded into her.

This morning I gave her an orgasm with my tongue and then we checked out and took her to breakfast. She is sore so no playing today. Just treated her to the movie The Machine which hit theatres yesterday. Tomorrow her kids are coming over for me to grill hotdogs and hamburgers. Plus cake.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Sunday morning and birthday continues. Started with waking and giving CS a twenty minute breast massage then fingers traveled South diddling her to a climax. She then started biting my nipple and squeezing my balls till I was hard. She climbed on top and rode me till I came. After that it was time to shower and get ready for her party. Cleaned the house, made BBQ baked beans and a pasta salad. Made the hamburgers last and then went to the gym. Wife had me lock back up before going to the gym.

Her kids came over and sat on the porch glued to their phones. I cooked up the hot dogs and hamburgers and brought everything to the patio. It was a nice day so we ate outside.

Next weekend CS is flying out to see her one son in DC so I know it will be two weeks before I get a chance to get unlocked. But then again that weekend is the Superman festival in Metropolis, Illinois. So maybe three weeks if I can make the festival. Is it sad that I would rather drive five hours for a street festival that have a chance to be unlocked?
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

So nice the weekend is over and the wife’s birthday is done for another year.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Slow week with no teasing till yesterday when CS walked into my office in only her shirt. She hopped up on the bed. I know what this means and go down on her till she climaxes. She gets up and just leaves then.

This morning she left for the weekend to see her son. So nothing to report this weekend. Day 6 locked 24/7.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

The wife, CS must have been in a mood yesterday. She reminded me she had her paps smear appointment and I made a bagel joke. She just looked at me and said “You just got three days added on. Want to go for more?” I was quiet after that. And this after going down on her twice this morning. Lol

Update: I wasn’t going to add this but understand this is just me on a mild rant. I don’t know why adding days should really concern me or be a punishment . Unless she is using her penis, it’s locked in a cage. So giving me days doesn’t matter as it’s still going to be locked regardless. Okay. End of rant and yes I know it’s all her decision.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Been wearing a Nano Cobra since October and this morning the brass lock broke. Placed the cage and broken lock on CS vanity to see what she wanted to do. Did take advantage of situation to clean and shave down there.

We had bought a Red Chili Sissy cage a while back as a backup cage. CS only likes gold cages so finding cages she likes is a challenge. I have plenty of locks I have saved from all the cages I have tried. CS decided to give the Red Chili cage a try.

Not sure how often these brass locks fail but thinking it might be good to get a second backup with a bolt lock. Just not sure if I can find one in gold.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Took CS to see The Boogeyman cause she is a Stephen King fan and the movie is based off a short story of his. I found it boring and CS was less than impressed. Woke up this morning about 6;00am and went into CS’s room and climbed into bed. It was a chilly morning with rain finally falling. CS rolled over placing her head on my shoulder and jerked her knee into my groin. Felt myself stiffen in the cage for what felt like a half hour. When I got up, took care of the animals and made CS breakfast taking it to her in bed. Mentioned her kneeing me in the balls as I took the dishes down to be washed.

As she went into the bathroom she told me to be on the bed when she got out and she would knee me in my balls. I laughed but she said she was serious. As the bed was made, I got the throw blanket from my room and laid on her bed wondering if she was really serious.

CS came out of the bathroom and thanked me for getting the blanket. Crawled under and we started making out. I was on top slightly off to the side paying attention to her breasts and diddling her with a finger when she brought her knee into my balls three times. She then said she should get the key but they were downstairs. I went down on her bringing her to an orgasm before getting the vibe and bringing her to a second climax. As we laid there so she could recover, CS began squeezing my balls and digging her nails in before going down and biting on them. Thought I would break the cage I was straining so much. She was also running her finger between the bars adding to the sensations.

When she came back up she was still holding my balls in her hands and started biting my nipples. Damn I was so horny. That’s when she stopped and said, “Yeah I was thinking of the keys but thought denying you was better”. Then she was off to get dressed
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