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Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:56 am
by chastehub
When i first started wearing my new JB i developed a rash at points around the basering. i shaved just before putting on the device and i wasn't using the best products for lube (i'm now using Aveeno lotion), so there was a point where things dried out and the rash started. Initially i attributed the rash to shaving followed by improper lube. i did go a day without wearing the device to let things clear up, but the rash didn't fully heal in that short time, and slowly got worse after a few more days of wear (with careful lubing), so now i'm unlocked waiting for things to fully heal.

i'm not sure if the rash is caused by improper fit of the new device, or if it was caused by incorrect lube, or me just getting used to the device. The fit of the JB is snug, but i can get a finger under the basering, and other than the rash, the device is very comfortable (no adema or other issues like that). My plan is to let things fully heal and try again

What concerns me is the pattern of the rash has taken on; there are now two "hot spots" at the top "corners" of the basering (i'm wearing an oval), while the rest of the rash has cleared. i'm wondering if others have experienced rashes while wearing a JB, and if they were due to improper fit, not having the lube correct, or other.

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:54 pm
by Michele
Hey chastehub,

My hubby has had no trash issues with the jb - with shaving or any of the lubes or lotions. The only things he has some issue with is if he Knicks himself shaving.... those can get a little sore but after a day it two he's good. He doesn't need to remove his device for that either.

Hope you heal up!

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:49 pm
by tjscooby
The best thing you can do is let it heal sans device. I did have a similar problem, though not to a full "rash" stage, just an irritated area under the scrotum. I also use Aveeno and/or gold bond. But when I had an irritated spot (can also happen at the top base of the penis, especially if testing an anti-pull-out pin with an MM device), I use polysporin to calm things down while the devise is off. You can also use it if the device is on and you start to feel something irritating starting up. Works pretty well and definitely speeds recovery. So let it heal and go with a good body lotion once you're back in the device.

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:38 am
by chastehub
Thanks @ladynmonkey and @tjscooby. Over the 3 day weekend (the time that was supposed to be my first extended lockup) i was out of the device to let things heal; the more minor of the two hot spots healed completely and the other mostly healed. i also shaved the area completely, not just where the basering rides, to get a closer shave and eliminate hair issues as a variable.

i'm trying again, mostly to see if the spot that healed completely becomes a problem again. So far the spot that healed has remained happy and healthy. Further, because i'm unlocked during the workday i've been using polysporin on the other spot and it is improving; now it is just a minor sore (like a shaving nick). So it appears the problems i had at the beginning were the result of improper lube and/or hair, not improper fit of the basering. i will continue with the polysporin until completely healed, and Aveeno when wearing the device.

In a separate post i had asked if people remove the basering when unlocked or leave it on, because getting my balls in and out of the device takes a lot of (uncomfortable) work, although with practice i'm getting better at it. Several folks said they leave the basering on, so i've been experimenting with that. Yesterday i tried pulling my crank out of the basering and leaving it around my balls during the day, then pulling my crank back through and putting on the cage when returning home. i found that worked well; it was comfortable throughout the day, allowed the one remaining hot spot to continue to heal, and it was easy to lock back up when i returned home from work.

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:02 am
by chastehub
MyBride and i wrote a contract in February of last year, and we followed it until the CB6000 broke and we took a break until the MM JB arrived. Now that i'm securely locked in the JB, we decided to dust off the contract. As mentioned previously, we have gotten away from a lot of the "service sub" stuff i was doing when we first explored chastity, but the contract still called for certain things:
  • getting up before her and making her breakfast and sack lunch
  • unloading the dishwasher
  • making the bed
  • cleaning the house before the weekend
  • doing something off the honey-do list every Saturday
  • menu planning and grocery shopping on Sunday
  • helping her cook dinner every evening
  • being a gentleman at all times (opening doors, always being respectful and kind)
As i re-read those items i gulped, realizing that i had become quite lazy over the past few months and had not been doing many of the things on the list. i asked if she wanted to make any changes to the contract, or return to following it as is. She smiled, rubbed me through the cage and said "let's leave it as is."

Game on.

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:34 pm
by KH jetzs
Thanks so much for posting. We are really new to this and hoping to get through some rough spots. I appreciate reading your experiences and perspectives!

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:15 am
by chastehub
It was a fun weekend. Saturday was the first in a while where we could sleep in a little, so as we gradually woke i began to cuddle and massage, and MyBride became aroused. i brought her to a nice orgasm and we basked in her after glow for a while. Then she patted the cage and said "Time for you to make me breakfast, maybe you'll get yours later." Later never happened, and i remain frustrated and aroused after 6 days without release.

She did unlock me Sunday so i could go on a long run, but i left on the basering. It was a chilly day and apparently the boys got cold; when i returned home and climbed into the shower the ring fell off because the boys had tucked up inside. i found that funny given the epic battles i've had trying to get the basering on and off when things are warm.

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:24 am
by chastehub
KH jetzs wrote:Thanks so much for posting. We are really new to this and hoping to get through some rough spots. I appreciate reading your experiences and perspectives!
i'm glad you enjoy our story. Male chastity is a constant learning experience for both parties, but there are so many positives it is worth working at. We've been at it for about a year and a half and it took MyBride quite some time to get from "this is weird" to "I like you locked up and horny." Now she's starting to get more playful and assertive, and i couldn't be more happy (and frustrated).

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:40 am
by chastehub
It has been a while since i updated this post. i had to send the JB back to MM to increase the basering by 1/8th, and also to address the issue of the device rotating. The JB arrived back last Friday and the fit of the device is MUCH better now. i'm not sure what all they did, but the rotation problem is much better now too.

When the device returned i locked up immediately, and i've remained locked ever since. i have one small hotspot that seemed to be caused by hair pulling (i hadn't been "manscaping" while the device was gone), and was the hotspot was further aggravated when i shaved the area and nicked myself. We'll see if the area can heal while i wear the device.

Tonight we finally had a little downtime and ended up in bed talking, hugging and kissing, which led to MyBride asking me to do her, which i happily did. After a very nice orgasm she said "Maybe i'll do you tomorrow night. I know you'll be thinking about it all day." When i groaned she asked "How does that ring fit now?" "It is pretty tight at the moment" i had to confess.

Re: [chastehub] better husband, better lover

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:42 am
by chastehub
As you'll recall from my previous post, on Monday MyBride hinted that Tuesday she might allow me an orgasm. Well here it is Thursday, and that orgasm has yet to occur and i remain securely locked. i wish i could say that was due to some amazing tease or mind fuck, but it is because life got in the way. i tweaked my back on Tuesday and was feeling poorly, so i was off to bed early and in no mood to play, and Wednesday was much the same. My back is improving, so hopefully we'll be able to play again soon.

In other news, the fit of the JB seems to be very good now. The hot spot mentioned in my previous post has healed without device removal, and it seems my body is adapting to the device; i notice it less and less. Issues with my previous device's fit and reliability (surprise failures and severe pinching) prevented me from wearing the device to work, so during the week i was always unlocked in the morning and locked back up when i returned home. Extended wear only occurred on weekends and holidays, and even then there were releases for cleaning.

So the biggest news is that with the comfort and reliability of the JB we have decided that now i will remain locked 24x7. i have been that way since last Friday, so this is by far the longest i've ever gone without being released, and although i've gone longer without an orgasm, being locked away 24x7, unable to touch my junk and knowing there is absolutely no release until she wants to play is an amazing, challenging, mind blowing and frustrating experience. :shock: As all of you who practice long term chastity will understand, it is exactly what i asked for, and i love it and i hate it. i'm excited about the road ahead.