[KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Didn't think I would be posting for a few more days...


Mama called last night as I was reading in bed. It felt really good to hear her voice and to hear about her day. She went to the airport relatively early in the day to pick up her sister and niece. She and her sister took a nice walk later in the day, catching up on sister-sister communication I guess.

I've noticed that when I'm travelling, I miss my wife but it seems manageable. On the other hand, when I'm at home and she's on the road it seems like time passes agonizingly slowly. Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by all of "our" stuff and everything I see and do reminds me of her and of her absence.

I dreamed of Mrs. KHH last night and woke up with a cage-inhibited erection this morning. It was a very, very good thing that I was locked up or I would most definitely have "rubbed one out."

Read a new thread by Grown-Ocean this morning http://chastityforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=58974 about chastity concerns and his worry about "stunted erections." thought about that as I was reading his post and reflecting on my own this morning.
But then I came across stunted erections.
Definite pressure, but no pain at all. Frustrating as hell, but no apparent short or long-term effects for me. When I got my cage, I intentionally sized it so I'd have a little room to grow. In fact, when Mama DOES elect to release me, it seeems like she can "get me up" much faster than she used to, and it also seems like I last a LOT longer. Not saying that my results are the same as everyone else's, but hey, it's one more data point. Of course, I've only been in chastity (at least with my MM Jailbird) for 195 days of total ownership.

Last O was 6 days ago, and it feels like an eternity.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, July 25, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 26, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 195.
Total days caged: 137.
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Various home builts for almost 2 years. Current: Jailbird since January 2013.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »


Approaching 200 days of Jailbird ownership. Who would have thought.

It's been three days since I last posted, and I've been locked up for 8 days. My arousal seems to have plateaued, and now it's just that I miss Mrs. KHH and her presence while she's 1,400 miles away visiting her mom.

As I said in a response to another post, my arousal seems to come in waves over the course of the day. Probably 5 or 6 times during the day I just get (almost) uncontrollably horny. It's a pretty intense feeling, but a most enjoyable one. I have no doubt that if I weren't locked up I would be furiously "rubbing one out." Of course that would relieve the immediate tension, but I would still be HERE and Mama would still be THERE...

I like reading the threads and posts on this forum because I can think of them as I read them, and can compare how I'm feeling to what others are saying. I can almost see myself in some of those other posts. And sometimes I get a really good chuckle too!

Mama's away for another week. She'll get back on Friday after a long day of driving, and she probably won't want to do too much on Friday night. Of course I'll be as horny as Hell, and frustrated to boot, but for her the benefit is that she's in complete control. So it'll be a stress-free night for her and probably a stress-filled one for me. Oh well, at least I hope she'll let me go down on her. That'll definitely make me feel better after a 2+ week hiatus...

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, July 25, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 26, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 198.
Total days caged: 140.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Woo Hoo... Broke the 200-day barrier.

And by my calculations, I've been locked up about 71% of that time.

I've now been locked up continuously for 12 days which is approaching my previous upper limit. I've got at least 3 more days (which WILL push me into uncharted territory). And if I interpreted Mrs. KHH's comments last night when we spoke on the phone, it'll be a while AFTER she gets back from her vacation at her mom's before I am permitted to cum. She did indicate that there could be some teasing and denial in my future, but I'm not betting on that either.

Hmmm. Seems like being on vacation has had an effect on her thinking. :shock:

And so I sit here in the kitchen, taking a short break from my work to read through the CF posts and to consider how I'm feeling.

Since Mama left for her vacation, I've been dreaming of her most nights (as I always did, even before I was locked up - call it pre-Jailbird or "pre-JB"). But now that I'm locked up, my dreams seem much more vivid. I don't remember details of them when I wake up (rarely did) but what I do remember is that they were INTENSE. I find myself waking up with morning wood much more often now. Not painful morning wood, but rather pleasant "pressure" morning wood. It takes some time in a cool shower to help things calm down a bit, and cleaning myself up seems to prolong things. LOL. I also find myself daydreaming about Mama a lot - but of course I always do when we're apart. Of course now the daydreams seem stronger than before. Finally, I find that it takes only a little thought about Mama to get me dripping pre-cum. Now that's something new! I've noticed it a couple of times over the past six months, and it's definitely increased since she's been gone on this trip. Guess I miss her, huh?

We speak every night, and I eagerly await her call. Sometimes we can't talk "freely" because she calls from her mom's kitchen. So the calls are a bit shorter and more "factual." But when she calls from her mobile in her room upstairs, then the gloves come off and we really get into some pretty torrid phone sex. Well, at least for her as I'm pretty constrained as to what I can do...

I got rather concerned two nights ago when we spoke because she told me that she had gotten a migraine headache. In fact, she was still recovering from it when we spoke yesterday. This is a huge deal, and I was pretty worried. She hasn't had a migraine in years, and when she gets them it is incredibly painful for her as she's completely incapacitated. We're talking severe light and sound sensitivity, and incredible "ice pick in the head" pain, to the point of pain-induced physical paralysis. It just hurts too much for her to move... At all...

This one came on when she was in a Wal Mart about 20 miles away from her mom's house. Fortunately one of my sons was with her (just got his driver's license) and was able to driver her home. Whew... Dodged a bullet there. We think her migraine was brought on because she had some MSG - you know, the "flavor enhancer." Another definite migraine trigger for her is red food coloring. She had some birthday cake a few years ago that had red food coloring in the frosting and was laid out for three days. It's really hard to avoid MSG too. Seems like it's in just about anything that's processed these days.

I'll be very' very glad when she's back home with better control over what foods she eats. It's not always so easy to eat well in Oklahoma.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, July 25, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 26, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 201.
Total days caged: 143.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Mama's Home! :D :D :D :D

Mrs. KHH and two of our kids pulled into the driveway at about 6:30 yesterday evening after a long day of driving home from her visit to her mom's in Oklahoma. I was so happy I could have exploded. It must have looked ridiculous - the smile on my face that simply wouldn't go away. Like a little kid. So happy and excited that she's back. Perhaps this is how a puppy feels when its owner gets home after a day of work.

God I love that woman so much. It's agony for me when we're apart, and it ALWAYS makes me feel so incredibly good when we're back together again.

It took a while to get everything unpacked from her car and get everything cleaned up and put away. Both my wife and her sister brought home a lot of stuff from "mom's place," as the main purpose of this extended visit was for the girls to help their mom go through the house from top to bottom and sort through everything. My MIL has disposed of a HUGE amount of her stuff that she no longer uses - old clothes, FIL's tools and "guy stuff," one of their two cars, etc. In any case, my wife tells me that MIL's house is a lot less full than it used to be.

The whole crew also took a visit to Kansas to visit all the family's farms there. A total of 7 farms if memory serves me right, with a manager who oversees everything, and several farmers who lease the land (which usually adjoins their own land). Lots of different crops, depending on the season and the commodities markets. Everything from wheat to sunflowers. And let me tell you - you haven't seen anything until you've seen 300 acres of sunflowers in full bloom on a beautiful sunny day. It's awe inspiring!

I'm glad my youngest son (18) went with them as well on this trip, although he was the only male surrounded by 5 females. He's incredibly tech-savvy and is entering a Computer Engineering program, and was able to spend some time "cleaning up" MIL's OLD, OLD desktop computer for her. Seems that FIL had a Facebook account that nobody even knew about! Who would have thought. My In-Laws were about as UN-tech-savvy as you could imagine (remember they were in their early to mid 80's!).

In any case, Mrs. KHH is already out grocery shopping this morning. She was up before I was (somewhat unusual, that) and took our daughter to work at her part-time job, then headed right out for the day.

Last night was an incredible welcome home for me. I knew hot tired Mama would be after her long drive (not just tedious, she also had to contend with lots of stormy weather). And tired she was. Mama took an early shower and retreated to the bed to catch up on her "True Blood" watching. It was right after that, and just after 9 when I rolled over to her and took her nipple into my mouth for some long overdue attention. I cannot tell you how good it felt to me to do that. It was like I was discovering her breast all over again. Following a few minutes of bliss for me as I gently sucked, nibbled, and generally welcomed her breasts home, I asked her if I could lick her pussy.

Her "yes" was like a surge of electricity through my entire body.

I slipped her panties off and slowly - ever so slowly - kissed and licked my way down her beautiful body. I sighed repeatedly as I worked my way down. It feld so incredibly good to be reacquainting myself with her body as she lay there.

Her legs parted as I finally got to Heaven, and I began kissing her thighs and belly from between her legs.

And then I discovered it...

For only the second time in our married life...

Mrs. KHH shaved her pussy for me. :o

Oh God. Oh God.... OH GOD!

What a turn-on for me.

Mama normally keeps herself trimmed, but never shaved, and (except for once) NEVER like this!

Needless to say, I dove right in after I discovered her secret. She was already wet when I started licking her pussy, and I couldn't help but keep licking her shaved mons. It felt so good. So puffy. So nice under my tongue. I probably spent as much time with my tongue on her mons as I did with my tongue on the rest of her pussy.

I licked her pussy for well over an hour. And it made me feel so incredibly good to be doing so. Mama was really tired - so an orgasm for her was never part of the equation, but that didn't stop her from getting really aroused and excited. Which only just added to my arousal. My cock as positively drooling in its cage as I licked her! I don't think I've ever produced so much per-cum. It just kept flowing as I licked, sucked, and kissed Mama's thighs, belly, and pussy. So good... So happy...

When I finally moved back up again, I went immediately to her breasts again. Gently sucking each nipple in turn as we relaxed in each others arms.

And just before she went to sleep, snuggled in my arms, with my mouth locked onto one of her nipples, she dreamily whispered to me...

"I'm not going to let you cum for at least another week."

And I was happy.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, July 25, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 26, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 205.
Total days caged: 147.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

So sneaky she is....

We had a magnificent session of oral (me pleasuring her) on Friday the 9th during which she told me that she wouldn't let me cum for at least another week. Saturday was recovery day, and we had a wonderful tease and denial session for me. After being locked up for such a long time, it was very easy for Mama to really get my motor running.

And she did... :D

Lots and lots of frustration, as she pulled out all the stops and really went to town. I think we both knew that I wouldn't be able to control myself, so she took the liberty of cuffing my hands behind my back before removing my cage. I think the feeling of submission caused by having my hands cuffed increased my libido tenfold!

In any case, she spent lots of time teasing me with her tongue and fingers. She spent time kissing me all over. She even went so far as to lay me on my back, put my penis into her and ride me for just a few minutes. She was so incredibly wet. I was so incredibly horny. When she dismounted I thought I would explode with passion.

Mama has made love with me several times with the base ring from my Jailbird still in place. I always thought it would poke her, but she simply rotates it down to the bottom of my scrotum and has no problems at all. I suppose certain positions might lead to poking, but with the ring on the bottom, Cowgirl is no problem at all. Then when she's done, she simply rotates the ring back up and replaces my cage.

So that's what she did on Saturday night.

And it was so incredible.

A couple of paragraphs can't really describe all the playing we did over the course of several hours. I was left horny, frustrated, and wanting, and Mama came away fully sated. As it should be...

I woke up pretty early on Sunday morning and was feeling pretty aroused from the very first. I don't often do it, but I couldn't resist. I pulled the covers back and gently worked Mama's panties down. Surprisingly, she didn't even wake up when I did that. When I gently moved her legs apart and began licking her pussy, she did wake up though. It wasn't a sudden wake up though - not at all like the mental trauma from an alarm clock going off. Instead it was one of those gentle, dreamy wakeups. The kind where you slowly drift into consciousness over a minute or two. All the while I'm lapping away contentedly at her beautiful pussy while she lay there completely relaxed.

Once she woke fully however, she started getting into it pertty quickly. Her hips had a mind of their own as they began rocking in time with my tongue motions. We probably continued that was for another ten minutes or so before I moved back up next to her, gently pulled up her cami top and began sucking on one or her nipples, which had become quite firm.

For me it was a beautiful way to wake up. And there was no doubt that Mama was happy about it as well.

A few more minutes and she took over, caressing my chest and slipping her hand down to massage my cage. Can't tell you how good that felt! She paused for a minute, reached over to her nightstand and retrieved the key to my cage. I was unrestrained, which was a bit of a risk, but she unlocked and removed my cage and set it aside.

She rolled back over toward me and began caressing me again. Not focusing on my now uncaged penis, but running her hand all over my torso and groin. She would occasionally give me a stroke, which was almost as tortuous a full-on tease. After a few minutes, she moved down and twisted my base ring so the pin was at the bottom. There was no way at all that the base ring could have been removed at this point as I was completely erect and fully aroused.

Mama then threw her right leg over me, scooted up a bit, and guided me into her. She was so incredibly wet, and I was so incredibly horny! But she dropped right down and fully impaled herself on me in one motion, then paused for a few seconds.

No doubt that I was not going to last long, and I told her so. She began rocking back and forth on me, and combined that with an up and down motion that brought me to the edge of orgasm in mere seconds. As I felt my orgasm building, I asked her if she really wanted me to cum. Her response: "I want you to cum in me" immediately drove me over the edge and I had one of my more powerful orgasms ever. Mind and body numbing is the only way I can describe it.

Mama rested there for a minute or two after my orgasm, then rolled off me and lay down next to me again where we caressed each other for a while. I could feel the coolness of the air from the ceiling fan on my now wet penis and groin area. The chill felt kind of nice...

Ten or so minutes later and I got up to take a shower, replacing my cage with a bit of body lotion when I was done, and walking back into our bedroom so Mama could click the lock shut.

All in all, I can't think of a better way to start a lazy Sunday morning...

And the numbers:
Last O - Sunday, August 11, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - August 12, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 207.
Total days caged: 148.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

O . . . M . . . G . . . . .
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Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Only a few days since my last post, but there was something that was rumbling through the back of my mind...

I went back and checked the numbers, and they were very interesting to me. It seems that Mama has taken to this chastity thing more fully than I originally thought, but she has done it in a very understated way.

Before being caged, I probably rubbed one out a couple of times per week, and probably had PIV lovemaking with O a couple times per week. Total O per month probably averaged 8-10 (at least)...

Since January 18 (the day my Jailbird came in the mail), my orgasms have decreased markedly. There are obviously no self-induced orgasms anymore, but Mrs. KHH has reduced the number of Mama-induced orgasms for me pretty significantly as well. In fact, I've had a total of 20 since January 18th. The distribution looks like this:

July...............5 (what's up with that? :shock: )
August (so far)..1

If we exclude January (partial month) and August (work in progress), then my average is down from at least 8-10 per month to exactly 3. And if we exclude July as a statistical outlier, then the average drops to 2.6. Somehow I think Mama is going to drop the average further...

Further, I've averaged 1 orgasm every 10.45 days since my Jailbird arrived. Somehow I think THAT number is going to go up... :lol:

But on the flip side, the number of Os for Mama is way up, and her teasing of me is positively through the roof!

Sounds like a WIN-WIN to me...

God... Sometimes I hate being an anally-retentive number-crunching engineer.

And the numbers:
Last O - Sunday, August 11, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - August 12, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 209.
Total days caged: 150.
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Various home builts for almost 2 years. Current: Jailbird since January 2013.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Sometimes Mrs. KHH says the most unexpected things...

Lat night was the season finale for True Blood. My wife is addicted to the show, and has read all the books, but really dislikes how the show has evolved since the first season. She considers the female lead "Sookie" a real BI#%H these days...

In and case, she wanted to watch last night, and I wanted to play.

So she cuffed me and secured me at the foot of the bed with a tether from the bedpost to my chastity cage so she could watch in peace.

Oh my...

Well, she definitely got to watch in peace!

And I got to kneel there watching her as she watched the show and got all aggravated.

As soon as the closing credits started to roll, she got up and untethered me, then led me around to my side of the bed. She pushed me back to a sitting position, then reached behind me and unclipped my cuffs, freeing me completely.

She climbed on top of me and just knelt there for a while, looking at me. She then rolled off me and over to her side of the bed.

Mama was topless, and was wearing a pair of pretty sexy panties. She pulled my head to her breast and guided her nipple to my mouth. All without saying a single word. I immediately sucked her nipple into my mouth and began nibbling and sucking while she held my head to her breast.

After a short while, she told me that she wanted me to lick her pussy.


I kissed my way down her torso and dove right in as she spread her legs. She was already quite wet. I think one of the scenes from the show was running through her mind... A scene in which one of the characters "Jason" was going down on one of the female characters as she had an orgasm. He came up and began undoing his belt. She told him "Keep that in your pants." He looked at her with a forlorn look on his face and said something like "I've been going down on you for 178 straight days and still haven't gotten anything back." Well, something like that anyhow... Her response was classic: "Well, I'm just trying to make it hard for you." The scene was running through my mind, and I am positive that it was running through Mama's mind as well.

I spent a long time with my head between her thighs at her beautiful pussy before she pulled me up next to her and began playing with me through my cage. For a long time she fondled me, caressed me, pinched my nipples, and generally tortured the living daylights out of me... It felt so bad.... It felt so good.....

And then she said it: I don't want to let you out of your cage because every time I do I want to make you cum."

She caressed me for another minute or so, then said "I'm tired now and I'm going to sleep." She rolled over and was out like a light. I was lef there frustrated and horny. My cock swollen against the bars of my cage and dripping like mad. All worked up with no relief in sight.

Probably half an hour before I was able to calm down enough to where I could relax and go to sleep myself.

What a night. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

Been reading a lot of recent posts, and I continue to compare my situation to those of others who have posted recently. Similar in many situations, radically different in others. Guess that's what makes male chastity so much fun, huh? It's different for all of us.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, August 15, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - August 16, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 214.
Total days caged: 154.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

And there's no release in sight....

I've had my Jailbird since January 18th. 218 days ago as of today.

In the days pre-chastity, I would probably have cum close to 200 times during that period. Let's say conservatively 180 times. While the majority of those orgasms would have been through masturbation, at least 50 or 60 would have been through PIV lovemaking with Mrs. KHH.

My actual orgasms since first donning my Jailbird number 21 as of today.

That means my orgasms have decreased by almost a factor of 10.

I was reflecting on that last night as Mama and I were in bed, she watching the news and me reading my tablet. I put it aside and turned off my bedside light as the weather report came on, and I turned my attention to the weather (yea... humidity is going to go down!). Without saying anything, Mama absently reached over with her left hand and began caressing my chest. Then she began alternately caressing me and pinching my nipples, which is something that really, really turns me on. I have no idea what was going through her mind as she did that, but when I glanced over, her attention was fully on the TV. The instant she started touching me, my caged cock began "drooling."

When the weather report was finished, and some of the "feel good" news was done, she turned off the TV and began playing with me with more gusto. She rolled over toward me and began caressing me with her other hand. I lay there in frustrated agony with my cock secreting more and more every second. Her hand slowly migrated down toward my groin, but never stayed in one place for more than a few seconds.

If this is "tease" it was agonizing, even after my short, 7-day current lockup.

She continued playing with me, devoting more and more attention to my balls and caged cock. Caressing, gently squeezing, massaging... Thighs, belly, chest, nipples. The feeling was electrifying.

Then she pushed back the covers and sat up, still playing with me. She twisted around and lay down again, this time with her head on my stomach as she continued teasing me. Almost like she wanted a close-up view of what she was doing. For a few minutes she continued this way.

Then slowly, almost tentatively, she moved her head lower and gently licked me through my cage. The bolt of electricity that shot through my entire body at the first touch of her tongue was incredible. She continued gently licking me this way for some time, alternately playing with me, caressing me, and gently licking me as my cock threatened to explode through the bars of my cage. I'm positive that I was more than drooling at this point, but she didn't stop for a long time.

When she DID stop, it was like my world coming to an end. The agony and ecstasy of the pleasure surging through me, and then stopping as she sighed and moved back up to snuggle next to me again.

I immediately turned my attention and my head to her beautiful breasts, urgently sucking one of her nipples into my mouth. It was all I could do to be gentle as I was so incredibly aroused and horny.

For what seemed like a long time I licked and sucked at her nipples, alternating between right and left. At some point, she withdrew her nipple from my mouth and whispered to me that she wanted me to lick her pussy as she reached down and shimmied out of her panties.

Without any hesitation or delay, I immediately moved down and between her legs. I would normally take my time, kissing and licking her torso for a long time before finally ending up there, but last night it seemed like I couldn't control my urgency. I went immediately to her pussy and began licking like a man possessed.

She was incredibly aroused and wet. In the back of my mind I knew she would be that way because of my attention to her breasts. But it was still Heaven for me. I kept having to relax and enjoy but my arousal and horniness kept threatening to overwhelm me.

It seemed like only minutes before I felt the telltale beginnings of her orgasm. Her gentle hip and thigh motions against my head and face became more spasmodic, and her breathing grew more tense.

When it came, her orgasm seemed almost explosive compared to some of her recent ones. It built very quickly and overwhelmed her. I felt her thighs clench around my head as her pussy pulsed with her orgasm. When it finally crashed over her, I immediately softened my licking and slowed down my pace. As sensitive as she gets right after cumming, I wanted to help her preserve this feeling as long as possible for her pleasure.

It was a long time before she finally came back down again and regained complete control over her body. When she did, she pulled me back up next to her and we resumed our snuggling.

It was so perfect. So incredibly perfect.

My orgasms may have decreased by 90 percent, but with nights like last night I really don't care. I love my wife so much, and being locked up as I was last night helped me focus all - and I really mean ALL - of my attention on her pleasure.

I asked her flat out last night when we were relaxing if being in chastity has made me a better husband and lover. Her one word answer - "yes" - said everything and meant everything to me.

Mrs. KHH was a bit nervous 218 days ago when we first locked my penis into a stainless steel prison, but I don't think it would be too much to say that she is now a believer - as I have been for a long time.

I have no idea when she might release me and let me cum again, but I really don't care. As long as I can give my wife the kind of pleasure she got last night - and that she so rightly deserves, that's all that matters.

This is not just MY journey... This is OUR journey.

And I think we're both happy with where we're going.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, August 15, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - August 16, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 218.
Total days caged: 158.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by locked4her55 »

I could have written this!

I shared your post with my wife. She smiled, then kissed me and said, "Yup, that's us to a tee"
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Have worn CB3000, CB6000s, MM Jail Bird & Watchful Mistress,
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