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For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:45 am
by thumper
The quote button.

What it's good for: Highlighting a specific segment of a previous post you wish to comment on.

What it's not good for: Repeating, in its entirety, the post immediately previous to yours.

This is, easily, my biggest pet peeve on forums. Instead of replying, many people hit the "Quote" button and leave the entire post in their new post. 95% of the time, the post they're quoting is the one right above theirs.

Can we all take a pledge to not do this? It's a quixotic goal, I know, as I've asked so many people over the years to stop doing this, but I'm nothing if not persistent.

Please, please, please, PLEASE stop quoting when you really want to reply. For the love of god, please. Think of the innocent pixels!

P.S. The first guy to quote this entire post in reply will deserve what they get. :twisted:

Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:13 am
by Dev
I am more familiar with the SMF forum software, but I am sure you can do this in pHpBB...

Right now, the default is that if I quote something, and that message also contains a quote, then everything gets posted in the new post. I usually go in and edit out the previous quote and only retain the one that I am replying to, but it would be nice if the default was that only the most recent thing being quoted is automatically selected as the quote.

I hope this makes sense...if it doesn't, I can try to come up with a graphic example to illustrate what I am talking about.


Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:16 am
by neranden
thumper wrote:The quote button.

What it's good for: Highlighting a specific segment of a previous post you wish to comment on.

What it's not good for: Repeating, in its entirety, the post immediately previous to yours.

This is, easily, my biggest pet peeve on forums. Instead of replying, many people hit the "Quote" button and leave the entire post in their new post. 95% of the time, the post they're quoting is the one right above theirs.

Can we all take a pledge to not do this? It's a quixotic goal, I know, as I've asked so many people over the years to stop doing this, but I'm nothing if not persistent.

Please, please, please, PLEASE stop quoting when you really want to reply. For the love of god, please. Think of the innocent pixels!

P.S. The first guy to quote this entire post in reply will deserve what they get. :twisted:

Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:20 am
by thumper
neranden, a team of ninjas has been dispatched to your location.

Dev, Invision also has that feature, but I've not found it yet in phpBB. I can look. Nested quotes are annoying, too, but (IMO) not as annoying as quoting instead of replying.

Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:23 am
by Dev
Nested quotes...that's the word I was looking for. Oh well, it's early, I haven't had any caffeine and WordPress just ate my blog post, so my brain isn't totally functional at the moment.


Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:35 am
by thumper
Dev wrote:WordPress just ate my blog post...
I so hate it when that happens!

Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:41 am
by Dev
thumper wrote:I so hate it when that happens!
I know. I tell myself I should always cut and paste from Word but some mornings I am feeling lazy and I just want to write it quick...then fate comes back and bits me in the ass. Oh well, c'est la vie.


Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:18 pm
by Mayhew
thumper wrote:The quote button.

What it's good for: Repeating, in its entirety, the post immediately previous to yours.

Hit the "Quote" button and leave the entire post in the new post. 95% of the time.

Can we all take a pledge to do this?

Please, please, please, PLEASE, quote when you want to reply. For the love of god, please.
P.S. The first guy to quote this entire post in reply will deserve what they get. :twisted:
Sure thing, dude. Happy to oblige.

Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:10 pm
by thumper

Re: For the love of god, people.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 4:36 am
by David
Sorry to be pedantic, but could "Member's Lounge" be changed to "Members' Lounge" now there are more than one of us!

Thanks, David