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It doesn't stay up *all* the time

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:06 am
by thumper
I've noticed that, from time to time, the forum goes down and displays a SQL error message. When it happens, it doesn't seem to last very long. No idea what's causing this, but the first time it happened I opened a ticket with GoDaddy and, by the time that got to it, it had corrected itself.

Not sure what to say about it other than it's like so many other things related to chastity. You put up with the little annoying things in order to enjoy the greater whole. ;)

Re: It doesn't stay up *all* the time

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:21 am
by Atone
Does godaddy give you an option to backup the forum?

If not maybe there is an addin that will let you do that. I haven't had any problem with the forum dropping but it sure would be nice to not have to start over if their server decides to crap itself.

I'm sure they have some sort of backup in place for if the entire server dies but sometimes some of the hosting companies don't have anything that will handle an individual users data (like if your database became corrupted).
