[crated51] maybe a different perspective

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[crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Warning: some over thought, boring analytical stuff.

For me, the MC journey has 3 parts with any one capable of bringing things to an abrupt end: The device, my wife, myself.

There is also the matter of sex itself. Observations from others and myself, I am fully convinced sex is 51 to 99% in the mind. Averaged, that put things at 75% mental and a mere 25% physical. As a younger man I would have likely reverse the two but.... live and learn. In a sense then, the crate is practically a quarter of a third of the game.

So.... The device currently used is a Chinese take off version of the Tool Trap. Main benefit other than cost is lessons learned for a possible quality real version: The solid ring - could not stand the hinged version of a previous device - is functional but at 1.77", it may be a little loose. I've rounded the body side if the locking post - making it a little more comfortable. Length is at least a half inch too long and perhaps an eighth inch too big in diameter. Custom is the way to go, but money is definitely an object.

My wife..... graciously has alternately tolerated / enjoyed the device. She once said early on, "so I guess I'm going to crate train you", with a definite giggle and eye twinkle. For us, this was a reference to using a crate to house train a puppy. And to be clear, there is no connection to her treating me like a dog; just keeping her toy under her control. Most recently she "required" I remain locked up for 2 weeks. I feel very blessed. It will be interesting to see what, if any, future "training" she has in mind. I deeply desire MC to be fun for the 2 of us.

Me..... Both my wife and I are very conservative both politically and in matters of faith. MC may seem to be in conflict, but I would disagree. Physical intimacy between a husband an wife is sacred. I am to please her and she me. Within the sacred there is nothing prudish. Crated, I have given myself to her & by accepting the offer, she gives to me my desires. Building on the concept of sex being more mental than physical, I believe that the majority of both the physical and mental is ultimately spiritual.

And so the journey begins....
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Warning: matters of general "house keeping"

Although the base ring may be a little big, there are times when there's still some discomfort. Perhaps I'm still early in the break-in the break-in period. My simple solution that seems to work is a quick pass of Burt's Beeswax lip balm where the ring and skin meet. Soothing but does not cause too much slippage. Carrying it around is unquestioned.

Crate is made more comfortable with a light coat of coconut oil - which by the way is a good lubricant for time spent with my wife. MUCH better than ky jelly or silicone. Applied after the AM shower, it lasts for me most of the day.

The journey is also a lot more comfortable with hair being trimmed very short. As it is, the post and slot connecting the crate and ring is VERY good at catching hair.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Some history:

My Dad passed away several years ago. Physically he was doing pretty good but his mind..... dementia/ alzhimers took his life. Realizing there may be a heredity risk I searched for answers on the Internet - the source of all inerrant facts. But seriously, there MAY be a link between alzhimers and low testosterone. It could be coincidental or MAY have a certain level of causality, no one is certain but men in nursing homes suffering from loosing their mental capacity always have low T.

Taking another line of research, edging is able to elevate T levels. Turns out, being aroused increases the hormones that are part of arousal - go figure. This was really the first step toward MC. Explaining this to my wife, she accepted the idea that sometimes not letting me explode was really - no joke - for my own good.

Next in the steps to MC was health issues for her that meant no intimacy between us for 6 weeks. I believe I'm being honest when I say that my purchase of the first CD was both selfishness combined with a real desire to save myself for her till she was well. Her reaction was somewhere between "whatever" & "ok, if that's what you want". I don't think I acted the part of a suffering martyr and I hope I was helpful and thoughtful during this time. She is a loving person and insisted she take care of me a couple of times during the her recovery. Not surprisingly, the chrome on the.... whatever it's called started separating and it found its way to the landfill. Another version was actually stainless steel and had some merit but too was eventually discarded due to pinching.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Me: "so ya wanna mess around????" I was standing in front of her - clothed, but she had just reached out to verified I was still in confinement.
Wife: "sure................ In 3 Fridays!"
Me: "uh........ really?" (This would mean I was facing a two & a half week total sentence).
Wife: "uh huh". Her expression was some where between an evil smile & as if she was responding to a general fact.
Me: "you seem to be enjoying this"
Wife: "you know I like to be in control"

Her physical needs are usually less than mine, so I think my being crated lessens her worries/feelings of not meeting my needs. Teasing me is a source of pleasure for her and I think at the same time put less pressure on her.

A favorite line she gives me at the end of a time of teasing is, "that's all, now go to sleep". I spoon her but she warns, "Behave!" To which I return, "I'm trying to behave....... badly!!!!!!!"

"Stop, now go to sleep!" And we do.

I've been crated almost 4 of the last 5 weeks. I have NO desire for long term confinement - this is something I've specifically shared with her. But short term - I think we are both enjoying. I desire to pleasure her, but I think she is still working through the idea of her receiving and my being denied.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

I'm not at all interested in enforced chastity with a cruel mistress. But this "forces" me to ask myself - what do I want, or stated better - what is best for us? The two two terms that seem best to describe are: voluntary or volitional chastity. Since this is a game, it implies a willingness to abide by rules.

In a board game, players are "required" to play by the rules, but isn't it true that it would be easy to cheat or even quit before someone wins? The reality is that most if the time, most people will have the most fun when everyone chooses to plays fair - according to the rules.

So what are our rules? I am to do some basic daily chores, tasks really, around the house. They are so basic that I sometimes forget and "get in trouble". Consequences so far have been few to none, but there is the "threat" of longer time confined. Could I "escape"? Yep, very easily. Maybe it could be called "Tennessee chastity"? (If you're not familiar with the implication, Tennessee is known as the "volunteer state"). :lol:

Perhaps in time she will "require" more. I still would only pretend I HAD to do what she wants because - the game is fun.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by sherulestherooster »

crated51 wrote:
"that's all, now go to sleep".
That makes me melt every time. Ejaculation is a pretty natural stopping point for sex, and since she can have multiple orgasms, there needs to be some signal when the play is over. And she decides when it's over.

Your story is a pretty fun read.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Snake Eyes is another reference to a Spanner Screw and that is what it connecting the A158 model currently being used to the base ring - not a padlock. An internet search will give images of this low security hardware. I've used a sharpening stone and a dremel to shorten the length and shape the nut to better fit the square post. Tightened with a spanner bit, the screw / nut cannot be loosened without a tool. Practically, it would be easy to remove except I wear it by my own choice and by the consent / approval of my wife. The only reason to remove it would be because of an irritation, need for grooming, or if so "ordered" by my wife.

Last night I was directed to un-crate so she could tease me. I was then given the option to remain free or to lock back up when she felt I was sufficiently frustrated. I opted to stay free but re-crated after a morning shower and shave. My wife carelessly felt with her hand to check that I was again confined before I left for work. Although she may change her mind, presently I'm told that I'm to remain in my current state till December 5th where I can only then expect / hope to be teased repeatedly - for a LONG time and e v e n t u a l l y........ to finally be allowed to explode.

My wife is currently dealing with some health issues, so my biggest frustration is not being allowed to pleasure her. The crate by default brings parity in our levels of needed intimacy, so my hope then is that despite how she feels, she will continue to tease me in anticipation of Friday after next. She does enjoy that and has many times paid me attention when she will reject any overtures for herself. It is what it is I suppose, and I purpose in my heart to be patient - not making demands of her.
Last edited by crated51 on Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

As mentioned earlier, the device currently used has a 1.77" (45mm) base ring. It's just a little too large as determined by the finger under the ring method.

A couple of weeks ago I ordered a 1.57" (40mm) ring and - as I knew it would be - it's far too tight. My solution is to increase the internal diameter by removing material using a dremel tool with a grinding stone. Let me say that's easier than it sounds. I can confirm that the ring is hard stainless steel and it's slow going reshaping the ring. I'm not rushing the process and only removing a little at a time. I've also reshaped the square locking post by rounding and removing the excess material - making the ring MUCH more comfortable and slightly lighter. Currently, the ring is approximately 42 mm but is still a little tight. When I have a chance and some privacy, I'll try to go for 43 mm. This may sound insignificant but it's really not. I'm attempting a custom fit with an off the shelf, generic purchase.

Yesterday my wife said I might have a chance to "earn" the right to take her out for breakfast this AM. Unfortunately, when we retired for the night she refused me the privilege of attending to her, but she gave me the choice of un-crating - giving her a chance to hold HER toy. Picture a cloud of dust where I was as I rushed off to "unpack". Although already full, the cage portion was no problem to remove, but the ring..... no dice. Being a grower, I was now the lock holding the ring firmly in place. Rotating the ring and putting the shorter / rounded post underneath, I was teased only to discover that the ring seemed to shrink and shrink. Yea, the ring is too small if the cage is removed and I'm allowed unrestrained freedom. After she was done and I was told again, "that's all", I fortunately was able to eventually relax enough to remove the ring. I was left free again for the night - which was good since there was some soreness. Although I think it would be absurd to think I would develop calluses, I suspect there is a need to VERY carefully and gradually "toughen up" - along with needing the right size ring.

One of my hopes for the ring is that other attachment might eventually added. Perhaps I could be "punished" with a VERY small cage for a short time or one of the other accessories that might give her more control. There are now some interesting / scary new attachment available on eBay that lock up using the "non-rotational" square post. Should I fail to follow the "now go to sleep" instructions, I could find myself in an even more dire predicament.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

So last night I was told to remove the crate to have a breather ( and some time of teasing) -no permission to come in or attend to her. Spooning was allowed later & I behaved!!!

This AM I showered and put myself back in lock down. My wife made a point of checking my "condition" and commented, that "I was a good boy", for re-crating without being told.

Can't wait (but have to) till Friday!!!!!!!
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

The days leading up to Friday found me unlocked two times at my wife's direction. Both times I was instructed that I was NOT to explode. One time I was simply there for her to hold, the other time I was "required" to attend to her needs. Unfortunately, as Friday approached, an irritation started and of necessity I was unlocked for several days to recover -- all with "permission", but still with firm instructions of waiting till Friday.

On Friday we made our getaway and although it was later in the evening we finally had our time alone. At first, the direction to me was to be locked but that quickly and fortunately changed to a full contact \ no-holds-bar event!! What my wife likes about these kind of encounters is the lack of noise restrictions. We truly believe stiffling the sound diminishes the pleasure.

The following day -
Me: do you want me locked back up now?
Wife: No. We will be doing a lot of walking - later

Sunday -
Me (being all hands and talking in double meanings): So, do you want me to lock back up?
Wife (beginning to be annoyed with me for pushing her): Yes! And if you don't start controlling your self you're going to get an extra day each time you ask or try something!
Me (somewhat amused but a little frightened): How long to begin with?
Wife: I don't know.

This Morning -
Me: I REALLY enjoyed this weekend!
Wife: ME TOO! Are you locked back up?
Me: Yes (a little sheepishly)
Wife: Good (to the point and very a matter-of-fact)!
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