[Braddogg4345] Chastity & FLR

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[Braddogg4345] Chastity & FLR

Post by braddogg4345 »

This is a long overdue account of my wife and my journey through chastity and FLR.

We started male chastity about 2 years ago. I brought the idea up to my wife, and she was surprisingly receptive to it. So I ordered a cage, ordered a few books on male chastity, and we began a new chapter of our lives.

I could go into depth about how chastity has renewed our marriage, improved our sex lives, yadda yadda yadda. But we are all in the same boat here. We know how that works. So I won't go into it.

After about 6 months of happily practicing male chastity, I decided to introduce my wife to the concept of a female led relationship. This wasn't very hard for me to introduce, because I know my wife's personality. She is an alpha female who likes to take control. I am an alpha male on the surface, but deep down I harbor a desire to be controlled. To submit to my wife. Until this point, we had pretty much been on equal footing in our relationship. The FLR changed all that.

The household chores which had been done by my wife, were now done by me. The undesirable chores that we had always put off, were now done by me in a prompt fashion. We created a spreadsheet for my chores where I would have daily, weekly, and monthly chores. I would mark off on the sheet If and when I did the chores.

We set up a system of rewards and punishments based on my performance and based on my behavior. If I do all my chores, and if I am good, I get rewarded with some form of teasing. She will let me worship her body, she will let me shower with her, she will let me give her an orgasm, or she will take me out of my cage for some teasing.

If I my performance or my behavior is bad, I will be punished. My wife has come up with a whole array of punishments. They may include beatings with a belt, her flogger, her riding crop, her paddle, or just slapping the shit (her term) out of my face. Punishments may also include confinement by being tied to the bed, handcuffed in the closet, or placed in a humbler. Confinements to date have lasted anywhere from 15 minutes, to 4 and a half hours. She also has a variety of other means to punish me such as cold showers, sleeping on the floor, physical activity (push ups, etc), Icy Hot handjobs, and additional chores.

Based on my performance sheets, we also do what we call a discipline session. My wife reviews my performance bi-weekly, and bases our discipline sessions on how well I did for the 2 weeks. She runs our sessions based on a sliding scale with pleasure on one side, and pain on the other. The better I was, the more pleasure I get and the less pain I get. The worse I was, the more pain I get, and the less pleasure.

Discipline sessions are probably my favorite part of chastity and our FLR. This is almost like a straight up Domination session. My wife dresses in sexy attire. Some form of black leather usually. And it is just no holds barred for her. She can use any instrument of pain or pleasure she has available to her. She really enjoys it, and her dominant side really comes to the surface. On a few occasions, she has even taken our discipline sessions to our outdoor patio!

As we progress further into our Chastity/FLR relationship, my wife tends to get more control over our lives. She has now completely taken control of our finances. My paychecks go directly into an account that only she has access to. Our savings is in an account solely in her name. She has the only key to our safe deposit box. She is the only one with checks or a debit card. And she pays all the bills. I don't even have online access to any of our accounts. The only things I have is a checking account with about $100 in it for emergency use only, and whatever cash I save from my allowance that she gives me. I carry a credit card, but she has sole access to the statements. Any purchases I make with the card, I need to clear with her first. She also gets any money that may come to us. If I go to the casino and win, I give her the winnings. When we get our tax refund, it all goes to her. Any money I get for christmas, birthday, etc., all goes to her. A lot of times, she is generous and will give me a small amount of the money. For example, this season I won $1000 playing fantasy football. I handed it to her, and she was generous enough to give me $200 for my buy in to the league, and an extra $200 for me to keep. She kept the other $600.

This is just a brief overview and summary of our relationship so far. Its hard to cram two years of chastity into just one post. I will be sure to keep this thread updated as we progress. Any significant happenings I will be sure to talk about as well.

I have attached a pic from a recent discipline session.
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Re: [Braddogg4345] Chastity & FLR

Post by Nevermore »

What a successful and beautiful implementation of a Female Led Relationship. Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on having achieved what I aspire to. I have recently started my marriage on a trajectory to this end. I was inspired by Ms Renee Lanes True Life FLR story, "Finding Love Through Female Domination. It captivated my thoughts and motivated me to make transformative changes to my life. I invite you to read it.
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Re: [Braddogg4345] Chastity & FLR

Post by braddogg4345 »

Nevermore wrote:What a successful and beautiful implementation of a Female Led Relationship. Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on having achieved what I aspire to. I have recently started my marriage on a trajectory to this end. I was inspired by Ms Renee Lanes True Life FLR story, "Finding Love Through Female Domination. It captivated my thoughts and motivated me to make transformative changes to my life. I invite you to read it.

I have not read that book yet. I will have to check it out. My wife and i have both read this book called "Female Domination" by Elise Sutton. It really transformed our marriage. We were already practicing male chastity, but this book helped us leap into the world of FLR and femdom. It is an amazing lifestyle and i dont think either of us would want it any other way. We are not currently in a full master/slave relationship, and i dont think we ever will be. We have 2 kids at home, and it would just not be possible. Maybe when the kids move out and i retire (fingers crossed).

Hopefully all goes well for you in your relationship. You should start a thread here if you havent already!
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Re: [Braddogg4345] Chastity & FLR

Post by Ppeter »

Let me also thank you for sharing Your wonderfull story and revealing picture (one picture is worth more et cetera et cetera). Somehow the FLR lifestyle as you describe it resonates something within me. I will do some soul searching on it :D

I am still very much in the exploratory fase of chastity. As you do I have young children and I am wondering how you keep the device hidden, as well as the lifestyle. Assuming of course you keep all of it between yourselves.

Also, in your view, what would be a good forum to start reading on real life FLR relationships? It’s a jungle out there.

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