[SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

After a long break and a stressful week of travel followed by even more down time to a respiratory bug, that made my wife unhappy, things have come back into focus. 
She unlocked me before my business trip (several days, in fact) and with family life being busy, I indulged myself.  There was no time for us to have any fun before she left for her own weekend trip and I had to leave before she got back. My trip would mean long hours and not much time catch up with the family. I wanted a reminder to follow my chastity which I had already broken when I had time on my hands. 
My wife didn't want me to have troubles with TSA and unlocked me for the trip but I had already taken a cage through security in a carry on bag several times to see if it raised any concerns.  It had not raised so much as a second look from any tech in four passes through the airport.  I packed it for this trip and wore it on my own for my week away.  While I was tired from my long days, I would have been tempted for something simple and quick had I not had my cage there to remind me of the goal.  I got home and put everything away in the space where it belonged.  There it stayed for a while. 
For three and a half weeks there was travel and busy and illness.  I said nothing about chastity or sex and I thought seriously about helping myself but I held off.  I really wanted to be caged and to be close to her but life gets in the way.  I waited and I kept my mouth shut.  There was one night where she decided I had waited long enough and gave me a one-sided handjob but it was brief.  I accepted it for the gift it was knowing she wasn't ready for me to reciprocate. 
Tonight she laid out a plan as she was feeling better and had been letting me know that she appreciated my patience while she recovered.  "I'm thinking that you give me a foot rub, I'll take care of you and then we'll lock you up.  We have the trip on Friday so I'll unlock you on Thursday."  It wasn't a long lock up but it was something and I agreed eagerly.  I wanted the attention, I loved the idea of coming and at the same time HATE to be locked right after sex but she was interested in playing again. 
I didn't suggest anything, I didn't say anything, she just came up with it on her own.  I'm very happy that she went back to it without any prodding by me and that she is feeling well enough to make a comeback. 
Our upcoming trip (damn we travel a lot) won't offer much time to have fun and I doubt she'll want the cage to travel since plane is involved.  I'll take what I can get and be happy about it.  I'm locked for the week and I'll see if I can convince her to take the show on the road. 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

We returned from the long weekend in the wee hours last night. Everyone is wiped out and a work day wasn't what I was eager to do so I took the day off.

I caught up on sleep and awoke to an empty house. This is rare and I usually find some fun way to play solo but I wanted to be careful not to do anything that might lead to an ejaculation. I am trying to limit them on my own even when not locked up. I decided that a session with my aneros prostate stimulator was the order of the day. It felt great and there was no orgasm and just minimal leaking. Erections with that stimulation are the best but not the goal. My naughty thoughts were of her and what I'd love to do if she were there now.

Knowing I still had most of the day ahead, I did what a chaste man should do. I locked myself up. I did chores those rest of the day.

This evening, my wife returned home after work and grocery shopping to start dinner... exhausted. When there was a quiet moment, I handed her the key. "You locked yourself up?" Yes,too much time on my hands can lead to problems. "Did you have fun BEFORE you locked up?" No. "Yeah, right. You're a guy."

Well, I sort of did but not the way she was thinking and there was no orgasm. I admitted nothing.

She took the key and put it away in her hiding spot.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

So today I ran the numbers and here is what my world looks since I started tracking in the first week of July 2016.

170 days locked, 69 of freedom.

I wrote my wife an e-mail that I composed throughout the day at work. I explained that I was happier caged. I explained that my efforts at self-love had been severely reduced (only 3) to times when I wasn't caged. I told her that I longed for her and really loved that feeling of always being excited. I loved her touch, her tease and her sexy comments about me being locked. I explained that just writing the e-mail had me leaking. I clicked SEND.

An hour later, I received a text that I had distracted her from her tasks. I THINK that is a good thing.

I don't think I'll get her to 100% locked rate with 365/24/7 but this was my first attempt.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

So catching things up...

12 days into my current self-imposed lockup and 16 days since the last O. I locked myself and gave her the key which she accepted.

The first week was uneventful and I thought that maybe locking myself up was a bad idea and she was going to teach me a lesson. I started making offers to service her and after about three days of asking her to go down on her, she permitted me some sexual contact. "I know you want to lick me but why don't you get me vibrator instead? I know that is not what you wanted but I prefer this right now."

Hmmm... okay. I suck at driving the vibrator but it is what she wants so she'll have it. As usual, she let me start things off and when she was properly warmed up, she took it away from me to get the job done. She had some strong back arching orgasms at the end of the vibrating wand. I was leaking and groping her with no relief offered.

The following days, I was excited and repeated my offer that we should have fun and allow me to lick her. I was unlikely to convince her to go twice in a week since her frequency was more like once every 2-3 weeks. I'll never understand how women don't want sex all the time but that's what makes us different.

I kept making the offer to go down on her and three days after I was permitted to use the vibrator on her, she offered to let me lick her. Wow! She was either putting up with me or she was getting into being sexed this week. I used my tongue to great affect and she felt the range of large, medium, small and "those passing flutters, oh!"

When we calmed down, I made the comment that we were doing so well, our goal for her orgasms should be at least three sessions a week. She looked at me as if I had lost my mind and gave me a "Yeah, right. Keeping dreaming."

Well, if I could get her to two this week, maybe I could get her to two O's next week. I wouldn't be setting any records for myself so she would have to be the focus of my sexual energy. I touched her hips in front of the kids, rubbed her back at opportune moments in public and did all I could do not beg her for the key so I could jump her bones in private. Our last PIV session and her recent orgasms play in my head to torture me whenever I have a free moment to think about them. I keep leaking both when we're together and when I think about being with her. I'm in the zone.

Sunday night is usually a time reserved for us to plan the week ahead, wrap up anything that needs to be done and most importantly have sex. She had her twice this week so I hoped there would be some intense teasing for me but then she surprised me again.

"I was going to let you go down on me again tonight, but well, uh, that won't be possible for a few days."

Dammit! Her period picked a fine time to come for a visit.

Wait! It occurred to me. She was going for the triple, treble, the hat-trick, she was seriously going to have sex three times in a week. Woo Hoo! It didn't happen but she was willing and wanted to do it which is more of a victory than I could hope for.

Wait, are you serious? Her head bobbed while she smiled. "Tonight, I'll just tease you a little."

So I brought up the fact that I hadn't given her the opportunity to lock me up this time and we really haven't discussed the plan and it has been a really long time... like a year since. She showed me no sympathy and simply whispered, "You brought this on yourself, I didn't lock you up." Well, yeah, I know but I was trying to be good but it has been SO LONG SINCE...

I brought up the fact that I hadn't had so much as an erection in nearly two weeks. She reminded me, "You brought this on yourself." While true it sounded ominous coming from her like that but then she followed up with "Maybe I can come up with a plan for this lockup in a day or so."

I love my wife.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Two nights later and I knew she was unavailable but she shows up with the key in hand for bed.  Nice!  I'm going to get some out of cage teasing because she heard me when I told her that I hadn't had so much as an erection in two weeks. This is going to be awesome. 
She throws me a pair of the satin panties that always lights my fire and proceeds to unlock me.  The cage makes room for an eager erection and as always it feels good to get to full size but I'm not fast enough to remove the base ring; it will have to stay on for now. 
She works my nipples and I work the soft satin up and down to stimulate myself.  It is wonderful and I am enjoying myself as I consider how long she is going to allow this.  "I want you to come." 
Wha?!  Uh.  Wait, I thought this was teasing. I had contemplated discussing a new record for denial to break the 5 weeks we did around October. I struggle with putting ideas like that in her head because I honestly don't know if I can become someone who moves to major, long term denial.  I don't know why she always surprises me when she wants me to come.  I was "in the zone" I told her, I was leaking, I wanted her all the time and this would mess up that happy groove. 
"I want you to come, please."  Well, you need to be more in control so for heaven's sake don't say, please. 
"I want you to come.  Now.  You need to come so we can lock you back up." 
It was what she wanted and she was fully inside my head so all I could do was what I was told.  She would work my nipples, she would repeat "come now" and I was soon overwhelmed by the satin sensation.  It was a long orgasm and a very satisfying one that I no idea was on the agenda for the evening but there it was. 
She gave me 10 minutes to recover and then held up the key on the chain as she had started the encounter but this time to remind me it was time to lock everything back up.  I felt exposed and foolish and vulnerable as only a lover can make you feel as I fumbled to re-assemble the cage and let her insert the lock. 
This week she'll be back in action and we'll see if I can encourage her to be as eager and as active as we had before. 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

24 days locked 
6 days since last orgasm 
Sunday night I was alerted that there would be activity on Monday night so I was eager to find out what she had in mind.  It could be just me, it could be just you or it COULD be both of us.  I ran out of room in the cage and started looking forward to the following night. 
The world being what it is, there is family stuff that goes and with some drama that delays the regular bedtime schedule.  Her plans are likely to get delayed because she likes her sleep and it is getting later by the minute.  She reassures me that she is up for something when the last child disappears, just wait a bit.  The moment finally happens and she lets me know she's ready to go. 
"Close the door when you get up to get undressed." 
I locked the door to the master bedroom and quickly stripped off my clothes and reported to her side to be unlocked.  It always feels good to get the freedom to become erect and tonight is no exception, I enjoy the privilege and watch her shimmy out of her bottoms under the covers. 
"I want a quickie... and afterwards, we're going to lock you back up." 
This might be what she had in mind but I suspect she wanted to get to sleep so maybe this was a compromise.  It didn't matter; this is what she wanted and this is what she would have.  I was too busy thinking about what I was about to do and how casually she let me know I wouldn't be uncaged when it was through. 
After letting her know that I was okay with being locked up, enjoyed being locked up, asked to be locked up and preferred being locked up... she was keeping me caged most of the time.  I'm not sure it really matters that much to her but she is willing to play and she was playing. 
We nuzzled, we warmed her up and I climbed up for a quickie and it felt great to get the stimulation.  We enjoyed one another and I was getting close so I tried to slow things down.  She felt my hesitation and doubled down on me so I asked for permission.  I'm getting close, can I come?  This was a given since it was the point of the evening but she surprised me.  "No." 
It was like jumping off the diving board but told not to get wet.  I would get a surge of exhilaration when I ask and get a 'yes' but it was tripled when she said, 'no.'  I wasn't expecting it and had to stop everything right away or I was done. I tried to catch my breath but there was a minor crescendo and we could both sense the pulsing but I felt no orgasm so once the sense of urgency diminished, I resumed my efforts. 
We continued on for bit more and my erection never failed but it was clear that I'd had a ruined orgasm because there was no going forward.  I may not have let loose of a drop of semen but the excitement was there and that pulsing spasm was a clear indicator that something happened.  My arms needed a break and I knew she didn't have another 30 minutes in her so we called it quits.  I cleaned up, returned myself into the cage and presented it to her to be locked back up. 
We cuddled and dozed and the night ended in a curious way but I was locked up so I had all I was going to get until the next time. 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

29 days locked 
0 days since last orgasm 
Last night my lovely wife listened to me offer her services and requested a foot rub.  I offered her more and she proposed a 'quickie' which I feared would end my detention and my orgasm-free world.  She seems to have backed off on the teasing and becoming less interested in my denial but at the same time she is keen to keep me locked all the time. 
I pressed a bit more and she offered to let me lick her and later in the evening when things settled down, perhaps pull off a quickie.  I was eager for the opportunity and immediately went to work knowing we had a time limit until the evening family activities would get in the way.  We got her through a mix of small and medium orgasms in seemingly record time, maybe 20 minutes.  Major benefit for her was that she didn't even have to retrieve the key and I was leaking from my own excitement, still fully locked. 
We had dinner and she reminded me during a quiet moment that there was still work to be done when things calmed down.  She followed on with "but then, we don't HAVE to because... I got mine."  She isn't going there, she wouldn't go there but I love that she's willing to joke about it.  Maybe one day she will and I'll be as surprised as I have ever been. 
Bedtime rolled around and she got her foot rub as the house got quiet with kids going to sleep. She was properly relaxed and moved to her side of the bed to retrieve the key.  I wasn't trying to get hard so the cage was easy to slip off and the ring followed with it.  I have to admit it was nice to have a break and get some air on certain portions of skin. 
She wound me up pretty quickly and I got her warmed up to start things going.  It was past her bedtime and getting later.  Last time I ruined my own orgasm by trying to stop too late, this time I wasn't going to blow things up.  Can I come?  "Yes, you can come." 
My desire to follow through was mixed with my desire to hold out but she wanted me inside her and she wanted me to orgasm.  Her will must be obeyed. <wink> 
I stayed focused on keeping the stimulation on the outside for her initially, but then it was time to make the magic happen. She welcomed me inside and it was wonderful, I was able to thrust for several minutes and then she was ready for me to finish.  She grabbed my nipples hard and turned, I was close enough that there was no way to slow down, much less stop.  I felt the orgasm build and build and build, oh crap, this is going to be huge.  I felt it in my toes, up my spine and into the back of my neck. Writing this now brings back a sense memory and I'm amazed at how powerful that was. Woof. 
I was given a break for the night but locked up again in the morning.  She hasn't been the most stern about locking back up but she met me coming out of the shower with a huge grin on her face, "It's time!" 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Getting into some 'bad old habits' over the past few weeks where sex is limited to a designated day of the week and I feel like she feels obligated to tend to my needs like something else on her to do list. She doesn't feel like that and she enjoys our time together but I can't help feeling it isn't healthy to be "another chore" on her list.

Last week after our PIV encounter, I was eager for some action around the third day but our schedule didn't allow it and my cage prevented me from tending to my own needs. I made several very brief offers on various days but nothing worked out until the weekend, again. Sunday night brought the opportunity and when the kids had settled, she came strolling into the bedroom dangling the key.

"I want a foot rub." Yes, ma'am.

There is no doubt in my mind that sex doesn't interest her as much as a foot rub, but if that is what she enjoys, who am I judge?

When my task was complete and he feet were properly massaged and hydrated with lotion, she turned to me and set out the activities for the evening. "I'm going to unlock you and get on top." I love it when she is on top and she knows it so she was treating me. I offered to provide her various forms of pleasure but she wanted what she wanted and her will would be obeyed.

She unlocked the cage and I removed the steel surrounding me and was a little concerned that I wasn't trying to get hard yet. I was eager but there was no blood flow slowing down the removal of the base ring which made it easier. Yeah, that problem didn't last long. She dropped her bottoms and climbed on to the bed to join me. I grew erect for the first time in a week and it was a wonderful feeling just to have that privilege.

My wife threw her leg over me and we worked on warming her up and mating up our parts to get things started. She makes 'that face' to relax and let me slide in while I'm watching her in amazement and adoration. We start rocking slowly to get the friction going which feels wonderful and I'm able to hang in there longer than normal. She knows how to push me over and starts massage my chest and pinching my nipples while she closes her eyes and enjoys our intimacy.

She decides that it is time to make me cum and opens her eyes to find me staring at her chest. I focus on watching her breasts bounce in this position and she has learned to ask, "Do you want me to take off my shirt?" I nod eagerly and she strips it off and now I have a view of her wonderful chest moving with everything we do. I can't help myself now and thrust because it feels great but also to get more bounce which is a downward spiral.

Nothing was going to stop me now but I had to ask, CAN I COME? "Yes." The sensation started in the soles of my feet and flowed around my back until my orgasm turned me into a convulsing, noisy mass of flailing male. I tried to keep thrusting but I was so overwhelmed by the sensation my efforts just turned into what must have looked like spasms. The waves just kept coming and I rode the top of that orgasm for a week (upon reflection it might have been 15 seconds but it was intense for a long time) and it was all I could do not to scream at the top of my lungs.

She elected not to lock me back up and let me know it would be a few days before the cage would be restored to my genitals. This was another of her arbitrary breaks that I don't understand.

I love my wife.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

This post follows very quickly after my last since I'm trying to catch up. We step a week forward in time.

After being unlocked for a day or so, my thoughts turned to having a solo session so I could get an extra O because 'why else would she have unlocked me?' I gave it some more thought on day 2 and I was ready to find my opportunity by day 3. The next morning I would have a couple of hours at home alone if she didn't lock me up right away. We were traveling for a four day weekend event with the kids and she was going to check in at work for a few hours where I had just taken the day off.

We woke up the next morning and there was no discussion of getting locked up. Score. I had my time and opportunity. As my morning progressed and I thought seriously about masturbating, I kept reflecting on how good the sex was last weekend. I thought about how many days it takes me to start leaking and how much fun that it is for me. I wasn't told I couldn't and I don't think she cares too much but I decided against it. Instead of a solo session, I packed for the trip and took the time to shave around my privates so the cage would look better and not snag at hairs. Metal and hair doesn't work well together in my experience.

I was a little disappointed when she got home and said, "We need to lock you up before we go." She didn't lead me upstairs to the cage and the key. She just started working on other tasks. Uh, okay. I waited about 45 minutes and eventually went upstairs on my own to put myself in the cage. Having her apply the lock and remove the lock is such a "power thing" for me, it felt very ordinary to have to do it all myself. Just how I feel.

We purchased a smaller cage and smaller ring (40mm) which I tried on but the smaller ring still feels really tight but not as bad as the first day I bought it. There may come a day when everything adjusts so that a 40mm ring is more comfortable but I wasn’t going to go out of town in something that experimental. I decided to put the shorter cage on the larger (45mm) ring and luckily it fits like it was designed that way. Same vendor for both cages so they probably make them from the same design which is great.

I locked up in the shorter cage using my more comfortable ring but packed all of the other pieces just in case there was a problem. The shave made everything much more comfortable and I grabbed the luggage and went downstairs. I found my wife sitting at the kitchen table and I presented her with the key. "You put on your cage? Good boy."

You doubted me? This silly game of chastity and all the power rules aside, her comment meant the world to me. It was high praise and I loved it. The mind is such a weird place.

Upon our return home from the long, long weekend we were both pretty tired and took a refreshing nap. We fed the kids, settled the house and headed back to bed with a work week to face the next morning. My wife comes into the bedroom carrying her vibrator but there was no sign of my key.

"I want a foot rub and then we're going to take care of me. You stay locked up." I began suggesting alternatives and each was rejected. She wanted what she wanted. For each suggestion, I was abruptly cut off with a "nope," "no" or "not tonight, uh uh." She also added, "This is what you asked for." I was getting lotion for her foot rub and she added, "We'll tease you for a little bit when I'm taken care of." When the foot rub was complete and the door closed, I began warming her up with kisses and touches. She enjoyed it until I tried inserting a finger and she again made it clear what she wanted and what I would not be doing tonight. The vibrator started doing its work and a few minutes later she was arching her back and making the noises I enjoy so much.

Her needs met and satisfaction achieved she put away the vibrator and snuggled in close to me. Her hand went to my bare nipple and started making slow circles. She makes me very hot doing this and it is her thing to start me up. It was she who taught me that I liked this and she continues to use it to her advantage. The shorter cage didn't allow me to become erect at all and I struggled under her touch knowing it was going nowhere. My prostate was buzzing and I began to breathe much more deeply. I felt waves of pleasure (she calls them flutters when it happens to her) and I wanted more direct stimulation. I moved her hand to my cage and she rubbed my balls and massaged what she could touch through the cage. I was struggling and she was fading as sleep demanded her full attention.

My own desire to sleep was overtaking me since she had relaxed me so much but I was still pretty stirred up. I eventually calmed down enough to sleep and I had a great night of slumber. I don't understand how not coming is as relaxing as getting the chemical rush of having an orgasm. She is very good at it. The following morning, she found a moment on the way out the door, gave me a knowing stare and quietly asked, "Did you sleep well last night?"

I love my wife.

5 days locked
8 days since last orgasm
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

After the weekend travel, my wife unlocked me for some fun.  She was focused entirely on me and there would be nothing for her tonight, 'thank you.' 
I removed the cage and she got stirred up pretty quickly and handed me a pair of panties to begin stroking myself while she made me crazy in other ways.  Everything felt wonderful and when I was getting past 80%, I moved her hand down to take over and she stroked me into a toe-curling finish.  It has been just 9 days but it was very good and so much better than ordinary sex.  Hard to explain. 
She left me unlocked and with another weekend travel trip ahead, she suggested I'd be locked up again for the trip.  I waited with anticipation but no cage came, no discussion of it, off we went.  I managed to sneak in a solo effort while I was waiting for her in an empty house before we left.  I miss orgasms and if she's going to leave me loose, I can't always control myself.  I decided this would be the time that I would consume my own emission and finished in a glass.  This was it, here we go... and then there is NO WAY I’m doing that.  How is it so exciting to consider until it is time, there must be a chemical rush in the brain that controls that. 
Another weekend in the bag and we get back to work on Monday, still no cage and still no mention of a cage.  When I got out of the shower on Monday morning, she lets me know there was going to be some fun tonight. Good for me, I was ready. 
She was going to have a repeat of the previous week's activities where she made me crazy while I stroked.  This time is was more than a toe-curling experience, I had to grab her and squeeze her to keep from screaming.  Even so, she whispers to me... "my you were very vocal." 
No cage, no denial... no problem.  It's all about what she wants. 
I love my wife.
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