[crated51] maybe a different perspective

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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Since my last post, time spent confined has been less than 50% due to the hussle and bustle of the time of year & irritations where the base ring makes contact. Most recently, things had been going well until another irritation developed with an ingrown hair. Seems like for me 5 - 6 day is the longest continuous caging that is comfortable then I need a day or two break. Once an irritation starts it seems there is a need of a week off after a week on - not the point or goal.

During one of the times unlocked my wife asked where was the crate was?!?! I sheepishly replied, "you didn't tell me to lock back up." Her response - "unless you have an irritation you need to be in your crate". Her tone was neither tentative or demanding, just a statement of fact. Such directions helps me deal with times when I question my sanity for wearing the thing. Just last night she asked why no crate????? I told her about the problem and she said, "let me see". "Well, OK then" and let me go about my way.

She seems to enjoy my confinement and when I get to the place where I REALLY need and want her, but not necessarily doing anything about it. She's told me several times she also wants to wait to build her own tension - not what I want but - not my call. Conversely, she likes to hold and tease me especially when her hands are COLD. That's when she doesn't like the crate. I would like her to "require" me to unlock, do with me as she wills then "require" me to relock. She is still working things out for herself and seems to be finding her way. Slow and steady wins the race may be an appropriate cliche.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

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Feeling better, I dutifully locked back up without being told. My wife discovered my re-crated condition when we retired for the evening - all be it somewhat late.

W: "Oh, what's this?"
Me: "feeling better so I'm following instructions"

Nothing more was said, but....... about 15 minutes of pretty intense teasing followed. The end of the crate is relatively open and allows her access to the sensitive underside. I could not hold still and clung to her as she laid besides me laid with her head resting on my chest. Intermittently I would ask to touch her but was flatly refused. I knew better than to press her for the privilege due to a fear of a premature, "that's all. Turn over and go to sleep."

Wife: "well another week of teasing should be good for you."

Me: "O....... K......."

When she felt she had sufficiently teased me; she naturally fell into the, "it's getting late / go to sleep" mode. What I find interesting is that toward the end of the tease, I was beginning to feel a simple level of satisfaction and contentment even though I was not allowed any form of release. Although the crate reminded me numerous times during the night that flesh is no match for steel, I was still able to relax enough to get some sleep. Was my sense of contentment just because I knew she was going to end things anyway, or was it due to crate induced fatigue, or both? Maybe tonight I'll be given another chance to figure it out.

I made a special point of thanking her last night and this AM how much I enjoyed the tease. I'm not trying to force her to do things to me - I want her to want to do them because she want to do them, but fortunately I believe she want to please me so I'm thinking it's a win win.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

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Friday and Saturday there was no teasing of any kind. However, Sunday and Monday were marked by short intense manipulations for me. Sunday night I was permitted to unlock and be inside - I was denied my explosion but she took her pleasure with.... pleasure.

It is amazing how intense the sensation is when inside after being denied for soooooo long (15 days but who's counting). It was also incredibly erotic just to touch her. Last night I remained crated while teased. She seemed very pleased that I would jump at the lightest touch. "Maybe I'll make you wait two months", she smirked.

"I.........., that's too long!"

To recap, we had planned on going away this last weekend but that fell through. Sunday night while I was waiting for her to come to bed, she cozied up to me and said that it would be good to make me wait and go away not this Friday, but the following Friday -- two more weeks which would make it a month since my last cum. Now she was teasing with a total of two months. Other than the, "that's too long", objection I was speechless. I don't think she'll follow through with the "threat" but it seems like a good sign that she is enjoying herself with my frustration and lust. Game on!
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Dag nab it all but I was out last Tuesday and she was working me over while asking me if I wanted to explode. I did and I did. Still, 2-1/2 weeks and I was nowhere releaved of the built up tension.

We may yet get away this Friday, meaning in nearly 4 weeks and I have only been allowed one cum. She enjoys taking me to the edge, giving me some unpleasantries to curb the excitement, then taking me right back to the edge. For example, it was Friday night, I was out and again being teased, and given the choice "Do you want to explode?"

"Only if you do with me." But I was rebuffed. She would not yield.

Then on Sunday I was permitted to be inside to please her but warned I had to wait till Friday. It was wonderful to touch and please her, but had quite the challenge to relock. We are planning on going away - no place special. We will be anonymous and free to be loud and make anyone nearby jealous
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Since the last entry - no get-a-way. In fact, not much of anything other than denial. No tease, no please, not even crated that much. Very disappointing, but it's life. Maybe we'll both start feeling better soon and personal frustrations will pass. Hopefully I can look back on this entry in the future and appreciate with relief what has passed.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by locked4her55 »

crated51 wrote: No tease, no please, not even crated that much.
:( Sorry
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

So.... on the night of my last post I was honored with a tease in crate that actually lead to an explosion - a first!

Wife: what happened?
Me: I exploded (it was quite intense for 5 or 6 contractions and numerous aftershocks with significant volume and.... distance - wow did that make me feel good. Not just physically but the sensation of power).
Wife: I didn't know you could do that in your crate.
Me: neither did I.
Wife: that was fun.

I then was permitted to return the favor - of course both of us had to restrain from any noise making. It had been several weeks for her also, so we both slept very soundly and satisfied.

The following night I was permitted in - with the instruction to not explode. I dutifully obeyed but as our tensions approached their peak I was torn between the desire to cum and wanting to hear her say "that's enough, lock back up." I requested permission to explode and without hesitation she said yes. My release first followed closely by her's was wonderful!

Me: sorry but I couldn't control myself
Wife: I was planning on letting you explode all along. ( how cool is that )

The following day I had some longer traveling required and limited opportunities to make adjustments if needed so I was allowed to be uncrated. Going to bed was late and I slept free, but I made sure I re locked in the AM. After a little of teasing banter, my wife made a quick inspection with her hand to confirm my status. I was happy to receive an immediate nod of approval from her.

There are ebbs and flows to life and any relationship. It's nice right now that things are flowing good.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

In no particular order, the following are supplements I cycle. Other than the indole-3-carbinol; I do not take them everyday. Given the number, it's usually a couple of weeks before I re-take the same supplement. Most only indirectly support testosterone production. I offer these only to recommend against T in a tube from a prescription. Studies are showing that the treatment can had SERIOUS side effects. Do your own research before you begin any medication - even and especially natural ones.

Stinging nettle root
Rhodiola rosea extract
Avena sativa
Horny goat weed
Catuaba bark
Damiana leaves
Muira puama root
Mucuna pruriens
Tongkat ali
Fenugreek seed
Tribulus terrestris

Yohimbe (better would be yohimbine) take only a very small amount until you know how you will react.

What does this have to do with MC? Nothing directly, but added to proper diet, exercise, edging - you may get to where you want to be even faster. If I can get the exercise part going I would be doing much better.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

Last night my wife said she wanted me out of the crate. She kindly teased for about 20 or 30 minutes and again ended with, "now behave". Which I did.

In the AM preparing to leave for work I made a point of expressing my thanks for her attention.

Wife: you're welcome. Are you back in your crate?

Me: (sheepishly) no. Did you want me to lock back up? (I'm sure my voice sounded both questioning and hopeful).

Wife: (with the briefest of hesitation) Yes and I want to watch - closely. (Another first)

In reflection I am struck by the combination of my feelings of excitement and modesty. She has directed me in the past to lock up but - from a distance or almost as an assignment. Here, she found the process quite humorous - skin then testes inserted through the solid ring -- which with her close proximity made finishing even more difficult - the stainless steel ring seemed to magical shrink or something. If the process had taken much longer, I would have been late to work.

Side note - I'm back to using the lock instead of the spanner screw and nut - hoping she will take more interest in her control of the key. I know I could suggest it but it seems she will take more ownership of the game and the rules if she has the chance to go at her own speed.
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Re: [crated51] maybe a different perspective

Post by crated51 »

As referenced in an earlier entry, the imitation "Tool Trap" is too long by the "tip should touch the end most of the time" standard. To address this, a "Pepper Pot" or an A080 is currently in use (an imitation of one of the steelworks lookers but w/o the insert). The size is nearly correct and would likely be the basis of measurements of a custom device. It is lighter (82 grams verses 115 grams) much more comfortable than the Trap being 3/4" to 1-1/4" shorter depending on how they are measured - since they are a different shape. The Trap generally points out but also downward while the A080 is only forward. This was a concern but being shorter is doesn't seem to be too much of a problem. The base ring slippage is greatly reduced and rotating is diminished.

One downside being very limited opportunity for my wife to tease directly while it is worn. I suspect exploding with it on would also be very very difficult. Another downside is the tip can be irritated if it pushes past small hole at the end of the crate - rubbing against clothing. Cleaning takes a little more effort, but is manageable.

The week before I wore it I had been free due to an irritation as well as some health issues on my wife's part. The night I put it on she had not seen it nor was aware I locked back up. When she came to bed (with lights out) I told her what I was wearing She felt, teased a little and asked if it was more comfortable. When I told her it was she simply said OK and went to sleep. For me however it was like my my first night locked up - sleepless and aroused.

The next night she specifically wanted to see it. "It's going to keep you small", was her observation. "Is it comfortable"? She asked again and I assured her it is and also confirmed that trips to the bathroom were not messy but that turns out to only true while sitting. The open end of the trap made standing doable but the A080 is a different matter.

It truly suppresses in a more intense way than the Trap. Where previously an erection was contained by say, 40 or 50%, now I'm restricted by 60 or 70% - quite the change.
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