Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

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Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by Intense_Restraint »

Keith sat on his dorm room bed with a textbook in his lap and stared at his handsome, shirtless roommate, Roger, as Roger did pushups in the center of the room and counted to 30, exhaling loudly as he exerted himself. Roger was shorter than Keith with a slim body and a military haircut. Even though they were attending a small private college in Virginia, Roger's military bearing always gave Keith a feeling that he was at boot camp. Roger was a very disciplined fellow who scheduled his life so that he could excel in scholastics while also representing the school on the soccer team. When Roger was on the soccer field, he was a very capable and nimble player, but off the field he carried himself with a rather aloof expression, and he didn't make friends easily.
Keith was on the soccer team also, and the two young men had known each other for years. Keith reflected on the conversation he wanted to have with Roger, and wondered how Roger would react to what he wanted to say.
Roger finished his pushups and stood. Keith grabbed a tennis ball from the bedside table next to him and tossed it to him. "Hey, catch."
Roger caught the ball and threw it back, aiming it at Keith's genitals, but not forcefully. Keith caught it easily, and threw it back at Roger's genitals, just as Roger was sitting on his own bed. "Hah, you missed," he said.
"So did you," said Roger, catching the ball before it could hit a sensitive area.
"I want to talk with you," said Keith.
"What's up?" replied Roger.
"I want to talk about our deal," said Keith.
"What about it?" asked Roger.
"I want something different," said Keith.
"Oh, God," replied Roger. "I’m off limits. I'm straight. I'm your straight friend, remember? I still like girls. I still want to get married someday and have children."
"Will you listen to me?" said Keith. "I know you're straight. I'm the one who gives you advice on your dating relationships, remember? I'm the one who arranged a blind date for you with that girl who has the horse farm. Anyway, I'm tired of keeping my sexuality a secret."
"That was our deal, remember? You wanted everyone to think you were straight while you were in college, and I was supposed to be the only person who knew your secret. I don't know why I agreed to be your roommate anyway, except that the school assigned us to be roommates, and you were the only person I knew at this school when I arrived, and our parents have been friends since they were in college. You've always seemed more like a cousin to me, like a relative. So, what has changed? Why do you want something different?"
"The whole world is changing, Roger! People are much more accepting of gay people now. I don't know why I should continue pretending to be straight," said Keith.
"I understand what you are saying," said Roger, "but I'm not ready for this. I don't want everyone on this floor knowing you are gay. I don't want our teammates to know either. I can only imagine what my parents would say if they knew."
"This is my life we are talking about," replied Keith. These college years are a very important part of it."
"Of course they are. We thought about this when we decided to be roommates. You are free to find another roommate if you want. Then you can tell people you're gay if you want. Not that I'm kicking you out. I like you, and I want you to stay -- under the terms of our original arrangement."
"I don't want to move out," said Keith. "I like you as a roommate, even if you might seem unreasonable at times. Anyway, I don't have to tell people I am gay, but I may have a new gay friend."
"What kind of gay friend?" asked Roger, feeling a bit alarmed.
"I found him on a website for gay guys," said Keith. He lives in the area."
"Does the website provide a picture and a description?" asked Roger.
"Yes," replied Keith. "Do you want to see it?" Keith went over to his desk and sat down at his computer, and Roger followed. After a few clicks of the mouse, a photo appeared with some information.
"Yikes!" said Roger. "He looks like he is ten years older than you." Roger leaned over the computer and read the information. "This says he likes bondage and spanking! Does this mean what I think? Would he tie you up and spank you?"
Keith turned bright red. "Um, yes. That's what it means."
"Is that what you want? You want some guy to tie you up and spank you?" asked Roger, his eyes widening.
Keith looked down at the floor, blushing a bright red, and couldn't think of how to reply.
"That IS what you want, isn't it? declared Roger. "Not only are you gay, but you are turned on by kinky stuff like this." Roger walked back to his bed, laid down and put a pillow over his face. He laid there for a couple of minutes and pictured Keith in this strange man's apartment, strapped to the other man's bed and being lashed with the other man's belt, helpless, hurt and unable to escape. He thought about Keith's parents and how they would feel if they knew he had allowed Keith to meet a stranger for kinky sex without trying to talk him out of it. Roger sat up on the bed. "This guy scares me," he said quietly. "I don't want you to be in danger or have a bad experience."
"Sometimes you have to take a risk," said Keith, sounding a bit unsure.
"I have an idea," said Roger. "This may be the worst idea I have ever had. I don't know if I should even tell you about it."
"What??" asked Keith.
"I can't believe I am even saying this." Roger paused, having trouble getting the words to come out of his mouth. Keith waited. "I'll do it."
"What??" asked Keith. "You'll do what?"
"I'll tie you up and spank you if you promise me you won't hook up with this man you found on the website," said Roger. This time he turned red at the thought.
"Are you saying you want to tie me up and spank me?" asked Keith.
"Only to keep you out of trouble," replied Roger.
"How often are you offering to do this? Just once?" asked Keith.
"Maybe we should try it once and see how it goes," replied Roger.
Keith paused. "When do you want to try it," he asked, trying not to seem too eager and inwardly reminding himself to breathe. He had had a crush on Roger for years and often dreamed of various sexual adventures involving his best friend. He often wondered if Roger knew what he was thinking.
"Take your clothes off," commanded Roger. He thought to himself, "Oh, God, I can't believe I just said that."
Keith felt faint at the words he heard. He reached for the topmost button on his shirt, and searched his friend's face for any hint that he was joking. He released the first three buttons, and Roger just stared at him.
"Keep going," Roger said, as he saw Keith hesitate after the third button. Keith stood up, finished unbuttoning his shirt and threw it in his laundry basket. Then he unbuckled his belt, pulled it through the loops and set it down on his bed. He unfastened his pants and dropped them to the floor, leaving him wearing nothing but his underpants. Keith glanced at Roger and hesitated again.
"Get your bathrobe," Roger said. Keith looked puzzled, but he obediently retrieved his bathrobe from the closet. "Give me the belt from the bathrobe," Roger said. Keith pulled the cloth belt through the loops of the bathrobe and handed it to his buddy. "Put your hands out so I can tie your wrists together," ordered Roger. Keith did as instructed, and Roger tied his wrists with a double knot. Then he led Keith over to the closet and tied him to the closet rod.
Keith stood quivering with excitement as Roger picked up his leather belt from his bed. Keith went to his stereo and inserted a Billy Joel CD. Just as he was about to push the Play button, someone knocked on their door. Roger and Keith looked at each other in alarm. "Get in the closet," Roger ordered. He closed the closet door as Keith squeezed himself in, still tied to the closet rod. Roger went over and opened the door, not caring that he was shirtless.
Another guy from the floor was at his door, Ted. "Some of us are going out to O'Malley's for some pizza and beer," he said. "Do you want to come along?"
"Not tonight," said Roger. "I have other plans. Ask me again another time."
"What about Keith? Is he around?" asked Ted.
"I'll tell him when I see him. Maybe he will come join you," replied Roger.
"Okay, thanks," said Ted. "See yah."
Roger closed the door and paused for a moment feeling relieved that Ted had left. Then he opened the closet door and returned to the stereo, hit the Play button and adjusted the volume to mask the sounds that he was about to make with the belt.
Roger returned to Keith and looked down at the front of Keith's underpants. "I think you've gone soft," he remarked. "Do you still want to do this?"
Keith laughed. "You don't blame me, do you? I went soft when I heard Ted's knock at the door."
"No, I don't blame you," said Roger. He walked over to the bed and practiced swinging the belt and smacking the bed with it. He noticed Keith was trembling a bit as he stood by the closet. Keith's hands were getting a bit red from the constricted flow of blood, and his face was looking a bit pale.
Roger walked over to Keith, positioned himself and swung the belt hard enough to make full contact with Keith's underpants but not hard enough to really hurt. Keith gasped a bit at the contact and said, "Thank you, Sir."
"What?" asked Roger, feeling a bit bewildered.
"I said, Thank you, Sir." replied Keith.
"You're thanking me for hitting you with the belt?" asked Roger.
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith.
Roger felt his own penis stiffen a bit as he began to feel the power he had over his friend at that moment. He returned to the bed and practiced a few more swings with the belt, mostly so that Keith could hear them and anticipate his next stroke of punishment. Roger returned to Keith, drew back the belt and smacked it in a more forceful manner. Keith gasped a bit louder than the previous time, but still said, "Thank you, Sir."
Roger changed his grip on the belt and repositioned himself in front of Keith. Then he smacked him softly a few times on his privates with the tip of the belt. Keith gasped again, this time from shock that Roger would be so bold as to touch his privates with the belt, knowing that any kind of pressure on his privates would likely cause an erection.
Roger set the belt down on the bed and stood silent and motionless behind Keith, looking at Keith's shoulder blades and the peach fuzz on his back. Roger noticed a blackhead. "Hey, you have a blackhead on your back. Do you want me to squeeze it out?" he asked.
"Yeah, if you want to, go ahead," replied Keith. Roger pushed his fingernails against the blackhead and watched with satisfaction as it slowly oozed out. He grabbed a tissue and wiped the oily blackhead off his friend's back and dropped it in the trashcan. Then he returned to his friend. With a quick motion, grabbed the sides of Keith's underpants and pulled them down to the floor. Then Roger retrieved the belt again and used the tip of it to tap Keith's penis and balls briefly and watched with some amusement as Keith's penis rose to attention.
Roger repositioned himself behind Keith and swatted him several more times, watching Keith's buttocks quiver and his skin turn red with marks from the belt. After ten swats, Roger was ready to stop. He stood close to Keith and asked, "Who's your daddy?"
Keith blushed and replied, "You are."
Roger said, "You forgot to say 'Sir.'"
Keith replied, "You are, Sir."
Roger asked, "Who knows what's best for you?"
Keith's face turned a bit more red. "You do, Sir."
"That's right," said Roger, approvingly.
Roger set the belt down and untied Keith from the closet rod. Then he led Keith over to the wooden chair at Keith's desk. He positioned the chair to face away from the desk. "Sit down," Roger ordered.
Keith sat down slowly on the chair, and felt the soreness on his bottom. Roger grabbed the leather belt and wrapped it a few times around Keith's ankles and fastened it. Then he pulled the bathrobe belt holding Keith's wrists together down to the leather belt at Keith's ankles and tied them together, leaving Keith bound in an uncomfortable position. Then Roger got his own leather belt and secured Keith to the back of the chair. Keith trembled slightly in his new position as he felt the pressure of Roger's leather belt around his abdomen. Roger stood back and looked at Keith, satisfied to see his friends bound and helpless. The only thing that bothered him was that Keith's hair was a bit wild. Keith liked to wear his hair longer than Roger did, and Roger wished Keith had a more military-looking haircut.
Roger suddenly remembered that he had a hair trimming kit in the closet. He had brought it from home so that he could keep his chest hair trimmed so he wouldn't look hairy like a bear. He pulled out his equipment, plugged in the trimmer and attached clip #3, which would allow him to trim his friend's hair to a uniform length of a quarter of an inch. Roger turned off the stereo and turned on the trimmer, knowing that Keith would react to the sound.
"What the fuck are you doing?" asked Keith.
"Who's your daddy?" inquired Roger, again.
Keith paused, feeling a bit confused. "You are, Sir," he said after a moment.
"Who knows what's best for you?" inquired Roger, repetitiously.
"You do, Sir," replied Keith, sounding a bit unhappy.
Roger turned on the stereo again and proceeded to trim his roommate's hair, running the trimmer back and forth across his friend's head and watching the excess hair float down about his hands, feet and bathrobe belt. He labored over his friend's head more than he needed to, just because he enjoyed seeing Keith's head become neat and precise and military-looking. He enjoyed feeling the vibration in his hand and seeing his friend helpless and powerless. Then he shut off the tool and rubbed his hand briefly on his friend's head to enjoy the sensation from the uniform bristles of hair.
"Now whenever you look in the mirror you will be reminded of who is your daddy and who knows what's best for you."
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith, feeling a bit dizzy at the thought of having a roommate who had transformed suddenly into some sort of controlling, warped buddy-friend who understood his weakness and was fully ready to exploit it.
"You can clean up the mess later on when I decide to untie you," said Roger.
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith.
Roger unplugged his trimmer and carefully returned it to its container and stowed it in the closet. Then he returned with his black dress shoes and his shoe polish kit. "Polish my shoes, son," he commanded.
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith. Keith opened the shoe polish and started working on Roger's shoes, his hands pulling against his restraints as he reached for the items he needed to do the job. Each time he shifted in the chair, he felt the soreness in his buttocks. He wished he could see what his bottom looked like. He wondered how long it would take for his skin to heal.
Roger settled back on his bed and pulled out a novel that he was reading for his English literature class. He read the book, or pretended to since it was hard to concentrate as he kept remembering how Keith had trembled and quivered as Roger had whipped him with the belt. After awhile Keith finished polishing the shoes, and Roger got out of bed to examine them. "Good job, son," he said.
"Thank you, Sir," replied Keith, feeling a bit foolish.
"How is your dick doing?" asked Roger. "I can't see it with you all bent over like that."
"I think I've dribbled some precum on the chair," Keith replied, his face turning red again.
"Too bad your hands are tied. Your penis is probably feeling a bit anxious for attention, right?" asked Roger.
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith, wondering what on earth might happen next.
Roger walked over to his dresser and returned with a can of shaving cream. He knelt down and inserted it between Keith's knees and squeezed the trigger for ten seconds, causing the cavity around Keith's privates to become filled with shaving cream. Then he set can down on the chair between Keith's legs and shoved it up against Keith's engorged penis. Roger returned to the bed, picked up his novel and pretended to read again. Periodically he looked over at his naked roommate and watched with amusement the expressions on Keith's face.
"That shaving cream has menthol in it," he told Keith.
"That explains the stinging sensations," replied Keith.
"Are you okay?" asked Roger.
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith. "I just had no idea what you were capable of."
"Neither did I," replied Roger, shaking his head.
After awhile Roger felt some pressure in his bladder and decided to find the bathroom. He grabbed his key and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" asked Keith in surprise.
"I'll be back in a few minutes," replied Roger, content to leave Keith alone, wondering where he was and what might happen next. Roger locked the door on the way out, leaving his friend naked, bound and alone.
Roger headed into the dorm bathroom and entered a stall. He removed his shorts and hung them on the door. Then he sat down naked on the toilet and contemplated his stiffened penis as he waited for the flow of pee. He sat with his head in his hands wondering what to do next. He knew that this evening's experience had been satisfying for him in a weird, kinky, unexpected way. He also knew that he didn't want to touch his friend's penis with any part of his body or vice versa. He didn't mind that his penis was excited. He didn't think that his stiffened penis was telling him that he was gay. He knew he liked girls and that he rarely thought about guys as anything other than pals. He knew that he wanted to get married someday and have a family. He also knew that he liked being Keith's "daddy." He had never aspired to that title previously, but this evening he had realized that he could have power over his roommate and keep him in line, using spanking and bondage and sexual teasing to hold Keith in his grip. He liked the slightly-creepy way that Keith always stared at him when he was shirtless. He also knew that he didn't like the idea of Keith having sex with strangers.
Roger held his penis in his hand and wondered if he should masturbate right there and then. Then he got a better idea. He pulled his pants back on and returned to the room.
Keith looked up, or tried to, since he was still bound with his wrists against his ankles. Roger laid down on the bed and sighed, "Yeah, I really needed to piss. All that exertion with the belt, I guess." Roger smiled, because he had a feeling that Keith needed to pee also, and that Keith was powerless to move without Roger's help.
"I need to pee also," Keith admitted.
"Whose your daddy?" asked Roger as he sat up on the bed.
"You are, Sir," replied Keith.
"Okay, good answer, son. I’m going to untie you and give you some more instructions."
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith.
Roger knelt down and untied Keith's hands. Keith sat up slowly, feeling the pain in his buttocks as he did so. Keith clenched and unclenched his hands a few times to get his circulation moving normally in his slightly-numb hands again. Roger unbuckled Keith's belt from his ankles and then put it on his bed. "Okay, here are your orders. First you are going to sweep up the hair from the floor. Then you are going to put on your bathrobe, head to the bathroom and take a shower. You are going to take tissues with you. You are going to masturbate in the shower and jizz into the tissues. Then you are going to return to the room and show me your sperm in the tissues. Then we are going to turn off the lights and go to sleep in our own respective beds."
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith, startled at the strange request involving the sperm inspection.
Keith stood up and found tissues to wipe up the shaving cream, suppressing the urge to fondle his erect and aching penis there in the room with the shaving cream immediately. Then he swept up the hair while Roger pretended to read his book. Finally he put on his robe, fastened it, found his shower items and headed to the bathroom.
Once the door closed, Roger stripped naked, got the shaving cream and tissue box off the dresser and returned to bed, setting those items next to him on the bedside table. He got a small amount of shaving cream and applied it to his penis, knowing that the menthol would cause some tingling and a full erection. Then he pulled the sheet over him and laid down on the bed and waited for Keith to return.
Keith entered the shower stall and pulled the curtain behind him. He hung up his bathrobe on a hook, and turned the water on, but stayed just outside the reach of the spray. He rubbed soap on his hands and obediently masturbated while he played back images of himself tied to the closet rod while his handsome, shirtless hairy-chested roommate whipped him with a belt. Before long his penis seized with a powerful sensation and he shot a load of semen all over the corner of the shower stall, on the wall, on the floor and on the little seat where he had positioned the tissue. He quickly wiped up the semen as best he could, imagining how embarrassed he would be if someone had walked in and seen it glistening on the floor at his feet. Then he stepped into the warm shower water and enjoyed the spray of warm water as his penis continued to throb sporadically and release a bit more semen. He shampooed his hair and marveled at how short it was and how different it felt. Then he soaped his entire body, rubbing his hands longer than usual on his bottom while he enjoyed the stinging feeling from Roger's blows.
Keith turned off the shower and gingerly toweled himself dry, feeling again the odd sensation of the towel against his cropped head and the stinging feelings emanating from his buttocks. He dried his limp penis and balls as his penis released one last drip of semen. Once he was fully toweled off, he put his robe back on and returned to his room, his semen-soaked tissues in the pocket of his robe.
Keith entered the room and saw Roger in bed with his book, still shirtless. The room smelled like shaving cream, and Keith remembered his urge to masturbate after he was untied, his penis aching and covered with shaving cream at the time. Keith walked over to Roger and pulled out the semen-soaked tissues. Roger glanced at them, smiled and said, "Okay, soldier. You can toss them in the trash basket."
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith.
"Now take off your bathrobe, turn off the light and get in your bed. We are sleeping naked tonight," commanded Roger.
"Yes, Sir," replied Keith, feeling shocked and dazed. Keith did as he was instructed, and pulled his sheet over his naked body. His penis was starting to get hard again, even though he had just come a few minutes earlier. He was tired, though, and feeling sleepy, but every movement in the bed caused a renewed sensation of pain in his buttocks.
Keith heard some unfamiliar sounds in the room. Roger pulled his sheet back and reached over for the can of shaving cream. He squirted more of it in his hand and started rubbing his penis. A small amount of light entered the room through the blinds from the streetlights outside, and Keith was amazed to see his roommate naked in the bed in the darkness on the other side of the room stroking his own penis, the shaving cream making little noises as his hand moved back and forth. As Keith's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see Roger's penis bobbing a bit as he stroked it. He could see Roger's public hair with a bit of shaving cream in it. He could see Roger's trimmed chest hair. Roger was putting on a show for him. Keith grabbed his own penis quietly under the sheet and began to stroke it. Suddenly Keith was feeling an overwhelming happy feeling. He had a straight roommate who not only accepted him as a gay person but also wanted to have some sort of strange and exclusive sexual relationship with him. It was mind-bending.
[Note: The author of this story is also the author of Intense Restraint, a novel available on Amazon in a Kindle version and a paperback.]
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by locked4her55 »

I admit I love a good chastity/denial story.

I skimmed this one and found it void of both.

Did you mean to post this to a different Forum or are you just fishing for a sale?
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by TitaniumChastiTi »

locked4her55 wrote:Did you mean to post this to a different Forum or are you just fishing for a sale?
Are you serious ? people really actually hand over money for that !! :x
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by Tom Allen »

Umm... did I miss the chastity or denial aspect?
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by Intense_Restraint »

You don't always have to have an actual chastity device to control another person in a sexual manner.
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by locked4her55 »

lookingup wrote:
locked4her55 wrote:Did you mean to post this to a different Forum or are you just fishing for a sale?
Are you serious ? people really actually hand over money for that !! :x
Missed the point. Just wondering why the story surfaced on this forum.
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by doctor_h »

Intense_Restraint wrote:You don't always have to have an actual chastity device to control another person in a sexual manner.
Not my type of story but I do agree with his statement. Maybe if I were gay I would enjoy it but I did not.
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by Intense_Restraint »

The afternoon after his S&M encounter with his straight roommate, Keith was studying at his desk when Roger returned from jogging, shirtless and sweaty.
“I want to talk with you,” said Roger, grabbing a crumpled shirt off the floor and using it to towel the sweat off his face and hairy chest.
“Sure, go ahead,” said Keith, who was giving Roger his full attention, and not just because he had something to say.
“I had fun last night, in a weird sort of way,” said Roger.
“So did I,” said Keith, his heart starting to pound somewhat.
“I don’t want to do that again, though,” said Roger.
“You don’t?” asked Keith.
“It’s just not who I am or who I want to be,” said Roger. “Besides, we are friends and roommates, and it’s not the kind of relationship I want to have with you.”
“Well, I’m glad we are still friends.”
“You’ll have to find some other outlet for your needs,” said Roger. “But please be very careful.”
“I will, Roger. Don’t worry. I appreciate your concern.”

* * * * *

Soccer season ended, and several weeks passed by. Roger was packing up some dirty laundry to bring home to his parents’ house. He looked over at Keith, who looked troubled.
“What’s the matter, buddy?” asked Roger.
“Oh, it’s too embarrassing to talk about,” said Keith, turning red.
“I think you’ll feel better if you tell me about it,” said Roger.
Keith thought about it. “I’m having an odd problem,” he said. “Are you sure you want me to tell you?
“Sounds ominous. Of course I want to hear about it. What are friends for?” said Roger.
“Okay, here goes,” said Keith. “I’ve been wearing a male chastity device for the last several weeks.”
“What’s that?” asked Roger.
“It’s a metal device that locks around a guy’s privates.”
“Why on earth would you want to wear something like that?” asked Roger.
“It’s a weird sexual thing,” said Keith. “The idea is that you find a buddy, either in person or someone you find on the internet, and the buddy holds the key. So, then you are locked in this device, and the buddy is supposed to tease you about being locked up.”
“So, you found a buddy to hold the key?” asked Roger.
“Yes, I found someone on the internet. He seemed like a fun guy at first, but in the last three weeks he has not responded to any of my messages. So, now I’m stuck in this thing and I want to find a different key holder, but first I have to get this lock off me somehow.”
“Jeez! I can’t go three days, much less three weeks. How are you going to get the thing off without the key?” asked Roger.
“The only way I know of is to use a hacksaw on the lock, except that I don’t have a hacksaw.”
“My Dad has a hacksaw,” said Roger. “I can borrow it and bring it back with me. I’m going to over to my parents’ house now for dinner anyway.”
“That would be very helpful,” said Keith. “You won’t forget, will you?”
“How could I forget something like that?” said Roger. “Now drop your pants, kiddo, because I want to see this thing.”
Keith turned red again, drew a deep breath and pulled down his pants. Roger kneeled down to get a better look. “You are definitely locked up,” he said.
“No kidding,” said Keith, pulling up his pants.

* * * * *
Around 10 p.m. Roger returned, carrying his clean laundry and the hacksaw. “Ready to be released?” he asked.
“I’m ready,” said Keith. “I hope the hacksaw doesn’t make too much noise.”
“Let’s turn on the radio,” said Roger, pressing a button on the stereo. “Here is the hacksaw.” Roger handed it to Keith and then pulled a pair of pliers out of his pocket. “You can hold onto the lock with the pliers. Please be careful. I don’t want to have to drive you to the emergency room, and I don’t want blood on my car’s upholstery. Do you need help?”
“Thank you, Roger. I’ll see if I can manage it by myself.”
“Suit yourself,” said Roger with a shrug. Roger flopped on his bed. “I’m going to rest for a bit and listen to the music.” Roger turned toward the wall so that his roommate could have some privacy.
Keith shucked his clothes and sat down on the chair at this desk, his legs spread wide apart to keep them away from the saw. He grabbed the pliers and used them to hold the lock in a firm grip. Then he began sawing carefully with the hacksaw. At first he had trouble getting it to settle in one spot on the lock, but eventually he began to make slow progress.
“How’s it going?” asked Roger.
“I’m making some progress,” replied Keith. “I’m just having a bit of difficulty holding the lock steady with the pliers while I’m sawing.”
“Let me help,” said Roger, popping off the bed. He kneeled down beside his roommate and grabbed the pliers. “Scoot the chair over so I can help,” he ordered. Keith shifted the chair so that his crotch would be accessible. Roger clutched the lock with the pliers. “Okay, try it now.”
“Did I mention this was embarrassing?” asked Keith.
“Don’t worry about it,” said Roger. “Just get to work with the hacksaw.”
Keith began stroking the lock with the hacksaw, conscious of the pressure of Roger’s arm on his leg as he held the pliers and hoping he would not get a cage-locked boner that Roger would surely notice. After several minutes of sawing, Keith was relieved to see the lock was broken.
“Hurray!” said Roger, taking the hacksaw. “What a relief.”
Keith put his clothes back on. “You’re telling me! Thank you very much, Roger,” he said. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“Don’t worry about it,” said Roger. “I’m glad to help. Well, truthfully, I would rather have helped you change a tire, but anyway, you know what I mean.”
“I know what you mean,” said Keith. “Thanks again.”
“You’re welcome,” said Roger, switching off the stereo. “Actually, I have a little present for you.”
“A present? What on earth? Where is it?” asked Keith.
“It’s in the car. I’ll go get it. I’ll be right back,” said Roger over his shoulder, as he left the dorm room holding the hacksaw and the pliers.

* * * * *

Roger returned to the room a few minutes later holding an envelope.
“You have something for me in the envelope?” asked Keith.
“Yes, actually,” said Keith. “But the real present is in my pocket.” Roger pulled another lock out of his pocket. The lock was unlocked, and it had a piece of tape keeping it from locking.
“You brought me a lock?” asked Keith. “Are you wanting me to be locked up again?”
Roger shrugged. “If you want.”
“Where’s the key?” asked Keith.
“It’s where you won’t be able to get it without my help,” said Roger.
“So, what’s in the envelope?” asked Keith.
“I’ll give you the envelope if you lock your privates again,” said Roger.
Keith looked at his handsome companion and was immediately sure that he wanted his privates under the strict control of his roommate. He tried not to act too eager. “Are we going to talk about rules?” he asked.
“No rules,” replied Roger, holding out the lock.
“I’ll think about it,” said Keith, taking the lock. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Keith grabbed his chastity device, put it in his pocket, and left the room, heading for the bathroom down the hall. First he went over to a urinal and relieved himself, glad to be able to pee in a standing position for once. Then he went into a stall, pulled down his pants and put the chastity device back on. With no hesitation at all, he clicked the lock into place. Then he sat for a while as his penis became engorged and raged against the metal restraint. Suddenly he remembered how much time had gone by since he had been able to satisfy his urges, and now he was locked again. He had missed his opportunity for quick relief. Keith waited for his penis to subside before heading back to the room, berating himself for the missed opportunity.

* * * * *

“Well?” asked Roger when Keith returned to the room.
“Well what?” responded Keith with a smile.
“You know what,” said Roger. “Did you lock yourself back up?”
“I did,” replied Keith, his penis throbbing again against the metal.
“Now it’s confession time,” said Roger, after a pause. There’s something I didn’t tell you.”
“My Dad wanted to know why I was borrowing his hacksaw,” said Roger.
The color suddenly drained from Keith’s face. “You didn’t tell him, did you?”
“I told him,” said Roger.
“Oh my God!” said Keith. “Why on earth would you tell him?”
“I’ve always had a close relationship with my Dad, you know. He really cares about me, and he is supportive in so many ways.”
“So, does your Dad know I’m gay?” asked Keith.
“He does now. I told him tonight,” said Roger.
“Oh my God!” exclaimed Keith again. “What did he say?”
“Well, first of all, he wanted to know if I was gay,” said Roger.
“So you set his mind at ease about that, I imagine,” said Keith.
“Of course I did. But I couldn’t resist making him squirm, though. I told him that I was pretty sure I was straight, except that you have been doing such a good job of sucking my dick that I was thinking about switching to the other side.”
“Oh my God!” said Keith. “You know we haven’t ….”
“Dad knew I wasn’t serious, because I was laughing so hard I could hardly get the words out.”
“So then what did he say,” asked Keith. “I mean, once he realized that your college roommate is gay? I mean, once he really thought about you living day in and day out with a gay guy.”
“We talked about it. He was a bit upset about it, actually. Anyway, he wants to meet you. He wants to come over in a week or so and take us out for pizza or something,” said Roger.
“That sounds nice,” said Keith. “I hope he likes me.”
“Of course he will like you,” said Roger. “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, the important thing is that I like you, and we will still be roommates regardless. Unless …”
“Unless what?” asked Keith.
“Unless you kill me with your bare hands after you read what is in this envelope,” said Roger, handing the envelope to Keith.”
“Oh my God, what have you done?” asked Keith.
“Just read it,” said Roger.
Keith ripped open the envelope and pulled out a little note: “Dear Keith, Roger has told me many nice things about you, and I am looking forward to meeting you. I hope you understand that I love my son very much, and I want what’s best for him. The key to your lock is on my key ring, and I plan to keep it there at least until I have a chance to meet you. Yours truly, Frank.”
“Frank is your Dad?” asked Keith.
“Yes, I’m afraid so,” said Roger. “But don’t worry, we will work this out together.”

[The author of this story is also the author of Intense Restraint, which is available on Amazon as both a paperback book and a Kindle edition.]
Last edited by Intense_Restraint on Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by carolina cyclist »

Great follow up!
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Currently locked in MrsL's Steelheart.
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Re: Gay Teen Whipped by Straight Roommate

Post by Intense_Restraint »

Thank you! I'm glad to see your response.
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