Security of Looker vs Steelheart

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Security of Looker vs Steelheart

Post by Riverbed »

So the chastity experiment has been deemed a success. 8 Months have gone by and both of us feel closer and happier together than we can ever remember. I should have probably started one of those Journey threads, I have really benefited from following others (thanks). My story is no where near as kinky as some but is an example of chastity filling in or fixing only what needed to be fixed. Anyway, a good size commission came in, its now time to invest in metal. Can't wait to retire this pinchy, stinky piece of plastic to a drawer.

I have lurked on many threads around the merits of MM vs Steelworxx. I understand that no device is %100 secure (piercing not an option for now) but I hope to get some feed back from those of you with more experience. Leaning towards the Looker 2, I like the looks and I really like the integrated lock. The wife is squeamish about the plug. I'd probably order it removable as she's not sure she could handle me wearing it. I mountain bike quite a bit and she fears a plug would make a bad accident worse.
For me the CB6K has been just secure enough. The KSD-G3 makes it near %100, or secure enough, but after a couple of days I get nasty little bruises. Currently the KSD is only used when I am to be away in a hotel on business.

Question is this-without the plug- is the Looker more or less secure then Steelheart? and what about a Steelheart vs MM? Wife was a little put off by the D/s feel of the Steelworxx website. Maybe if Dietmar used cutesy names like "Queens Keep" this would be easier.
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Re: Security of Looker vs Steelheart

Post by Locked1 »

the steel heart is a great piece but without a piercing it isnt any more secure than plastic
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Re: Security of Looker vs Steelheart

Post by steph17 »

The steelworxx and the MM are both very nice chastity devices, but without a piercing pulling out of either is very simple.
The advantage with the steelworxx is the urethral rod it does make security very good, possibly 100%.
I have both devices and in my opinion the steelworxx wins on security.
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