My experience

Living the real life under lock and key
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My experience

Post by Gman »

I recently had my longest lock up of 60 hours ( yes 60,don’t laugh) 😄
When I’m not caged I still do my chores, treat my wife like a Goddess, and do all the right things but in the cage as we all know, that understandably ramps up.
Over my 60 hours my mindset changed in so many ways. For example I started to crave her touch everywhere on my body except the penis. I found myself gasping at the thought of her just touching my back, arm or neck etc. I was in heaven. (Not that I’m knocking a blowjob or PIV but for a bloke sex usually revolves around his penis) Even in the office at work, usually I’m too busy but found myself constantly thinking of her with obvious reminders.When she eventually took the cage off that night and we made love it was off the charts and the release was breathtaking but the morning after I was grumpy, grumpy at everything. The euphoric high of the previous day was gone. I’d went from a 24/7 high followed with amazing sex to emptying the dish washer miserable😀 Question.. Is this a normal experience for the group? Is this what they call sub drop?
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slave d
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Re: My experience

Post by slave d »

Yes, that’s why some of us go years without orgasm because we see chastity more as a journey than a destination. In my case I felt horrendous after cumming even when masturbating and that started the trip onto chastity. The last few years before covid I was in chastity 24/7/365 and had zero orgasms. It was great 👍

Of course we’re all different and I’m not saying what I do suits all but it does in part explain your feelings. Next time try exactly the same except you are not allowed to cum just locked back up and see how that feels !!

Have fun

MsM’s ld
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New Zealand
After a year post covid of “freedom” I am trialing a good old HT V3 nub modified by me to have a glans ring so no pullout. Working well so far.
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Re: My experience

Post by cuyahoga »

In my experience with orgasms … it takes about two weeks of denial to get me to the first of my personal plateaus, and then around the fourth or fifth week, I hit another, better, plateau. Anywhere in that first time period, an orgasm will give me that same “drop” feeling you experienced. But after the longer denial period, I can have one orgasm, and if I know my orgasm restriction is continuing, and I won’t be having another for a while, the drop is significantly mitigated.

It feels like I can build up enough of those feelings that one orgasm doesn’t undo everything, and I definitely like that better. I don’t think the time frame is the important number, I think it’s the amount of “input” from her, and at our normal pace of activity, that’s where my time frames are.

The other, non time frame related, aspect that impacted it in our relationship was the control aspect. My entire body responds to the loss of control, and in our play with denial and chastity, my orgasm had always represented the end of her control (for a while), and a return to “normal” sexual relations. When we experimented with my orgasm not ending her control over my orgasms, that also significantly mitigated the drop I normally feel. I believe there were even a couple of times where I was allowed an orgasm, and ordered immediately back into the cage, and the drop was almost nil.
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