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Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:55 am
by waki86
Hello . My girlfriend and I started chastity a few weeks ago, which we both like very much. We have both been naturists for more than 30 years , and we also have many naturist friends . Some even have intimate piercings or the men wear a cock ring which is also accepted from each other without any intentions . People just accept each other as they are without judging each other .

Over the years that we practice naturism, intimate piercings and cock rings have become more and more socially accepted. They are also much more common on nudist beaches and also on some naturist campsites. The day before yesterday we were at an unofficial nudist beach and my girlfriend thought I should just wear it . In the beginning it felt very uncomfortable , and I was ashamed of it too . What would people think or how would they react . As time went on I felt more and more at ease luckily it wasn't crowded on the beach either. So very few people have seen it.

At home we are almost always naked with like-minded people in the summer. And my girlfriend would also like me to wear it. But we don't know yet how we are going to tackle that. In our view it is the same as wearing an intimate piercing or having a cock ring on. Should we just leave it out with our friends or make it a topic for discussion?

Re: Naturism

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:39 am
by benny22
I think your friends are not the main issue. They're adults, you're adults too, everybody have their lifestyle which should be respected. Of course one may comment or discuss it with you as not everyone is familiar with chastity lifestyle, but that is all. In the places like naturist campsites or naturist beaches I would be far more concerned if there are any kids or minors, as quite often spending time on a naturist beach is a family activity. Chastity lifestyle is great as well as cages but it's not something I'd show when kids are near by.

Re: Naturism

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:39 am
by Tom Allen
I'm with @benny22 When you are at home with yoru friends, then everybody knows what to expect... or you can explain it (the cage) as needed. That option is not available at many nude beaches.

Some nude beaches are definitely adult only spaces at which sexually charged situations are not unusual. By all means, wear you cage there. But other venues are probably not the place to be flaunting a sexually explicit bit of jewelry.

Re: Naturism

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:59 am
by waki86
Hi @Benny22 and @Tom Allen
Of course we take into account nudist beaches and naturist campsites . We come here all too often ourselves, and know from experience that it is not allowed on the naturist campsites.
And also on official nudist beaches you also have to take this into account.
Even though you regularly see men with cockrings there, or women with intimate piercings.
It is also more about wearing it at home in company , provided there are no children , of course . How do you explain that it doesn't immediately become his loaded topic?

Re: Naturism

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:06 pm
by benny22
@waki86 If I understood properly - you're afraid that you wearing a cage on a naked party become a topic starter among your naturist friends. I think there's nothing to worry about. It will be exactly what you (and your GF) want it to be. Of course you might be sure that someone might ask what is it for, why you're using it, etc. but if you provide them with the reliable information without telling any fictious BS stuff this should close this topic. If somebody wants to explore this area deeper you can always advise some books or websites (like this one). Naturists are rather open minded people, I expect they realize that deeper discussions might disturb your privacy, but still - it depends on you how and where the potential discussion will lead.

Re: Naturism

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 2:15 pm
by waki86

It is correct what you say that naturists are quite open minded , we are after all . Although my GF says you don't have to worry about it, which of course I do. Because I walk around naked with my bird cage , and of course that stands out . And of course questions will arise as to why I wear it and what its purpose is . My GF will no doubt enjoy being embarrassed. Although our friends are quite open minded , it is still a thing for me . It's a good tip you give if people want to know more about it that I can refer them to this forum or to books. Because a chastity cage is less known and accepted as a cock ring or intimate piercings. Of which one knows why one wears it and can also be seen as a piece of jewelry.

Re: Naturism

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:24 pm
by sherulestherooster
Just wondering if maybe your girlfriend wearing the key openly might help to alleviate a concern that the other nudists don’t “get” the cage concept. My guess is a lock around you and a key on display for her would make it pretty obvious.

Not an expert but I imagine that nudists are going to be a LOT more open minded than your average person. Who knows, seeing it may draw some interest into chastity play for another couple!

Re: Naturism

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:12 am
by waki86
My GF and I also talk a lot about it together, how we're going to explain it if there are any questions.
She already wears the key around her neck .
Most will no doubt know what it is for when I wear the cage. The cage does provide a glimpse into your private life.
Which makes people see you differently than they might have expected.
My GF also says that maybe I worry too much about it, and that it is just accepted.
She says we don't even ask if one of our friends wears an intimate piercing or a cock ring.
We always say ourselves we just accept everyone as they are . That cage you're wearing is just as common and normal as anything else.
Which she is more or less right about. But it does attract more attention.

Next Thursday we will have friends over . And then we're going to see how they're going to receive it when they see it. Hopefully they receive it well , and if there are any questions we can answer them in a nice way .

Re: Naturism

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:30 am
by benny22
Do not worry in advance and don't overthink that. You have naturist friends, you have your lifestyle, for sure they have their own too, and everyone should respect each other. You're open minded people, I do believe everything will be fine, just be yourself. It's your lifestyle and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
And of course, afterwards please let us know how did the things go on the party.
And the last thing - who knows, perhaps on the next party there will be more of you caged? Who knows? 8-)

Re: Naturism

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:42 am
by waki86
Thank you Bennie22 for the pep talk.
I know I'm probably too concerned about it.
And that it will all work out in the end.
Of course I'll let you know how it all went.
I will keep updating it in my own blog.
And if desired also below , so that people can respond .