A Harsh Mistress

Living the real life under lock and key
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A Harsh Mistress

Post by Steve2059 »

Like many of you, I've lamented in the past that my wife, despite her best efforts, just isn't up to the level of dominance, T&D that I would like.

That appears to have changed for 2019. After an orgasm-free 2018 I was expecting for a little relaxation (with mixed feelings admittedly), particularly since She demanded we celebrate the achievement with a release.

But apparently not. She tells me Her New Year's resolution is to throw Herself into her role, so 2019 will be a one-orgasm year including the one I had.

Also, while She likes access to my cock and this will continue on demand, She says I will remain caged at all other times. I think She's serious as She's just gone away on a hen weekend, leaving me at home with myself, our dog and my cage in situ.

I'm conflicted. I love that She's done this while at the same time I would normally have expected freedom for a little "me time".

Still, I suppose that frees up more time for my chores, which are all still in place. Let's get that iron plugged in!
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Re: A Harsh Mistress

Post by TwistedMister »

...while She likes access to my cock and this will continue on demand, She says I will remain caged at all other times. I think She's serious as She's just gone away on a hen weekend, leaving me at home with myself, our dog and my cage in situ.

I'm conflicted. I love that She's done this while at the same time I would normally have expected freedom for a little "me time".
That's exactly what 'turns me on', being forcibly deprived of the 'me time'. It's a strange little paradox, wanting to touch, to pleasure, and being deprived of it...which makes me want it more, causes me to become more aroused, increases the desire for the pleasure which is [still] denied...which causes more arousal and increases desire...a self-reinforcing feedback loop that results in an upward spiral of desire, arousal, deprivation, increased desire/arousal, further deprivation...until the peak is reached.

Of course, the loop is not entirely self-contained. Just as with an electronic amplification circuit, or in mechanics in which a 'perpetual motion' system is not possible, some [small] inputs of outside energy are required to maintain the state- some inputs can be small, a little verbal or physical teasing (even just a quick grab/fondle), a reminder that *she* is in control, she decides how much touching/pleasure is received, and when and how; a teasing text or meme sent, etc. Inputs can be greater as well, with greater results- rubbing her feet, providing her with oral pleasure, more lengthy physical teasing up to the edge or orgasm, which is subsequently denied and followed by re-locking. I become extremely aroused by being required to pleasure her orally while still locked, the 'contrast' of her being able to freely receive pleasure while I cannot even touch my own cock is highly erotic and causes me to become so aroused that the cage is very uncomfortable, even (at times) painful, which serves to increase the arousal even further. Additional amplification can be provided by her acknowledging the situation verbally, 'teasing' about how she is 'in control' and how much 'power' she has- suggestions/descriptions of other [sexual] things she could make/force me to do for her pleasure...or amusement.

Being 'caged' and her having the power to determine what/when/how much pleasure can be received seems to flip a 'switch' that causes me to become [more] submissive to her sexual desires and control...some time ago we had a day where I had been kept aroused for a goodly number of hours, perhaps four or five (I'm guessing, I don't have a good recollection of just how much time had actually passed), when she had me on my knees at the bedside (hands cuffed behind my back), watching while she pleasured herself with a rather large and quite realistic dildo as she teased me about making me watch a 'boyfriend' fuck her- at one point she pulled the dildo out, turned it around and told me to suck her juices off it...up until that point, if anyone had told me that I would just submit to something as homo-erotic as sucking on a realistic dildo just because she ordered me to do it, without any physical force being applied, I would have said they were crazy...but she was already stroking it in and out of my mouth before I became consciously aware of what I was doing. It was more than a little embarrassing to find myself doing this just because she said to...

But the feeling of 'submission' extends even outside of the purely sexual. The fact that she has the power to control my pleasure/orgasms causes me to more closely monitor my words and actions (to her benefit). I am less 'argumentative', more conscious of how what I say/do might please or displease her. I know that there are some people who would say that I should be behaving in a particular manner without the 'need' for her to exercise such power and control, but whether that is true or not, the fact remains that it *does* cause me to be more aware and to choose to act in an 'improved' manner (I think I do fairly well without it, but there can be no argument that it is enhanced *with* it). Perhaps I should note, that since joining the Army at 17 I have become accustomed to to giving orders, expecting people to do what *I* want them to do, generally having positions of power and authority with the ability to command and the expectation of being obeyed. This sort of thing is a complete role-reversal for me...which might be one of the reasons why I find it so erotic...
6 x
04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: A Harsh Mistress

Post by MrCage »

I agree with twisted mister
1 x
It's good to be caged.
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