KeyHolders-The Positives of Locking Your Male

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KeyHolders-The Positives of Locking Your Male

Post by wishful4 »

Most important - It prevents him from masturbating. Male masturbation is an addictive habit that is selfish and disrespectful to women. Chronic masturbation has the effect of substantially diminishing a man’s natural sexual desire for his wife of girlfriend. It unfortunately teaches him that his orgasm is primary, and hers is secondary.
- Because he can’t even get a full erection without her permission, it instantly changes the dynamics of the relationship.
- It keeps his sexual focus and energy on his wife or girlfriend since she alone holds the key to his sexuality.
- Wearing a device serves as a constant reminder to him of her authority.
- Because it makes his orgasms entirely dependent on her generosity, it positively incentivizes him to honor her, respect her, and motivates him to please.
- It reinforces the idea that intimacy with his wife or girlfriend is a precious gift that must be earned, and is to be savored and appreciated on those rare occasions when he does get it.
- It teaches him that sexual activity with his wife or girlfriend doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with his penis.
- It can significantly improve his attitude, and make him more generous, caring, kind, respectful, and loving. It will help soften the sharper edges of his me-first masculinity. It may also help to make him a better listener.
Bottom line is that, if his orgasms are consistently controlled and restricted, he will eventually get to the point where he will do just about anything to cum. You’ll be amazed by what he’ll do for you.
0 x
Current Device: DhGate A271
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