Question about wet dreams

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Question about wet dreams

Post by Blaeu »

What causes them?

Okay, I guess context is needed. I have been locked up for weeks, teased, poked, edged, etc., and have never had a wet dream. Recently, I was released, had an orgasm, had another orgasm the following day (after a full on, great fuck), and then locked myself up the next day. That night, going to bed exhausted, not really that horny, I have a wet dream while locked up. Dream wasn't even sexual, I think I was lying face down on my bed... I guess I miss masturbating? ;)

Anyway, I did some searching on this forum and realize it is not uncommon for this to happen, that's good. However, under my circumstances, I find it odd for it to have happened when it did. Is there any rhyme or reason to this? Could it have to do with how I put the cage on (maybe it was pressing up against something, idk)? I'm just looking to see if someone can shed some light on why I would have one now of all times, vs. after being edged, horny, and locked up for weeks.

Btw, it felt AMAZING. I would never have guessed that I could have such a strong orgasm and full on ejaculation while confined.
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by celticqueens_sub »

I learned long ago that odd things happen all the time which makes them normal and not odd... Oh ..wait..

I wouldn't let it vex you any there is no accounting for biology psychology and physiology so long as it all is good
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by Tom Allen »

Oddly, when I'm locked up I have intensely sexual dreams, and then I wake up right *before* the climax, so I never actually have the wet dream. :cry:
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by TwistedMister »

I rarely dream, either 'wet' or regular. Sometimes I have dreams when my respiration rate drops too low and there is a CO2 build up, which can cause hallucinations- those are really fucked up because there is a point when I become conscious enough to be aware that it is occurring (and that I'm not getting enough air) but I can't quite 'wake up' and get out of it right away.

Only ever had 1 'wet' dream, but that one was a doozy- almost 30 years ago but I can still remember it...and the feeling when I woke up to find myself at work, almost panicking at the thought that some of my co-workers might have noticed :oops: (they didn't).

I used to have some really good dreams, but not anymore. Maybe too much head/brain trauma or too much booze...
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by Blaeu »

It almost happened again last night. I wonder if some level or something is high or low inside of me. I stopped it this time though, more of a reaction than a conscious decision.

Oh well, now that I know nothing bad can happen if it happens again, life goes on. She did say she'll take it out on my ass if it happens again though... now I kind of want it to happen. ;)
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by Lockedup84 »

Just a thought. Have her milk you and see if it helps. Being drained might lower the chance...but in your case might make it happen again. If anything would give you a answer to a bazaar action.
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by Anomaly »

I haven't had one since I was 15 or so, and it was a fear reaction type situation where I feel off a bridge. Although I dont even remember how it felt, I've kind of always wanted another just to see but my sleeping brain even has ADD and it changes my dream before things get good. ;_;
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by fuzzydunlop »

Interesting thread!

I agree about the comment that odd things happen all the time and aren't that odd. There is not a lot of good discussion about this. Folks end up feeling odd about themselves for things that are totally natural, and even involuntary. There is really is no accounting for the biology behind this, and the hormones, etc.

My first wet dreams were never sexual. They often involved me being late somewhere and panicking. I think my body would trigger some kind of wet dream response as a response to a stress reaction. Stress reactions and sexual reactions involve a lot of hormones, so maybe there is some link there.

I haven't had a wetdream since college. I would have been about 20, half a life time ago. I started masturbating a lot less because of close quarters. But when I had a wet dream, it was often the next day after an orgasm, rather than a reaction to being pent up. Odd.

The last time I had a completely involunatary orgasm, was about 5-6 years ago. I was at home, it was very late at night, and I was trying to work on my computer for work at home. I overreacted to something and thought I completely botched something I was working on. I became very panicked, was not turned on at all, and I ejaculated involuntarily. Kind of like my early wetdreams, only I was awake. It was like an extremed ruined orgasm. I felt physically relieved from the panic. I have occassionally found discussions about this phenomenon in relation to "test anxiety". I never had test anxiety like that, but I would get anxious about being late, unprepared, or botching things.

I can use wanking too much to reset my brain when I am feeling anxious about life. I don't like doing that, because I think it gets in the way of natural horny feelings.

I have sex dreams somewhat frenquently, and a little more frenquently when my sex life is good. I love waking up aroused fromt these, but haven't had a wet dream yet, at least since college.

Few of us totally fit what we think is "normal".
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by Blaeu »

So, I had another one last night. It was only my third day of being locked up and I wasn't any "hornier" than normal. In fact, I was say I was just getting back to normal and was still on the low end.

I wouldn't say I'm worried about it, but I find it extremely odd as this second one is starting to form a pattern. I'm still wondering if the cage is causing a physical response, or my brain has just found a loop hole. Strangely, similar to last time, when I wake up the following morning, I am extremely horny. Normally after an orgasm it is the opposite, but these are different. I haven't felt this horny since... well, since the first wet dream. Other than the obvious clean up, I guess I really don't mind them... I may have to start getting plastic underwear though. ;)
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Re: Question about wet dreams

Post by Blaeu »


Last night my wife comes in after midnight, unlocks me, and has me fuck her until I cum via orgasm. Great night, *yawns.*

I clean up, go back to bed, and a few hour later, having already cum and being unlocked, I have another wet dream. WTF. Now I'm completely lost. I don't think my body can handle the lack of cumming, well, it can handle it, by giving me wet dreams...

Anyway, I have an unrelated doctors appointment on Tuesday and I'm going to ask about it. I'm too curious not to at this point. I think I'm going to leave chastity out of the question for now, and just comment how I've been cutting back on orgasms, no masturbation, and it started happening. See what I can find out.

I post what I figure out just in case anyone is interested.
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