But what do I get out of this?

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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by wonderingwife »

Thank you for the input and please, write more. I rarely say no to a kink proposition, we are FLR -D/s, mild BDSM players at his request, so it’s not like I am going to shock easy or be spooked by what could be said to me. I am trying to at least get my head around this. I told him last night before I signed up here, I think I would rather make him a cuckold then “lock him up”. Cuckolding has more appeal then this. (It was said in somewhat in jest.)
I'm going to go on record here to say that your husband is reading too much porn. The stuff that he mentioned, that it will make him a better husband, that he'll be more attentive, that he'll do chores, whatever, is all part of the "men need chastity to be better partners" trope that everyone runs into when exploring this. Frankly, it's bullshit. My take has always been that if you need hand $200 worth of plastic on your junk to be a better partner, then you're better off spending that money on a therapist. And by all mean, tell him that Tom Allen said this - if he's not already reading it.
From your key board to his eyes and then brain. I have no doubt he is reading because he was sure something here was going to make me “see the light” and I have no doubt there is a porn influence in his thinking.

This whole “do this and I’ll be better at x-y-z” line of thought really stuck in my craw, and thank you for calling bullshit on it.

At this point he’s put out somewhere near $600.00 for the three gadgets he purchased and all I can think of when I look at them is that money would have gone a long way to nice weekend away for the two of us. Frustrated would be a good word for what I am. He’s never been such a P.I.T.A. about a kink before when I said no, let it go. And the maddening thing is we have a good relationship, and now he has me wondering if I missed something along the way. It’s been an interesting few hours reading and posting here, and I do greatly appreciate the space to just prattle on and the information offered.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by wonderingwife »

Re-reading my postings and the info offered and thinking I am the poster I hate to deal with. I moderate two forums that are “advice centered” and I hate feeling like I am pulling hens’ teeth to get information and I get annoyed with posters who jack threads and I think I have to some degree jacked this one, so if the moderators want to spilt this off to its own section, I can understand why.

In all this prattling I have done a new poster is in the mix and I don’t want them lost in my shuffle.

From the previous page--so it isn't lost:
Leadedjava1 wrote:Hello all, my name is Vance, I am from the mountain states. I joined this forum for two reasons. I have a chastity kink that I'm trying to scratch, and I am trying to be more passionate and attentive with my wife. I currently have a steel cage that is made of rings that are welded together on their bottom sides. It is a knockoff I'm sure, I found it cheap for initial trials.
I hope to learn to be more appreciative of my wife, increase my libido and,pick up the tricks of longer term wear from you folks who have been doing this for a while. Hopefully this doesn't get deleted as spam. I look forward to interacting with you.

As for "pulling hens' teeth" I think all the pertinent info about my husband and myself is in all the prattling.
I should have been more clear from the start we aren’t new to a kinky life style I knew what chastity play was long before he asked me to consider it.
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But what do I get out of this?

Post by Tom Allen »

I'm starting a new topic because I think that the conversations with "wonderingwife" have enough merit to stand on its own. She raises some excellent points and has some issues about her husband's requests for chastity/denial, and mentions that he doesn't seem to be hearing her concerns over the static of his own fantasies. I'm going to copy her posts and our responses into this topic thread.
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Re: But what do I get out of this?

Post by Breed36 »

Ill throw in my .02

Wonderingwife you keep asking what you get out of this chastity idea.

Maybe you get a happier husband and its as simple as that.

If being in chasity for kink, masturbation control or some combination of factors makes your husband feel fulfilled then what's the big deal? Perhaps he just wants the feeling of chastity.

Your comments seem to indicate you have taken his interest in chastity as some sort of indictment on your sex life or even your marriage. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't.

As a man I can tell you that it's often hard to feel completely satisfied 100% of the time by the women in our lives. I'm sure you probably have similar feelings sometimes. That doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or him or your relationship.

My suggestion is to ask him exactly why he wants to do this and what he expects from you. Perhaps you have already done this. If so then why not a trial run? Set a time frame for a chastity experiment say 30 days. At the end of the trial period you both revisit the subject. If you are not interested in pursuing it further then he has to accept that.

Seems like a reasonable compromise.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by Tom Allen »

wonderingwife wrote: From your key board to his eyes and then brain. I have no doubt he is reading because he was sure something here was going to make me “see the light” and I have no doubt there is a porn influence in his thinking.
I've been writing on sexuality and relationships for close to... OMFG, almost 20 years now. Jeez, talk about spending too much time on the internet. Seriously, I've been writing in various web groups and blogging about chastity play for over 10 years now. This particular forum has some of the most experienced chastity players on the internet, and we started it because we really wanted some place to hang out that wasn't filled with wankers and posers.

And while you've been presented with "Oh, just try it, you'll like it," suggestions, they were well meant. We're used to seeing questions on how to get started from people who have already convinced themselves that they would like to try it out. I'm not going to try to convince you that *you* will like it; if you're already experienced in DS play, then you know that some kinks do it for you and some don't.
This whole “do this and I’ll be better at x-y-z” line of thought really stuck in my craw, and thank you for calling bullshit on it.
Some of us disagree on whether wearing a device actually *does* make us nicer. My own take is that by engaging in a shared kink, you feel more sexually and emotionally intimate which motivates you to be nicer. And I admit that I'm usually more attentive to Mrs. Edge when I'm aroused, but I'm not (and she will attest to this) a jerk when I don't get my way, so make of that what you will.
At this point he’s put out somewhere near $600.00 for the three gadgets he purchased and all I can think of when I look at them is that money would have gone a long way to nice weekend away for the two of us.
A couple of years ago we had a poll on how many devices the members owned.
http://chastityforums.com/viewtopic.php ... 5&start=20
As you can see, owning multiple devices is not uncommon. I have not good explanation for this. :roll:

But yes, you're right to feel upset about this because it could have been a nice weekend away. OTOH, if you think of it as a hobby, then maybe it's not so bad. Don't ask me what I spend on bicycle parts and upgrades per year.

Frustrated would be a good word for what I am. He’s never been such a P.I.T.A. about a kink before when I said no, let it go. And the maddening thing is we have a good relationship, and now he has me wondering if I missed something along the way.
Okay, you're probably aware that when you have a kink, it just doesn't go away by itself. Sometimes you need to play with it for a while, and when you see that the reality isn't what you expected, then it evaporates. Other times, you discover that you're really into it. The trick is to find a way to make it work for the both of you.

In my case, I had read about this years ago, and at the time, thought "I've spent most of my adult life trying to get laid. Who the hell fantasizes about *not* having sex?" But over the next year, the idea of chastity as a form of bondage or control sort of percolated, and at some point, I started thinking that it was hot. This was before the advent of inexpensive devices, so I built one out of pterodactyl skin and mastodon tusks in my cave (Yes, I'm that old). When I had the fit right, I sort of, casually, like, mentioned it to Mrs. Edge, and she was intrigued enough to ask me to wear it, but it was never more than a few days or maybe a week or so. We put it away and that was it.

Fast forward a few years, we were having some serious talks, and I mentioned the lack of kink play that hadn't been happening since we were dating. After tossing around some ideas, she mentioned that she did enjoy the chastity device, but wasn't so big on the leather, handcuffs, etc. So I picked up a CB3000 and we experimented. What we discovered was that, while still vanilla, she enjoyed having the control over me, and being able to pick and choose the times when she would "use" me. On my end, while I wanted more kink play, I was willing to let her experiment to find her own level with this, so I left it entirely up to her.

Sometimes she locked it on for a few days or a week, and let me out. Sometimes I had to go right back in, sometimes I'd be out for a few days. She discovered that she enjoyed having me locked up pretty much 24/7, and only unlocking me when she felt like it. I learned to bite my tongue so I wouldn't top from the bottom. Eventually we experimented with me using, then wearing a dildo so she wouldn't have to forgo intercourse (her preferred method). From there, she then experimented with how long she felt comfortable leaving me locked. It turned out that we had bought a pretty adequate replacement for me, and she began to have me locked up for several months at a time.

It's important for your husband to know that she and I *talked about this frequently* to assess our comfort levels, and to talk about what we liked and didn't like. It's also important for him to know that we had to take the time to hear each other out. And it's especially important for him to know that I had to work very hard not to push my own agenda at her in order to give her the space to find her own level of comfort, and to discern what she was getting out of it. Fortunately for the both of us, I did not get all of my information from chastity porn, so I had some idea of what to expect.

If you're inclined to experiment with this just for the sake of keeping it interesting for him, then you need to figure out how you're going to get something that *you* want out of this.

In the 10 or 12 years that I've been active online about chastity, I've discovered that there are various ways that people can play at it. While the common trope is to have the dominant partner lock it on and leave the guy locked for months, in real life it doesn't quite work that way. Most guys get exceedingly horned up, and if they had been used to regular orgasms, jumping into this will make them unbearable. You really need to work up to it. Hell, you really need to work up to it in order just to adapt to wearing the device. The point, though, is that it's unreasonable to jump into long-term use.

If you're used to having sex several times a week, you might consider just using a device for a few days at a time. If you're already in a FLR/DS relationship, then it's reasonable for you to set some ground rules. For example, you're going to completely ignore his ideas of keeping him locked and orgasm-free, and tell him that as the keyholder, what you do is at your own discretion. Since you enjoy him coming, that's what he's going to do, several times a week. As a treat, you might deny him once in a while, and point out if/when he gets cranky. He needs to be aware of this. He also needs to be aware if/when he is pushing you to a) let him out, b) let him come, or c) to keep him locked longer. Quite possibly he will want all 3 at the same time. If it gets too much, just tell him to remove it and you're not going to play for another week until he gets himself sorted out.

Teasing is a big part of chastity play, that is, making him aware of what he can't have. Kissing and other affection is nice, and will enhance his feelings of arousal. At this point, you don't really have to do any extra work, and your own life hasn't changed. You can stay at that level for a while until he adapts physically to wearing the device, during which you can assess whether this is something that you think you could work with.

Another thing: a lot of guys get hung up on schedules. They want to be locked up for XX days, or they like to play a dice game in which it's randomly determined how long they stay caged. For perspective, Mrs Edge calls bullshit on that. In her mind, if *she* is in charge, then it's *her* call on how long I'm denied. A schedule, a point system, a random dice roll takes the choice away from her. Most of the time she doesn't even have a length of time in mind.

Also, be aware that many of us - and honestly, I've been guilty of this too - get all manly about this and try to beat some record. If I was locked up for 2 weeks, then next time around I have to go for 3. He was locked up for two months? I should be locked up for 4. What? You can't unlock me now, it's only been 83 days - I have to go for at least 91 to beat the last time! The "punishment" for this kind of thing is to unlock him and make him orgasm as soon as possible.

Jeez, I sound like I'm describing how to train a dog. :lol:
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Re: But what do I get out of this?

Post by locked4her55 »

Breed36 wrote:If so then why not a trial run? Set a time frame for a chastity experiment say 30 days. At the end of the trial period you both revisit the subject. If you are not interested in pursuing it further then he has to accept that.
Then he has to put the three CD's up for sale on the Forum and use the money for that weekend get-a-way. :lol:
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Re: But what do I get out of this?

Post by Tom Allen »

locked4her55 wrote:
Breed36 wrote:If so then why not a trial run? Set a time frame for a chastity experiment say 30 days. At the end of the trial period you both revisit the subject. If you are not interested in pursuing it further then he has to accept that.
Then he has to put the three CD's up for sale on the Forum and use the money for that weekend get-a-way. :lol:
Amusing but seriously, this is missing her point. She doesn't want to give up intercourse, and doesn't want to be responsible for her husband's compliance when she lets him out. It sounds to me like Wondering has had to make a lot of accommodations for her husband in the past and is losing patience. All we've been doing is telling her "Oh, just try it," when she has already expressed that the idea just isn't appeal in to her.

Instead of a trial period in which she accommodates her husband, how about some ideas on a trial that let's him accommodate her?
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Re: But what do I get out of this?

Post by RegularJoe »

Probably way off base here, but perhaps a MM locking cockring might provide a middle-ground. He gets to enjoy the kink of being locked in a device, and she gets to enjoy her use of him. Properly sized, they can be worn 24/7, and work quite well at 'enhancing and maximizing attributes'. Anyway, it met my wife's needs, before I was caged.
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Re: But what do I get out of this?

Post by Allmylife4her »

Hello WonderingWife,

Your posts are incredibly thought provoking. I agree with Tom Allen's comments but in general I would say you have someone who is obsessed with a fantasy he's created in his head. If I was you I would give him what he wants, lock him up in one of those three devices he bought, wear the key on a chain around your neck (which I'm sure he's fantasizing about too) and torment the hell out of him for two weeks and have him please you with as many orgasms as you want. I bet he won't make it 5 days with his John Thomas locked up before he changes his mind, the reality of wearing a chastity device is very different from the fantasy. If he makes it two weeks and is displaying signs that he may be the next chastity Charlie then you seriously need to talk about what happens next. I'm betting two weeks from now those cages are in a box at the back of the closet collecting dust and you'll never talk about it again. Then again I maybe wrong. Good luck :)
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Re: But what do I get out of this?

Post by Anymouse »

Tom is the chastity expert here.
I am the sex fantasy BS expert here. (I edit mommy porn Romance novels. Women would be appalled if they knew many of the Romances they read were edited by men first. Don't tell.)
What that means is, though I am in a perfectly vanilla marriage in a tiny town where everyone knows what you do, I have read just about every BS Romance and sex fantasy there is. And much BS surrounds the chastity lifestyle; even Fox News has written about it, typically for them unfair and unbalanced.
Fact is, it is no more kinky nor perverted than any other sex play (kinky defined as "geez, you do that?" and perverted defined as "anything I won't do")
It will not fix a broken relationship, will not make someone more loving or attentive, not make one a better lover. It's purpose like all such play is to focus intently on one aspect of a healthy relationship to explore it for fun potential.
Like all sex play, it requires mutual consent or it is not fun. What you might consider is an offer to your hub: that you care about what he feels and thinks, and you would be willing to try, but if it is not fun for you both then you reserve the right to abandon it.
Negotiate the ground rules before you start, just as you would anything else in an honest relationship.
And he needs to be honest with himself, too: this is something to try, not an end unto itself. The only expectation he should have is it might work, and it might not.
The link in my tagline goes to a whole host of blogs about chastity, from my wife's and my very vanilla blog to some really kinky (stuff I wouldn't do) musings (both fantastic and real). It might be worth your while to check out.
That you would come here and ask indicates you seem willing to hear your hub out; a good thing. We are all quite normal people here, other than one peculiar predilection. . . .
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