[Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

It’s been another busy week with CS getting work done as she is leaving for Ohio for a week. She did however come into my office almost every day for me to go down on her right after her shower. And Thursday was a bad work day that she needed a drink when she finished. I made dinner and while she ate asked me if I wanted dessert. For the last couple weeks I have been offering to do the dinner dishes for the opportunity of going down on her. Must have worked as she is now asking me. I happily did the dishes. Going up to bed I brushed my teeth and cause I am a tea drinker, used my teeth whitening rinse. CS likes this cause the peroxide makes her pussy tingle.

This morning was serious cuddle time as she will be at her mother’s for the week. She allowed me to go under the covers for a quick orgasm for her.

No keys left behind and 34 days since my last cum. But after the last 175 day no climax for me, 34 days don’t seem so bad. She is taking the dog and for each time he gets car sick, I’ll get another month locked with no chance of orgasm. And here I have scheduled a carpet cleaning appt while she is gone. Oh and she is meeting her friends from high school one night . She has said she will be wearing her lock and key necklace and should anyone ask, she will tell them why. That’s a little scary.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

It’s been a long week with CS at her mother’s. She sent me a picture of the keys to my cage letting me know she took them with her. Also sent me a pic of her in her bra and panties. She did not tell her friends of our chastity play.

CS got home today and I guess she missed me cause she unlocked me telling me it’s been 40 days so I was allowed to come. She is sleeping now. Seven hours drive and eight orgasms and she is satisfied. So am I.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

With CS back this week, I almost wish for the quiet of her being gone. Every time I come downstairs, she seems to have a lot to say. She stops working and starts bitching about her work. I say a couple “I understand “ but I just want to say, “ Did I ask about your work? No” .

Saturday was a no touch her day after the Friday night sex. Sunday was getting her off once in the morning with her vibrator and once with my tongue and back to no touch day two. She has come into my office three times this week after her shower for an orgasm then running out of the room to finish getting dressed. No attention focused on me. Not even a jiggle of the balls but still, it was good.

Then she spoke and it went down hill. She decided to have her one grandson stay the night this coming Saturday. Brunch on Sunday before going dress shopping for a wedding next weekend we are attending in Ohio. And the wedding is for someone on her ex-husband’s side of the family so you know I am hated. Plus she wants us to stay at her mother’s cause she is bringing the dog. Her mother keeps the thermostat is set to 75 and the volume on her television is at full volume. Not allowed to sleep naked there and no fooling around. On top of that she has taken two all day jobs so pretty much two weeks of Hell. Lastly today she starts venting cause her one daughter isn’t seeing her this Mother’s Day and when I say that is wrong, I become the bad guy. Right now I am glad to be locked. Sorry for venting.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Venting is good. Kept me from saying any thing stupid.

Friday after work and going to the gym then walking her dog. I came home to find CS sitting on the couch with a beer and shots poured. She said we needed to do shots as she had a hell of a day. This led to shots number two and three. And this lead to taking her upstairs, pulling her leggings down and bringing her to two orgasms. She then told me where the key was. I went and got it and when I came back to the room she was naked on the bed. She gave me a wonderful hand job that had me close to losing it while I got her off two more times. CS then wanted PIV but as I came last week, was not allowed this week. Still, I managed to get her off once more before pulling out.

I then got the Vixskin Tex and lube and started using those. As she got close she grabbed my head shoving my face into her clit. CS asked if it vibrated which sadly no so I got her vibrator and used both to get her off twice more with my face being shoved into her pussy. She really came hard on the Vixskin. A kiss and off I went to my room.

Slept uncage for the first time in quite awhile and if felt weird. Hit the gym at 6:00am then got CS for a yoga class and out to breakfast. Back at home did my cleaning chores. CS has taken to running the sweeper and mopping the floors. Still uncaged, took a shower and shaved down there as I had the opportunity. Walked downstairs naked and sat while CS was on the phone. As a joke I put a pillow on the floor in front of me. CS got off the phone, looked at me sitting there naked and said “ I do this and you mop the floors “ to which I replied yes my queen. She got down on her knees and blew me for about thirty seconds, stood up and told me to cage back up and to get mopping. Didn’t cum but think I still got the better end of the deal.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

It’s been a weekend. CS’s ex husband’s cousin was getting married and wanted CS there. Plus her one son was in the wedding so off to Ohio we went. Long drive and of course CS had to bring the dog. We were staying at her mother’s so no sex of any kind was gonna happen then. But, it’s a wedding so I had to ask if she had packed the key. She simply said “No”.

Later on during the drive, I was changing the words to some songs on the radio. It was a seven hour drive and a pretty much straight road. But she didn’t seem to like one verse and said “you just got June”. So no orgasm for me through the end of June. I just happen at that moment need to adjust the cage. That’s when CS said,”have to adjust? Did losing June turn you on? Then let’s have some fun. You also lost July”. Needless to say I didn’t say anything or adjust my cage the rest of the trip.

The wedding was a nice affair in downtown Akron. Everyone wanted to talk to her and catch up which just had me standing off to the side wondering why I even was there. CS was pounding the beer and I had switched to water a while back as I was driving. When we left the reception it was about 11:00pm. We walked to our car in a parking garage. CS climbed into the back seat shimmering out of her panties and had me go down on her for two orgasms there in the parking garage.

Today we are taking my mother to lunch and then I have another seven hour drive back to Chicago. Hoping not to lose any more months as CS likes doing Locktober, No-November and Denied December.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Made it back to Chicago safely. During the -drive CS said she had been joking about losing July. But I did lose being able to orgasm till the end of June. She was playing her music through her phone during the trip but when we got into range of Chicago stations, CS switched over to the radio telling me we were playing radio roulette the last ninety minutes home. If “Killing Me Softly” comes on the air, I lose July for real. This made me nervous each time a new song start which had CS laughing. Fortunately the song did not play so an orgasm in July is still on the table. Have to give CS a gold star for giving me back July only to try to take it away again all in the same trip.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

This is CS’s birthday weekend because it lasts all weekend and sometimes a week. Friday I was sent out for wings and pizza. Yesterday started with a very nice brunch of omelettes, bacon, fruit and sour dough toast. Dinner was a nice steak house followed by a night of billiards.

When we got into the car to go to the steakhouse, CS turned on the radio and announced in addition to “Killing Me Softly”, I would lose any chance of unlocking in July should any song by TLC play. My luck ran out as we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant as “Don’t go Chasing Waterfalls “ began to play. CS yelled “Happy birthday to Me”.

At the pool hall CS was playing the best I have ever seen her play winning the first three games. She then said if I won the next game I would get unlocked. I won. She also bet if I won game six I could cum and I won. She had been drinking and on game twelve she said if I won, she would try to take the Ranger Vixskin. But if I lost, I would lose August. I won.

At home CS didn’t want any fore play pushing my head down to her crouch. Two orgasms and she was pulling me back up for PIV. Another orgasm for her and then she climbed on top of me riding for a fourth. I told her to stop as I was about to cum but she kept riding me till I exploded deep in her.

She wanted her vibe and so I also brought out the smaller Vixskin Texan to get her ready for the Ranger. She came hard on the Texan. I got the Ranger out and a lot of lube and it just slide right in. She said it felt really good and came hard yet again. I cleaned her up and off to sleep she went.

Today she is sore but good which means a no touch day. All her kids are coming for dinner so I have to get making two lasagnas, Cesar salad and heat up some garlic bread. Like I said, it’s her birthday weekend
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

So this morning being a holiday and I didn’t have to work, I climbed into CS’s bed to cuddle. She got up and showered, coming out she put just a sweatshirt on and asked if she sat on my face, would I walk her dog. Silly question. I licked her to orgasm and then got dressed taking the dog for his morning walk.

CS was at her desk when we got back. I jokingly put a pillow on the floor at my feet and asked about the dog’s evening walk. CS got up from her desk and kneeling on the pillow, grabbed my balls and squeezed them hard enough for me to say”Please leave me one”. She let go, got up and said,”Do you really need them at all?”. Yikes. Guess I will let her tell me when I need to walk the dog for her cause I know thirty years ago she was a vet tech. Part of her job was spade and neutering dogs and cats. I ain’t taking no chances. :shock:
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Sometimes I am just an ass when I am trying to be funny. I was driving alone today which I have to say is less stressful than having CS in the car playing radio roulette. But do I just enjoy it? Of course not. “Killing Me Softly” comes on the radio and what do I do? I call CS holding the phone to the speaker and then tell her it doesn’t count as she isn’t in the car.

Her response? “For being an ass, you just lost another month. “ When will I learn? And as she is at her grandson’s baseball game, I still walked and fed her dog tonight.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

CS has been feeling a little under the weather the last three days which didn’t bode well with not one but two punishment months starting up. This morning she said she was feeling good so after our shower I went down on her for two orgasms. I came to realize that since her birthday last weekend she has had ten orgasms to my four all year and no chance of one for the next sixty days.

This really adds the stress to her playing radio roulette. I drove her to the store, lunch, the flower nursery, Home Depot and back to the flower nursery all with the chance of losing August. My nerves are shot.
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