[willshelockmywilly] The Get-Away that started it all

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[willshelockmywilly] The Get-Away that started it all

Post by willshelockmywilly »

I will go back and add the beginning of our journey from notes I made at some point. For now, I want to jump in where we are before I get further behind. Life is very busy for us now, and has been since the pandemic started. She works in healthcare and I in retail. That along with other family matters has meant the pandemic has been more of a force to drive us apart as a couple, rather than tucked in at home together. That being said, our relationship as a whole was in a terrible spot. We have both been battling depression and anxiety along with tremendous stress. I had brought up chastity pre-pandemic, and she didn’t say no, but we ordered a few cheap cages, had problems with fitment and falling off, and I think it really turned her off. I don’t blame her, she is very vanilla and traditional and was surely thinking “my pervert husband wants me to lock something metal on his dick now. How did I wind up in the position in my life?”. But she also didn’t get upset or mad about it, and said that if it was important to me, she would continue to try to keep an open mind. I went back and ordered a cage with better fitment, and wore it when she was gone at work some, getting familiar with is and seeing if it really fit, but she never knew it. Shortly after the holidays, or relationship seemed to be really starting to improve from our pandemic stress. She got me some really nice tickets to a show she knew I would love for my birthday in December, and the show is in February. I saw I t as huge gesture from her because it really showed me that she cared about me, and it was the first thing I felt like she had put that much effort into that was specifically for me, in a long time.

Due to some hormonal changes she has not been on birth control, which obviously complicated sex even further than a strained relationship does. She intended to go back on it at the beginning of the year, and her OBGYN appointment had to be cancelled due to COVID. She promised me that it would be rescheduled before our trip, and that became the beginning of our journey. I had become a masturbation addict and porn watcher when our 9 year relationship hit its all time low. When she made me that promise to make the get away weekend so special for me (just so happens it is the weekend before Valentine’s Day, women can’t help themselves but to be romantic 🤣) I decided to admit to her my vulnerable secret and resolve to do my part to help our relationship. She received it better than I think you could expect any vanilla wife to. She didn’t yell, really even get mad, leave or cry. She was hurt by it, and I was ashamed of it because I knew they were hurtful things. Whether or not you agree with watching porn or not can be debated in any way you want. But if you watch it without your spouse knowing and you know they are clearly of the opinion it is wrong to watch it, that is very hurtful towards that person. I suggested that in return for the special weekend she had planned out for me, we give chastity one last try. If it worked out, we could discuss further arrangements at or after that weekend, and that if she was still indifferent towards it at that point, we would throw them away and I promised I would never mention it again.

I now have an account on this forum, I will be surprised if it is the latter. This first journey post is to give a background story leading up our start of chastity. I will add what happened in the first few weeks later from the few notes I have, it was an absolute whirlwind, and time flew by. But I want to be able to document the week leading up to the get away weekend.

T minus 7 days -

Friday - We leave in 1 week. I had a long stressful day at work today, and we were apart tonight, she works nights. We spoke over the phone twice, but I was short the first time at work, and the second time she had some left over work stuff she needed to get off her chest on her commute to work. We small talk texted over the course of the evening. She broke the news to me that her OBGYN appointment was not going to be in time for our get away. I was devastated. I had been looking forward to unprotected sex that weekend for so long now. It has been many months since we have been able to do that due to her being off of birth control and pregnancy being a concern due to other health issues; and it certainly hadn’t been helping our relationship. I felt like this was all her fault, by not insisting with her doctors office more, or not coming up with a solution sooner. I decided I wanted to quit chastity all together. I thought it wasn’t fair to me. Then I had a major perspective shift, and one I would have never had if I wouldn’t have been forced by chastity to spend less time thinking about myself, and more time thinking about her. I realized, maybe she doesn’t want this either. She didn’t ask for all these problems, she didn’t want her appointment to be cancelled, and she definitely didn’t want it to take this long to be rescheduled.

Saturday - Reflecting on my thoughts last night really made me realize how selfish I have been, especially when it comes to sex and intimacy. I felt genuinely bad about this and it depressed me quite a bit. That, combined with her work schedule meant very little time for much togetherness the start of this weekend. I did spend about 2 hours locked and gave her a manicure (she likes the SNS powder and it takes a WHILE to do; something that I have just learned since she started holding my key) on Saturday night though, while she watched a movie she choose.
Last edited by willshelockmywilly on Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [willshelockmywilly] “The Get-Away” - The start of our journey

Post by Tom Allen »

It looks like this is your first post in the Journey forum. Please make sure that you have read the sticky posts and that you understand how it works.

I have added your username in [brackets]
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Re: [willshelockmywilly] “The Get-Away” - The start of our journey

Post by willshelockmywilly »

Tom Allen wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:16 pm It looks like this is your first post in the Journey forum. Please make sure that you have read the sticky posts and that you understand how it works.

I have added your username in [brackets]
I am sorry, I went back and reread all three posts. I completely forgot about the requested thread title when I posted!
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Re: [willshelockmywilly] The Get-Away that started it all

Post by willshelockmywilly »

Today I was back up to about a 6 on a 1-10 horniness scale. She had to work less than expected this weekend so it allowed us more time together. I was promised 1 orgasm in the week leading up to our trip. I, of course, started hoping for it today, after having recovered from feeling mad at myself. We had a nice vanilla day and got caught up on a lot of chores. Towards the end of the day, I began to ask her for it more and more, in very subtle ways. Finally I asked her point blank if I could have it today and she said “no”. So I began begging, I am honestly not sure how much I pestered her but she finally said “okay, you can have twenty strokes, but if you can’t finish by that time, that’s all you get. And you HAVE to tell me if you think you are within two strokes of cumming.” I was ecstatic!! She unlocked me and began. When twenty strokes came I was far from ready but far from ready to quit! She stopped and I begged and pleaded with her to continue. She would not at first but then slowly started back. I felt like I was getting ready to explode and told her I was going to cum. She changed pace slightly, went just a few more strokes and then stopped again. She said she was at 50 and said, “you haven’t even been able to by 50!!”. I knew I couldn’t beg for any more, she had given me more than double what she agreed upon. She lightly teased me for a moment and then began again. I was shocked to get more but I wasn’t going to complain :D
She continue stroking and it felt so amazing, it was the first real attention I had gotten from her since Thursday, when she had given me an orgasm. I again felt an orgasm impending and told her I was close. Then I felt as if I was about to burst and told her I was cumming. She stroked me 4 more times or so. She then grabbed my shaft and put her thumb right over the tip to try to block any emissions!!! I couldn’t believe she had done this, I had shared this technique with her recently but the woman I was married to two months ago would have never acted on it, and just kept doing the same ole thing was that she was comfortable with. Now she was using an idea I had just told her about a few days ago!!! I succumbed to my orgasm, knowing it was coming and watching it be ruined by her firm grip which was not stroking pleasurably. There was a tremendous amount of volume, most of it went past her thumb and onto my stomach. It felt amazing, it was honestly a pretty good orgasm. I had full contractions and the feeling of her hand on my shaft made it better than the ones she had been giving me with no stimulation. She gave me a moment to recover and asked me how it felt. “Honestly, if felt pretty good! I would say better than the other ones you’ve given, I would prefer this!” “Well, I guess I didn’t ruin it enough then did I?” She replied with a sly tone. Then she said “that would have hit you in the face if I hadn’t done that. It came out with some FORCE.” Holy shit it was so hot the way she said it!! It honestly was not a completely ruined orgasm, she more deflected the semen flowing out than completely blocked it. I almost told her that she could grasp the shaft much more firmly and would need to press down much firmer to stop the flow, but I did not. I have decided that she needs very little “help” keyholding at this point. She knows I am journaling here and has read my posts so far, so if she sees this on her own, it’s fair game. If she doesn’t take the time to look though, it’s her loss!! I was SO happy she decided to give it to me today. I was hoping for my longest period of lock-up/denial to be right before our trip, and if she would have waited until Tuesday like she had planned, it would have been 5 days by then. The next 5 days are going to be lonnnnnnng though! I haven’t been 5 days without an orgasm in YEARS. I have no clue how I will handle it. We shall see!

Later in the evening I was heating up food in the microwave for her. She came in and asked if it was hot. I said, I’m not sure, I put it in for 50 seconds. She replied “50 seconds isn’t always enough time to finish in.” :o :shock: :D I’m still trying to figure out what type of crash course she took to become such a hot tease so quickly. :?:
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Re: [willshelockmywilly] The Get-Away that started it all

Post by willshelockmywilly »

I haven’t written in a while as life has been busy for us. Just a short Thanksgiving post to get me back in the habit. My wife voluntarily decided to participate in Locktober this year. After somewhat of a summer break, it honestly came as a relief to me and I enjoyed it at first. She was very lenient at the beginning with me. Allowing me quite a few orgasms and being rather haphazard with unlocking me and not promptly locking me back up. Part of the way through the month I let her know I was up for more of a challenge if she wanted to give it. She announced before the month was over that we would be doing no nut November so not to worry about her lenience, she would double down then 😳 I’m currently on my 23 rd day of being locked and have only slept unlocked one night. I have had 1 ruined orgasm each Sunday but other than that it has been almost entirely hands off. My next orgasm is supposed to be for my birthday in December. 😳😳
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