[Tullyboy] Acknowledging reality

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Re: [Tullyboy] Acknowledging reality

Post by Tullyboy »

The last year has been what I would describe as a lovely bit of mundanity. Tullygirl has fallen into a pattern of weekly sex that is both disappointing and wonderful. Disappointing in volume but wonderful when it’s happening. Decades of marriage has certainly taught us how to pleasure one another.

I’ve enjoyed playing around with new underwear. G-strings seemed like a fun adventure. Tullygirl is not much interested in dressing up sexy for me so I’ve used this opportunity to delve into sexy fabric and dress sexy for myself. I don’t know, seems a bit silly but at least one of us can wear some lace. :). (Edited to say that she does wear lace, I was exaggerating, just in case she decides to read this. ;) )

I have randomly locked for short periods during this time. Only recently did it become apparent that it was time to be caged on a more consistent basis. Right now I’m building up to full time wear through daytime locking. It’s been a few weeks and so it’s nearly time to make the transition to full time.

I’ve been wearing a new cage of my own design. I wanted to share it with you but I’m a bit too shy to share it in all its glory. Instead, here’s a glimpse of my favorite g-string and cage all at once.
file mar 09, 6 57 07 pm.png
file mar 09, 6 57 07 pm.png (447.39 KiB) Viewed 1758 times
Last edited by Tullyboy on Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Tullyboy] Acknowledging reality

Post by Tullyboy »

To be filed under “Hot Things That Your Keyholder Said”:

As Tullygirl was fondling me:
Me: “Well, I can take this off…”
Tullygirl: “That’s not really the point, is it.”
Notice how that wasn’t a question.


After reaching down to grab me before bed and finding me locked for bedtime.
Tullygirl: “I see that the warmup is over… this is just the beginning of a long journey! Maybe a year! [sadistic giggle]”

Tullygirl and I have settled into a system of cage-bound honor chastity. She doesn’t really enjoy controlling a physical key so I am on my honor when it comes to cage wearing. I am allowed to take it off for showers and workouts or other times when wearing it interferes with my activity.

But, she’s happy to remind me of the purpose of being locked. This morning, after a night of tease and denial, I said, “I can’t wait to take this off for my shower and to masturbate.” To which she replied, “I don’t think so.”

I teased a bit more, “But you could let me.”

Tullygirl was quick to emphasize, “BUT I said no, didn’t I.”

Now I’m about to take my shower and I’ve got to say that this morning it will be a bit difficult to be honorable!
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Re: [Tullyboy] Acknowledging reality

Post by Tullyboy »

We score very low on Tom’s chastity matrix. If you’ve read much of this journal, you know that I am released and released with reasonable regularity even when regularly caged. The allure of chastity for me has been to fill the gaps between, when our unbalanced desires cause me to feel left out. It builds anticipation for me and draws a little more attention from Tullygirl in these gaps.

So I was I uncaged and showering with her this morning when she whispered, “I will be cumming and you will not.”

We moved from the shower to the bed where I began by tasting her - and freshly showered is my favorite! We switched back and forth between PIV and TIV as I struggled to keep my CUM to myself. By the end she had orgasms from a rabbit and a womanizer and I had had my fill even without my own release.

Even now I feel satiated having shared that closeness.

We fly out of town today so I will remain uncaged until, at her request, I lock up after we arrive at our destination.
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Re: [Tullyboy] Acknowledging reality

Post by Tullyboy »

We have arrived at our destination but I remain unlocked. I have a small abrasion that needs a day or two to heal.

During our journey we were eating at a very nice restaurant. At one point during the meal I excused myself to use the restroom where, not being locked, I stood at a urinal. I peed normally and was about to finish up when I noticed that I need more. This time, however, it was the sensation of white milky cum working its way through my urethra.

I love that feeling of cum let-down! Later that evening as I changed my underwear I realized that it wasn’t an isolated occurrence and that the other subtle feelings that I had during the day left a less than subtle reminder.
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Re: [Tullyboy] Acknowledging reality

Post by Tullyboy »

The abrasion took several days to heal so I found myself unlocked until we returned home from our vacation. This morning was the first morning back: I showered, shaved and locked.

Good thing, too, since around midday I received this text: “Are you locked and loaded?”

I searched for something funny or a double entendre on the word “loaded” but nothing good enough came to mind… so I went with, “Yes ma’am!”

I can tell you that I am indeed loaded!
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Re: [Tullyboy] Acknowledging reality

Post by Tullyboy »

Tullygirl showered first this morning. After she was done and dressed I proceeded to get ready for my shower. I had striped and was taking off my cage.

"You know... some Keyholders don't allow that," she pointed out as she watched.

I paused. She has rarely called herself a Keyholder - let alone commented on what some do or don't do.

"Um, do you want me to leave it on for my shower?" I replied a bit sheepishly.

"No, I don't. I'm 'pro hygiene'!"

And she left to get breakfast while I showered. I took a long shower, hoping that she might come back to play, but with no sign of her I finished up and was clothed before she returned.
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