[SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

(This is a long one... get popcorn. I've been working on it for most of the afternoon when work allows. We had a pretty significant bump in the road and now we're here.)

Working with Mature Metal to get my cage fixed so that it wasn't chewing on my tender skin, I was told that base ring I'm using is a size too large. I measured and measured again and had already reduced the size of the base ring once, how could this be? Mistress MM also helpfully suggested that we increase the size of the gap between ring and cage that may make things more comfortable.

In the interim, I tried to wear a cheap Chinese cage that mostly fit me but it made the problem abrasion created by the Jailbird just continue. I had to ask for the key and be released and free until I had properly healed up. I was frustrated, she wasn't all that worried about keeping me caged.

Sending the cage to Texas and being without it for two weeks made me ill inside but it was the right thing to do. Should I go down a size? If I get it wrong, it has to go away for another two weeks. My solution is to buy a new ring in the size they want me to use (with the oval shape instead of round), adjust my existing ring without changing the size and then hopefully I'm covered from all sides. The cage goes out and comes back right before the new year and I immediately go back into the cage using the smaller ring. I'm excited, I'm hopeful and I'm really challenged at how much more work it takes to get into the base ring. This is snug and I briefly consider whether some lubricant will be necessary to get this ring in place.

I'm in the newly updated cage, I install a brand new brass lock (more rust resistant) and hand over the keys to my wife. Back on track, until...

My body is not ready for the smaller ring, the discomfort becomes pain and finally I have to give up. It is just too much and it feels like the underside of my testicles are bruised. I lived with the discomfort for several days before asking my wife to release me and that's when things went sideways.

Each time I asked my wife for the key, she handed it over much like she would if I asked her to pass the salt. She understood that I wasn't comfortable and like all things she wanted me to be happy. When the cage went off for modification, she only asked about it when I mentioned it arrived in Texas. When I had to call off wearing the new modifications, she shrugged and handed over the key. I was frustrated, she wasn't all that worried about keeping me caged.

Damn. All of this is coming to an end and chastity won't be a thing in our lives any more but worse than that... she is happy about it. Or at the very least, relieved that it isn't working out so she can wash her hands of it. I begin a period of mourning and learn that self-pleasure is a thing again. I'm not a horny teenager but where chastity had all but ended that practice, it was slowly becoming something I tried to find time to do... alone. I could be alone with my fantasies and alone with my pleasure without her knowing about any of it. I am weak and my biology conspires against me.

Weeks out of the cage, my sore spot is healed. My perception of bruising is healed. My wife seems to be fine with how the world is turning and not a word is spoken about the cage or chastity. Life gets busy, work, kids, etc. I continue to sulk and wish it were otherwise but we wake up, go to the gym, go to work, eat dinner and then sleep without the cage as a part of our lives. When I get disappointed and really focus on it, I find a way to masturbate. It may not be healthy but I know I can improve my disposition pretty quickly except... everything I learned from being chaste was that this wasn't a good idea. I'd be happier if I found a way to involve her, work on being closer physically but I just felt like I was being whiny and a burden.

We have sex and we have intimacy so it isn't that she and I have a malfunctioning relationship but suddenly, it isn't what it was. I keep trying to bring up the courage to talk about it and remember the relief? disinterest? happiness? she had when she unlocked me and I put all that hardware away. No, I can live without it and I can show some self-control without putting that burden back in her life.

Start a new cycle of wishing I was caged, fighting temptation and either winning or losing the fight but now not sure I want to fight it anymore. No. No. No. I can do this, I'll just use some self-control but not sweat the minor lapses if they happen. We have always had different libidos and schedules so it'll be fine, it has always been fine. My ability to keep myself under control is poor and I start thinking about when I can find some alone time again. Ugh.

My thoughts turn to how I can do this a little better and how I really want to be back in the cage. I miss the weight, the constant reminder and limited functionality when locked. I could lock myself, put the keys somewhere other than my pocket and maybe I can at least delay some of the idle hands. My plan was to put on the ring for the night and assemble the cage the following morning if all goes well. I did my best sneaking and pulled the ring from storage and slid it over the parts where it was supposed to go.

Either I wasn't as stealthy as I thought or my wife just chose that night to run her hand over my crotch and just happened to feel the exposed post from the Jailbird base ring.

HER: "What's this?"
HIM: "Part of the cage."
HER: "Huh? I thought we weren't doing that anymore?"

HIM: "…"

Okay, well she knows but sounds frustrated that the cage is returning. I'll keep my mouth shut and keep up with my plan to wear the cage, besides we normally have to schedule sex so I can take off the cage when we get together so she doesn't even know it is there. This will be fine and it will satisfy my craving to be caged, reduce my self-play and not burden her at all. I fully assemble the cage, close the lock and slide the keys into my pocket.

It is good to be back. It is really good to be back. I missed being contained but I had no idea how much until I felt it again. This is going to work and it did... for two whole days. The household schedule uncharacteristically shallowed out one Saturday afternoon and she surprised me with an offer for sex. Well, I guess she was about to find out I was wearing a cage again... I couldn't sneak that off in any plausible way now.

HIM: "I'd love to but you'll need these. I've been really good for the last two weeks but I started wearing the cage again just to help remind me to be good."

I handed her the keys and she didn't seemed shocked at all. I undressed, she undressed and she unlocked me. We had fun together and she made a comment about whether I was going to put that thing back on now or later but if I was going to wear it, I should probably give her back the keys.

Hope! Dear sweet hope! My heart beat a little more quickly. I locked myself back up but couldn't bring myself to hand off the keys but she wasn't demanding them either; I won't give her that problem. It also occurred to me that if I hand over the keys, there really won't be any more self-love and I wasn't sure I was ready for that yet.

We finished out the day, getting ready for bed and she stands over me with her hand out.

HER: "Keys?"

I stuttered and stammered and just couldn't bring myself to do it. I wasn't ready and I had spent the last couple of months convincing myself she didn't want to play the game. It was over after all.

The following night she stood over the bed and held out her hand.

HER: "Keys?"

I knew I couldn't tell her no but I took my time saying yes to make sure she really, really wanted this responsibility. I confessed to my weakness. I told her I really preferred to be caged. I told her that I wanted to surrender this control to her but only if she really wanted it. She did. She extended her hand again. There wasn't much conversation after that as she put the keys away in a place only she knows and we went to sleep.

We had a long conversation about what each of us wanted, I asked questions, she asked questions. We were careful about each other's feelings and thoughtful about any replies we offered the other. My concerns where answered and her curiosity was answered by me.

I confessed that I felt badly that I didn't have control over myself without the cage. She told me that she understood and knew it was difficult but wasn't all that worried about it.

HER: "You're not a bad person."

I put to her the question does she like it when I'm locked up? Am I different; maybe for the better?

HER: "You're more attentive to me. You touch me more, you get 'handsy' but you also deliberately focus on me more when you're locked. I like that."

She has only come close to saying something like that in the past 5 years and this was very specific about her preferences. I have been under her renewed control for the last few days and the talk about keys and the knowing looks – the flirting – has come back in a very welcome manner.

I'm so relieved and hopeful.

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

The cage issue has persisted for much of 2021 so far. I sent it back to Mature Metal for another adjustment based on their recommendations. The fix made it better... for about three weeks. The chewing of skin continued which put me back on the DL while it healed. I'm very cautious about how I discuss the issue with my wife since she has been convinced since the beginning that the cage was some torture chamber.

Having spent money to buy the cage several years ago and spending additional money to make adjustments, I was frustrated. My email correspondence with Mistress Mature Metal suddenly became, "let's get back to basics... measure, measure and measure. How much space is there inside the cage, inside the base ring, length of cage?"

The long and the short of the whole discussion is that when I initially purchased the Jail Bird I was worried about getting it too small; I added margins for error that weren't required nor desirable. The fact that I wasn't having issue all along was the confusing part but the number and type of adjustments needed meant it was time to order another cage. Damn! I already felt guilty at the amount I had spent initially several years ago, more guilty about the money I had spent with adjustments to now only have to start over.

I simultaneously placed an order for the new cage (smaller in every dimension other than the base ring diameter) and put the old one up for sale. The lead time to order was about 6 weeks and I hoped that I would sell the existing cage before I had the new one in hand. Surely it would sell within a week since these are highly desired and everyone is looking for a discount. Well as luck would have it the new cage arrived in just over three weeks and the old cage was still unsold.

I didn't tell my wife about this maneuver, "Can I have the keys for a minute?" She handed them over without a thought and I exchanged the two cages out of her sight. I locked up and replaced the keys where she would find them as my guilty conscience nagged at me. Has this silly sex fetish made you even more selfish and stupid than before?

A week later I had a nibble, then a bite and then a sale. Whew! My wife called me from her work and I asked if she had any small boxes she could bring home. She knew right away what it was going to ship but was confused. "You're sending it back again?" No I'm sending it away to a new owner. I ordered a new one that might fit better. "Do you need the keys?" No, you gave them to me last week and I have already completed the trial run.

I was catching her up on my hijinks and feeling better about it. She had no idea you could sell a used cage. You mean someone else is into this weird behavior of yours? I got 'the eyeroll' and knowing I was locked and a little more comfortable she just moved on to another topic.

(fast forward several weeks)

"What's the longest we've gone without you having an orgasm?" Uh, three months but that was in the early days when I was trying to see if it was even possible. Why do you ask?

"I have a plan." <gulp>

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

The new cage has been so much more comfortable and less problematic. My wife kept me locked for just over five weeks before deciding she wanted 'a quickie.' I was unlocked and when the cage came free, my erection was immediate and proud. I still struggle with not having any erections so this was so a relief and knowing that sex was on the menu, it was all I could handle.

I was ready and eager but felt like some foreplay had to happen but it was long before she gave me an eye and said, 'whenever you're ready.' She wanted to be penetrated and soon. Yes, ma'am!

I did what I was told to do and a couple minutes in she really started working me over trying to push me over the edge. She gets turned on by my getting turned on and loves to hear me orgasm. I'm vocal when it has been that long and she pushed all my buttons so the end was near. I finished in grand fashion singing the song of my people.

When I trying to gather my wits, I was instructed to get her vibrator. She wanted more than a quickie now, she was properly turned on. I brought the vibrator to her feeling a little sheepish that I wasn't going to be the source of her pleasure tonight. She found all the right spots and made herself happy with me as the audience nearby. Woof! That was fun.

I was instructed to lock back up but instead, I put the cage away. She didn't check and I want her to be more assertive so I just didn't do it. I also HATE to lock up right after an orgasm, it just isn't something I'm interested in. A few days later, I reverted to bad habits and had a solo session... it was awesome, it was very pleasurable and I did it deliberately.

The next day she noted that I wasn't locked "as instructed" and gave me some very subtle grief about it. My obedience still took a few more days but I did lock back up and now it has been a little over a week back in the cage. When I turned over the key to her, she says "oooo, someone has been encumbered."

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Back in July my wife allowed me to unlock for some PIV and as her usual M.O. I was asked to lock up the following morning. I was locked without orgasm from July 12 to August 15 when she wanted more PIV. Always happy to oblige she pulled me into her and coaxed me to cum after five weeks of being caged.

Unlike times past, I didn't lock up right away and 'helped myself' two days later. I have yet to admit to that transgression but I did lock up a few days after that to prevent more lapses. My last O was August 17 and since the lock closed, the key hasn't been seen. I haven't been out of the cage, I haven't had an erection and there has only been teasing.

Last night was much like other nights when she felt generous enough to tease but wanted to know if I'd like some intense teasing. There was no key so edging was out and I suggested my clover nipple clamps.

Japanese Clover Nipple Clamps – The Stockroom
https://stockroom.com/collections/nippl ... 9952931991

I love these clamps because when you pull on the chain, they get tighter and she can just pull the chain, twist the chain, loop her fingers through the chain while I go through the roof. She taught me how powerful my nipples can be as a pleasure center and it remains an easy target for her teasing. I'm the one who suggests toys but she will play the game if I'm eager enough.

I removed my shirt and she attached the clamps a little too close to the peak of the nipple so everything because extremely intense right away. I don't think she takes notes when she plays with toys because I was immediately panting and trying my best to endure the sharp pain. My nipples can handle a fairly moderate to heavy amount of suffering but starting out so fast was difficult.

She pulled. She tugged. She wrapped the chain around a single finger and moved her hand from one side of my chest to the other which upped the pain threshold to a different level. My cage was full as I tried to respond to her teasing but the caged penis had no where to go. It would swell, fail, swell again, fail, swell again which created a never-ending ache of pinched skin trapped by the base ring of the cage.

At some point she decided the dogs had to go out so I was afforded a break while she kicked them outside briefly. My hands immediately went to the clamps and moved them away from the tips of my nipples and further back. I told her that I couldn't handle that much for that long. When she resumed, the clamps had more skin in their grip and she wrapped her hand in the chain to pull downward toward my navel. Still intense and now the tips of my nipples were very sensitive, my whole chest was an erogenous zone.

I was suffering and very turned on but she just continued the slow tug, pull, twist that kept my heart rate high. She went on and on and on but finally called out "just three more minutes." Honestly, I think it was closer to 10 minutes but I wasn't in a position to judge. The entire session lasted for nearly a half of NFL football which was our 'cover noise' in the background.

She gently removed the clamps which is always the worst part as blood flow returns and energizes the pain receptors. Yeah, I had to do some more heavy breathing. I let her know that I was ready for sex whenever she was to which I go a very soft and muted "Mmm hmm.. I know."

84 days and I've had two authorized and one unauthorized orgasm. The trend is going down and it is intentional on her part.

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

My lovely wife has kept me locked since mid-August and I don't know if there is a plan to open the cage anytime soon but I am forever hopeful. I enjoy getting a NO from her so I try to push to be unlocked to get her to be assertive in her wishes.

Last night she didn't bring out the key and offer traditional sex, she offered to let me lick her as the night's activity. Of course, but you know what else we could do to make it even more fun?

She was as stern as I've seen her in the bedroom and all I could do was get hard in my cage.

"This is what I'm offering you, if you don't want to follow my plan I'll just roll over and go to sleep."

My wife is a beautiful, loving, caring woman whose first thoughts are taking care of others long before she thinks of anything for herself. Chastity has given her the power to be comfortable with me being locked up and denied while doing what she wants done sexually. I'm so proud of her that I could bust a button.

The good thing is that I got to go down on her which is one of my very favorite things to do. The bad thing is that she is way beyond any timeframe she has initiated on her own to keep my locked up. If chastity only begins when you want out, I think chastity has begun for me.

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

It was nearly three months before my wife decided "it was time" for her to unlock me and enjoy the congress of marriage. It was not something I was expecting, she just announced that it would happen as she offered me the key. It had been so long that I was greatly aroused at the idea so it took careful concentration to get the cage off before things got out of control.

"We'll have some fun but I want you back in the cage tomorrow morning."

I was invited to warm her up by going down on her and took joy from the sounds she made as I did my best to make her happy. She clearly wanted to be penetrated because she stopped me and told me to "come up here." That was my cue to enjoy good old fashioned sex with her so I didn't waste a second. We enjoyed each other while I struggled to forget that it had been nearly 90 days without sex for me. The urge to just go for it was pretty strong but I knew that wasn't a good plan for either of us. I tried to keep a steady pace until she started using her nails along my back, my sides and finally she just grabbed my nipples. I was done.

The long denied orgasm went on for an above average amount of time as I whimpered in pleasure. I have a love/hate relationship with cumming after so long but it felt so very good.

Nothing is worse for me than putting the cage back on right after an orgasm so I didn't. The next day I thought about caging but she didn't ask or remind so I didn't. A few days later she grabbed my crotch and noted that there was no cage (she already knew). I took my time as I hoped to be confronted but every day she didn't see a key waiting for her, she knew I wasn't locked. A week (maybe 8 days) later the cage went back on and the key was returned to the drop spot. I remained chaste without the cage but I knew it would end badly if I didn't do something soon.

She praised me for putting the cage on again but ended her praise with "it's about time."

Flash-forward to two weeks in the future, I'm proud of being chaste but really ready to be let out of the cage again. She has rarely gone more than her standard 1-3 weeks and I figured it was a great time to ask.

"Really? You haven't been in the cage that long." ...but I was good. "You spent a week unlocked when I told you to put it on. No."

...but... "No."

We're a month into this lockup and she is very unapologetic about keeping me locked now. Be careful what you wish for.

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

It has been another month of being in the cage continuously. No breaks. No quick escapes for teasing just cold hard steel for me.

Our sex lately has been very one-sided as chastity has a way of becoming but she does have special time to just tease me which I love. I hate that she doesn't allow me to touch her when she teases but it allows me to be selfish and just experience that which she permits.

My base ring is causing a "hot spot" just below and left (from my perspective) which is made worse from any excitement. Throbbing erections are pretty uncomfortable but don't last long without persistent teasing (or naughty thoughts).

Her recent pattern of "going longer" for lockups has taken me aback since she really, really wants to make me happy. She has a primal trigger that sex is one of the unbreakable tenants to make me happy even if I tell her otherwise. I like sex, I want sex, having orgasms important for my sanity but I have chosen this road of chastity and asked her to be my guide. My guide has chosen the long and winding road which is what I wanted when we started. I think. For the last several days, I have had thoughts of everything but picking the lock or taking an angle grinder to the cage. I'm horny and prone to mischief for the moment so I appreciate and detest my cage all at the same time.

Now I'm not breaking any personal records here since an orgasm was offered but with them coming much more infrequently, it is having an effect on me somehow. As I think back over the span of the last several lockups and orgasms, I'm nowhere near some of the accounts I've read for endurance but it is a long time for me. Lots less for me. At my peak personal masturbation during marriage, I'd stroke three times for every sexual encounter with her (less when we were busy parents, more when I might travel for business). Rough numbers that is about 4 orgasms per week which is how I started my chastity journey.

Last few releases and lockups (permitted and unpermitted)

[*] Locked one month – orgasm through PIV
[*] Locked one month – orgasm through PIV
[*] Failed to lock up right away and made it 48 hours before I took matters into my own hands (orgasm by stealth)
[*] Locked three months – orgasm through PIV, didn't lock up right away (again) but stayed true until I eventually caged myself again.
[*] Locked one month and waiting...

Using my primitive math skills, I'm seeing 5 months of time elapsed and 4 orgasms, of which I stole one which I should probably tell her about at some point. In her world, I'm allowed a release once every two months but she hasn't done the math. She just knows she is pushing the releases further apart.

Last night was interesting as soon as we had the house to ourselves, she suggested we go to bed early. I always try to figure out what she's planned and since a month had passed and she clearly wanted sex, this was a good sign.

"Want to know my plan?" Of course!
"I want you to lick me." Awesome and then?!

"I'll be relaxed and I'm going to sleep. This is supposed to be all about me and what I want."

I love my wife!
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

I posted a thread about "Denied by a Busy Day" in the general chat where my wife and I had an opportunity to stay at a favorite beach location and she promised sex and an unlock but forgot the key.


While I completely believe her, I'm suspicious of her motives since we have returned. We got back last night and I pointed out that the key was now in reach but she claimed "I'm too tired. It can wait." Sex has been on my mind well beyond the normal consideration of late, I was thinking about it the week before we were offered the beach house, the week leading up to the beach house, the week of the beach house... no joy here.

I haven't been let out, I've been shown no mercy and she's pretty happy with herself.

Today is the end of Day 40 since I've seen the key. I don't know what she has in mind. I'm putty in her hands.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

You lucky dog!
Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair. I threw the dreaded Spiked Chamber away.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, and a new Curve.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

My wife and I lucked into a trip to a hard to reserve beach property with just a week's notice. It just popped up and they asked us "can you do next week?"

I've been 5 weeks in my current lockup so she thought this would be the ideal trip to let me out for some fun. She has been mentioning it every couple of days since we made the reservation.

Today we head out and 30 minutes down the road she does the 'hand to forehead' pose. "I forgot the key."

What key? She points at my groin. She was behind the wheel so I suggested we go back.

"I was looking forward to it too. Such a shame."

Now I honestly believe she actually forgot it but I also know we could have turned around at that point. She'll get hers and I'll get an IOU.

I wasn't counting on this dimension of denial.

We enjoyed ourselves for a few nights at the beach other than the fact that I was working during the days, it was fun to get out of town. I would have done a better job of pouting but the fresh air and activity (and wine) made night time a welcome chance for sleep.

When we returned on Thursday night (three nights away) and got unpacked, we did some quick take out and collapsed. Friday would be a workday for both of us – darn it. Friday night came but I didn't. Saturday night and she wasn't up for more than a kiss.

Sunday night she requested her foot massage and provided it as asked assuming that what was my now six weeks of chastity would be going on even longer. She surprised me again.

"I'm going to unlock you and let you make love to me but then I want you locked back up. You haven't been going back in the cage right away and that needs to stop. If you can't put your cage back on right away then it just won't come off. Am I clear?"

Well... if those are the terms of my parole, I can do that. We enjoyed each other, I surrendered the key back into her custody and didn't lock up right away. I locked up the following morning at 6:30am which she had no way of knowing but even then I got...

"I hope you locked up, usually when I get the keys back it means you're in your cage... I hope that's the case."

I love my wife!
If my comments don't annoy you, follow my exploits here. I started all of this April 2016.