[SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

So now it has been 18 days of freedom which I have to say, I'm not a very big fan.  She unlocked me, made my toes curl and the cage hasn't been mentioned since. 
We were coming up on a year since we started all of this and seemingly she has checked out.  Or so it seems to me for now.  I am not saying anything hoping that she'll get an idea on her own but sex and sexy things are 24th on the list of things she may consider in a given day.  Happily;  she is not a guy. 
I'm not being ignored and I have frankly taken advantage of my freedom a couple of times already.  I wish I didn't have the option. 
I had thoughts of mixing our chastity anniversary and our wedding anniversary by suggesting we celebrate with a six week lock up from one to the other date.  Hmm, topping from the bottom is what I'm supposed to avoid.  Argh. 
Having tasted being chaste and under her very tender and loving control, I crave for it to continue.  
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

0 Days locked 
0 Days since last orgasm 
I was concerned that maybe she didn't want anything more to do with the cage.  It had been off and on (travel and such) but then came a drought that went on for nearly three weeks.  I just wrote how there had been no discussion of the cage. Patience. 
Patience suddenly paid off.  The next day she reminds me that she wanted me caged several weeks back, she throws it back to me by reminding me that she had given me instructions.  Uh, wait... she did.  She wasn't adamant about it, she just told me her plan but uh....  dang it.  Classic miscommunication. 
Add to the discussion she wasn't entirely convinced that I still wanted to play.  Huh?  Apparently I had dialed back my discussion so much she thought I wasn't interested in it anymore.  Oh we have some talking to do.  She then proceeded to blow my mind by recognizing that we had been playing with chastity for coming up on a year. 
What?!  How did she remember that?  She doesn't keep a log or mark in a calendar like I do but she knew.  She surprised me again.  We covered a happy topic that she was still willing to continue and even wondered where I stood.   
That night I had a rare late night where sleep wouldn't come and I did my best to not disturb her sleep while I watched a rebroadcast of golf, the end of a movie, the syndicated sitcom for the 14th time.  I gave some thought to being locked up again and I was genuinely excited.  Now I wondered if I had been caged long enough to go down a ring size (45mm to 40mm) but at 2am, rifling through the drawers would disturb her.  The second sitcom episode was beginning and I was no closer to sleep, what the heck, I'll be quiet. 
I slid out of bed, pried open the drawer where the cages where kept and grabbed the faux velvet pouch.  Going as quietly as possible, the pouch and I retreated to the bathroom where I slipped on the tighter 40mm ring with only modest difficulty. I guess wearing a cage does cause things to adjust over time.  I lined the cage up to the base ring and turned the key.  My first attempt to wear a smaller cage and smaller ring was immediately uncomfortable, now it was easy. When I returned to bed, I tucked the bag to the side of the headboard while I tried to get to sleep. 
Sleep did come and eventually I woke up to a nocturnal erection that was genuinely unpleasant.  Everything felt crammed, jammed and on the verge of being crushed.  My erection was pushing the ring away from me, the simple fit had turned into a vice and I needed to get out.  I slipped out of bed again and set out to remove it all to get relief.  The key turned easily but the integrated lock wouldn't move and took some rocking to come loose. I was in a mild panic when it came apart and the cage separated from the base ring with a metal on metal 'clink.'  I still had to coax the ring from around my unhappy privates but that happened in a couple of more minutes.  OK, that wasn't very pleasant and I'm not ready for a 40mm ring yet, if ever. 
When morning dawned and we got ready for the day, I walked into to take my shower while she was putting on her makeup.  She reached between my legs and gave me a squeeze, "You put on your cage last night, I heard you."  Her hand told me I wasn't caged.  I sheepishly explained that I was trying to see if I could wear the smaller ring and how it failed. 
Fast forward to the evening and she tells me that she wants me inside her tonight.  We briefly recounted the confusion over locking up and each of our willingness to move forward.  I should have rolled out my plan for being locked until our anniversary but things needed to move forward and I was headed towards a lockup. 
Here I sit on a Monday morning, satisfied and locked; the rest is to be determined. 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

7 Days Locked
0 Days since last orgasm

HAPPY CHASTITY ANNIVERSARY – It has been one year since I built up the courage to endure her eye rolls and suggest it to her. Yea, us!

So now that we have the cage confusion worked out and she has me locked back up. The week has me caged but no teasing happens because other things are happening (real world, meh) and while I would prefer to get my attention from her, she hasn't neglected me. I'm usually good for about three days when suddenly desire hits me; things get more urgent as the days tick by. I'm not 19 and I have a reasonable amount of self-control but that doesn't mean the urge isn't there.

I have purposely backed off on my overwhelming her with physical affection because it was too much when we started this but now I realize that I may have backed off too far. My plan is to dial it up to above normal but not to necessarily expose her to every lustful whim that crosses my mind. She enjoys the attention, I enjoy giving it to her but perhaps it may not be all that useful to the relationship when she's trying to cook dinner and put together goodie baskets. Who knew?

The nearly three weeks of being uncaged had me rolling between happy, sad, frustrated, confused and finally guilty. I took advantage of being unlocked to work out some solo time for about once a week for two of the three weeks. We still had our couple's time but I was "removing the burden for her" in between which was what I was trying to avoid. When week three started (day 14 going into day 15), we had just had sex and I was getting into a bad habit. 2-3 days into the week, I was thinking about where and when I could sneak one for myself. Frustration over not being locked up and dedicated to her had been happening off and on but now I really wanted to talk to her about it.

My waiting paid off and now we're back on track but perhaps more discussion that isn't related to getting my way is a good idea.

So to break that new plan, I talked to her about a product from Durex condoms that is designed to "slow him down and speed her up." My hope was that she would use me to her own satisfaction and lock me back up frustrated. The condoms have a desensitizing agent inside, are a little thicker than average and little bumps and ridges for her. I really don't see how a textured condom does anything for a woman but that isn't the point of the discussion. I thought about suggesting these a week ago but chickened out since she was never a fan of condoms and getting a special box for the purpose of preventing my orgasm might not go over very well.

Such a minor adventure considering all the other things I'd asked for, it still took a little bravery to prepare for the rejection. "Is this something we can get in a drugstore?" I had already scouted the store we were about to pass. "Okay, but I'm not buying them. Happy anniversary." Our wedding anniversary was a month away, she meant chastity anniversary. Wow.

The condoms didn't feel particular thick and the desensitizing agent inside didn't feel all that copious so I started off with a concern this wouldn't be a failure. Hopeful but not convinced. We planned to slip it on and give the agent 10 minutes to work its desensitizing magic. She was ready, I was ready and away we went.

Unlike other encounters, my goal was to make her come from intercourse alone. It was going well for a few minutes and then I was getting too close. I managed to change the angles and slow down enough to keep going. Another few minutes and I felt completely immune to her charms; it was working now. She and I could do as much as possible without worry about it ending before she was done. We didn't get her there but she enjoyed herself as much as possible when muscles started to tire. Not bad.

Now she insisted that I finish but there was no way for me to orgasm now. "Take it off." Well, see... I had this plan that we could keep me locked up and denied. "I want you to orgasm, take it off." It isn't about what I want, it is what she wants. Off it came and while I could still tell I wasn't feeling everything due to the desensitizer, I felt enough to know it was going to happen. We got into a great rhythm that still lasted longer than I would have normally (another plus) and when I couldn't go any further, I had a very fulfilling orgasm.

Knowing I was allowed to come, I didn't ask but I did ask if she intended to lock me back up before I would go all the way to the end. "Yes, I'm going to lock you back up." It was all I needed.

I love my wife.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

14 Days Locked 
7 Days since last orgasm 
I have learned to suggest things only in certain infrequent circumstances and my last suggestion of a numbing condom worked pretty well.  She enjoyed it enough (or maybe thought I enjoyed it) so that she wanted to try it again.  Her eagerness to try it the first time was all about her wanting to go along with my request.  The idea that she would want a repeat performance means she didn't hate it. 
She wanted some oral which I'm always eager to provide and we got her to stage 1 and her pleasure was obvious.  Now she wanted to transition into PIV and the condom had been on long enough that I couldn't feel much and I was eager to be her sex toy.  Unfortunately this encounter seemed to utterly fail at the goal of getting her any pleasure.  We have no idea why it didn't work this time but she just couldn't get what she needed from it.  Dang. 
Things proceeded much like last week and she gave me similar instructions.  "Take that thing off, I want you to cum."  I love that she wants to make me happy but I had to object.  This is supposed to be denial after all.  While I did what I was told and entered her again, I truly wanted her to deny me and told her so.  It is so hard for her to accept that her husband who has chased her for our entire marriage doesn't always want what he's always wanted. 
"You don't want to cum?"  Well, of course I do.  I want you to decide when it happens but I get to cum on a predictable schedule.  "Fine, lock back up."  She pushed me off and we both kind of laughed at felt a really absurd moment.  She slide out of bed and started getting dressed with a happy smile on her face. "No, I'm serious lock it up. You're done."  I put everything back together and presented the cage to her for the lock.  She closed the lock, kissed me and then went to get ready for bed. 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Happy Mother's Day! 
21 Days Locked 
14 Days since last orgasm 
We had a calm and relaxing Mother's Day where family stuff consumed most of the day.  As the evening progressed forward she gave me a "knowing glance" that it was time to go upstairs.  She and I got ready for bed as little people kept invading our space with their last minute nuggets of wisdom they felt compelled to share before bedtime.  She came to bed wearing leggings so it was her intent to get me interested which wouldn't take much right now. 
I gave her a foot rub to help her relax and because she deserved it.  It was Mother's Day after all.  She closed and locked the door where she detailed her plan. 
"I'm going to unlock you, you're going to get lucky and then I'm going to lock you back up." 
She has days where she just wants me to be inside her so I thought this was going to be one of those.  She climbed into bed while I groped her and get things warmed up.  "Are you prepared?"  This is her code to ask if I'm wearing satin panties.  She tolerates me interest in this and uses it to her advantage frequently because she knows it works.  I answered that I was and stripped off my clothes. 
Her plan was not to have PIV sex but to work me up and make me cum into the panties which I enjoy doing.  I was unlocked and the cage was removed.  She started sucking on my nipples and rubbing my thigh which encouraged a happy erection.  Her hands and her mouth push my blood pressure and breathing to high rates while my libido reminded me it had been a while since my last orgasm.   
Everything felt very good and kept building when she asks, "Who you hate me if I locked you back up right now?" 
I froze.  My mind was a mess of lust and here she was asking me to use it to think.  I was really turned on and would love to cum but at the same time, it would be so very hot if she denied me.  Well, if she denied me after a little more teasing.  I couldn't do anything but stare at her and breathe heavily.  I wasn't sure if she was remotely serious but as quickly as she asked, she backed off.  
"No, I'm kidding.  I could never be that cruel." 
Ungh.  I don't know what I want here but that thought sure was crazy hot.  My wife proceeded to work me over twice as hard, claws out, biting nipples and I struggled to hold back.  She felt me stroking hard and she again doubled-down on her pleasure/pain for me when it was all I could take.  I felt my whole body convulse, nearly every nerve-ending fire and she had to stifle my moans with her hand.  It was superb and I had spasms for nearly 60 seconds as muscles nowhere near my groin where getting their doses of adrenaline and who knows what other chemicals. 
I was a solid five minutes of post-orgasm bliss trying to remember if I spoke English or not.  The next five minutes we cuddled and I praised her efforts while I tried to regain some measure of composure.  She grabbed the key and dangled it from the necklace over my head as a reminder that I was to go back into the cage.  That was hot.  She slid the lock and key across my chest and played with me some more which was also hot. 
I'm no fan of putting on the cage RIGHT after I've had an orgasm but it was much more fun this time that has ever been. 
I love my wife! 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

At the start of this update: 
28 Days Locked 
7 Days since last orgasm 
In the middle of May, she wasn't super eager to tease and I gave her all the space I could but let her know towards the weekend that I was ready and eager if she was.  I had been locked for the better part of the month but getting out for at least weekly orgasms. 
No I wasn't suffering. 
She has shown a desire to want PIV more than usual lately so her request for me was to lick her 'for a bit" and when she happy enough, I'd climb up to enjoy her myself.  First she wanted a foot rub which I was more than happy to provide.  She unlocked me; I went down on her and then penetrated her for a spine tingling finish.  It was good and we enjoyed it. 
I was groggy from the rush of chemicals but waiting for the call to lock up but she decided that I needed a break.  She put the cage in storage and finished getting ready for bed. 
Damn.  She knows best. 
The next week struggled by with one odd attempt by her to tease me as I was uncaged but she fell asleep almost as soon as she started.  Three days (maybe two) is about where I become aware that the libido has returned.  I touch her more, I let me hand trail around her hips as we negotiate tight space in the kitchen or getting ready in the bedroom in the morning. 
Day four of being uncaged, I was eager to at least play with her at bedtime but she wasn't interested and nothing I was going to suggest was going to be received well.  Wasn't going to happen.  I decided to let it go while she nodded off but it become clear to me about an hour later that I had both motive and opportunity.  I briefly debated whether or not it would be a good idea but having been unlocked and left out, I took it as implied consent.  I took matters into my own hands and while it wasn't magical, it took the edge off and let me focus on getting some sleep. 
Memorial Day weekend rolled in next and a lot of what we're doing is household chores or just relaxing.  We spent some quality family time and in her usual rhythm, she wanted to do something on Sunday night when she has had the most time to relax.  Her period was looming and it was now or next week so she mandated a plan that included foot rub, vibrator and then PIV.  She grabbed the vibrator while I got the lotion, we sent the kids to bed and set about our evening. 
I rubbed down her feet while she caught up on Facebook, when my hands ached from all the effort she switched on the vibrator and used it to get herself off.  I love to watch her come and it was great foreplay for both of us.  She turned off the wand and then it was my turn to get off.  I didn't require much prodding and she was ready to receive me so we got to work right away.  I was thrusting into her and we both loved the feeling. 
She was ready for me to come and stared me down through her blue eyes into mine which is one of the ways she can throw me over the edge.  I love her eyes.  I thought I would have a minute or so but it hit me like lightning and there was no stopping it. I thrusted a couple more times and froze while the spasms shot up my back and down my legs. 
"I love that feeling."  Her comment had me reaching for a couple more pushes while I struggled to breathe. She was as hot a sex partner at that moment as I could imagine or ever want. 
When we recovered and cleaned up, she stopped by the storage drawer and laid out my cage.  "Time to lock up.  It has been a week and you need to be locked again." 
I love my wife. 
1 Day Locked 
1 Day since last orgasm 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

7  Days Locked 
7 Days since last orgasm 
So I went from a week of being unlocked without a lot of attention to a week of being locked without a lot of attention.  I don't blame her, we're busy with school letting out and everything required to run a household.  Of course when I was unlocked, I could handle things myself.  When I'm locked, I have to encourage her, touch her, caress her and even when there isn't time... let her know I'm interested. 
My futile attempts are easily fended off but it gives us a moment to be a couple.  It lets her know she's wanted and desired. 
Sunday night rolled around and she requested a foot rub which I happily provided.  Her usual after that is to tell me how she is going to unlock me and what kind of sex will happen next.  She'll flash the key and tell me she wants.  Tonight there was no key, no description of sex on schedule and I was lost.  She likes things on a schedule and her she was not following her schedule no matter what I do to try to make things more spontaneous. 
"Tonight you stay locked and I'll just tease you until I get tired."  She immediately reached for my cage which I always ask her to do but she usually declines.  I felt her hand brush my cage long enough to give me hope and then immediately go for my nipples, her preferred target. 
She worked me over for a solid 20 minutes with light touches, more painful pinches and an erection that couldn't escape the cage.  It was great.  She eventually fell asleep cuddled up against me while I hate to wait for everything to calm down before I could sleep. 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

On the way home from work yesterday, I received a text. 
"I have a plan." 
This is her way of saying there will be sexy time or at least I think it was so my drive home became much more interesting while I dealt with the limits of the cage along with rush hour traffic.  Her teasing the night before was wonderful but she struggles with not letting me orgasm so I suspect she wanted to remedy that tonight. 
When I got home, she hadn't arrived yet so I had to settle in by myself while I waited for her arrival once she dropped off kids.  I still wasn't sure if she only had a plan for dinner or a plan for something more fun until she got home. 
"Here is my plan.  We'll unlock you, have a little fun, lock you back up and then you can take me to dinner because I don't feel like cooking." 
She was going to go with both, good for her.  We retired to the bedroom and I immediately stripped down to nothing but my cage.  She looked great in her leggings and athletic form fitting shirt so I drank in her beauty. 
"I guess you're ready.  Do you have panties?"  Her plan was to drive me over the edge with teasing while I stroked myself. 
Oh yeah, I'm ready.  She unlocked me and we climbed into bed where she started working over my nipples.  I refused to touch myself until she let me know it was time.  "You can start any time, you know." 
I didn't want to get out of control and not let her know that while her mission was to have me come, I wanted to wait.  She always gives me that surprised look. 
"You don't want to come?"  Of course, I do and I will but I also enjoy living in anticipation.  I can't explain it. 
"So do you want to have a June where you don't come?"  I wasn't ready for that but I love her so much for asking.  Uh, uh, well that sounds so hot and I would but I don't know.  I don't think she was terribly serious but now I'm not sure what to think so I'm happy. 
I pulled her hand down to take over and she objected.  "You know I don't like doing this."  Yeah, but it feels better when you do it.  "I don't know you have a lot more practice at it than I do."  She assaulted my senses and made me so very horny and then it all stopped.  "Time to lock you back up.  You can't be trusted when you're unlocked, right?"  I was checking to make sure I hadn't slipped into some dream state.  "I know what you'll do if you're not locked up and so do you." 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

14  Days Locked 
14 Days since last orgasm 
My wife continues to struggle to understand my interest in chastity and orgasm denial.  She is getting better with the occasional comment that just makes my day, she probably doesn't realize how much I enjoy it. 
One morning she asked me how I slept the night before and I reported that I slept well despite waking up around 4:30am for period of time.  Her response was "Did you have to go to the restroom or did your cage run out of room?"  <shudder> 
One night I leaned over in bed to kiss her goodnight and she merely said, "No."  She then kissed me and rolled over to sleep. <shudder> 
Sunday rolled around and being a creature of habit she would likely want some sexy time that evening.  I prepared myself for her to give me an orgasm through some method because I had to ask out of one last week.  She had joked about whether I wanted an "orgasm free June" but I have no serious belief that she means to carry it out.  We had an opportunity to go out to dinner without the kids and she announced "I have a plan for tonight" as we drove away. 
"I'm not going to tell you what it is so you can think about it for a while." 
We sat down to dinner, ordered our food and she proceeded to ask me how I was feeling after playing the chastity game for over a year now.  "Does it still excite you?"  Of course, how can you even ask a question like that!  Well, that's what I thought but I said something more like 'yes very much.'  She had to ask which probably means I need to communicate more which I had slowed up on. I would spend 45 minutes to pour out my feelings and lusts to her and get a single sentence back so I assumed she was getting a little creeped out. 
Dinner progressed and the restaurant filled up so our conversation become less private since neither of us really wanted to be overheard. We headed home and I reminder her that she still needed to lay out her plan.  I had been thinking what she was likely to say and then she detailed her plan. 
"I want a foot rub, you'll lick me while you stay locked and then we'll go to sleep." 
Wait, what?!  Last week I had to ask that she not let me come and this week she never gave it moment's thought.  NONE FOR YOU.  I playfully went about suggesting items to add to her plan which were firmly denied.  I'm so excited I'm not sure what to say.  She immediately started rolling through plans for the coming week.  I hadn't fully absorbed my fate and she was already on to what day kid A had to be at activity 4.  She drops these bombs on me with no concept how long it takes me to absorb them. 
She got her foot rub and I went down between her legs for something between 45-60 minutes.  Her pleasure was slow to start but I was patient and we got her there.  After her first orgasm I just slowed everything way, way down which caused her to work at getting her pleasure by tensing up.  It worked well but she was shocked when we finished and she looked at the clock, she had no idea how long it had been. 
I rolled out to catch my breath and let the blood back  into my arms.  While I was laying beside her she reached over to my left nipple and gave it the briefest of touches which immediately got my attention.  She smiled in her best bedroom smile and said... 
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not completely cruel." 
I didn't get so much as a hug after that while we got ready to go to sleep and she checked on the kids.  I was exhausted and she was satisfied.  We fell asleep quickly.  I didn't stay asleep as I remember waking up at some point with an uncomfortable attempt at an erection yet I was tired enough to drop back into sleep. 
A new week begins and I have no idea what she has planned from here. 
I love my wife! 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Wrote this one last month but didn't post it. Wrote it on June 19, 2017

21 Days Locked
21 Days since last orgasm

So this weekend marks three weeks without and I have been thinking about all these different things that I could suggest to her. I have slowly learned to let her lead yet I know she has not given the thought to this whole game that I have and I know what I want, getting out of her what she wants is a challenge.

I want to go longer and she doesn't really get it while I struggle to explain it myself. The desire to stay on the edge is tough to reconcile with the urge to follow the biological need. I guess that is the point of the exercise from my perspective.

While I considered what might happen this weekend, I gave a lot of thought to suggestions that I could give her to push the date out.

Independence Day? Well that would be five weeks and match my previous record.

August 1? That would be two months and I might be climbing the walls but I was willing to give it some thought.

What actually happened is a little different. I kept my mouth shut and let her do what she wanted to do which turned out to be unlocking me, orgasm by vibrator and then she climbed up on top of me. I really enjoy her riding and there is no position that lets me get a better look at her which I LOVE. She can control the pace and she is the most confident (and the most sexy) this way.

I was able to keep things going for a while and then she turned on the stimulation pinching my nipples and leaning back which causes more friction while enhancing my view. There was no way to stop things now and it was one of those "I'm embarrassed by the noises I'm making right now" orgasms.

It was awesome, she was beautiful and she took great pride in making me lose control. She put the cage away for the night and locked me back up promptly in the morning.

I love my wife!
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If my comments don't annoy you, follow my exploits here. I started all of this April 2016.
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