[SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Two weeks since last orgasm

This weekend was a little stormy outside and we had to soothe children who get worked up at wind and thunder. We had a neighbor's tree drop onto our lawn and some pretty good shots at rain but there wasn't much to report otherwise.

We started out adult fun a little later than normal thanks to the weather but she still had to get her foot rub which helps her relax. She went through her social media feeds while I rubbed the lotion into her skin. Whatever foot wasn't getting attention from my hands was placed firmly on my cage so I would know that she knew it was there. I don't really get into the whole domina humiliating a worthless slave scenario but working hard on massaging her feet while she ignored me with only her foot on my cage... it strikes a chord in me. My cage gets too small and I look forward to what she will announce will be the activities for the evening.

The foot rub was now complete and I awaited what she wanted to do. Last weekend she had had an orgasm using the vibrator so I assumed she was not interested in another one so soon. She has been very permissive lately and since I was skipped last weekend, I was hopeful that it would be my turn this weekend. I was eager to hear what she wanted to happen and she didn't disappoint me.

"You're going to lick me and then I'm going to roll over and go to sleep. I don't know what YOU'RE going to do."

Cage. Is. Too. Small. I was not expecting that answer from her. I smiled at her and offered options that would include me and she very firmly turned me down.

"This is all about me, remember?!"

I attempted to half-hearted efforts to convince her to let me out for fun and she was adamant that I didn't need to be released. "You were just unlocked to travel this week." So that means I could have done what I wanted on the road? "Nooooo.... it just means you were unlocked. You don't need to be unlocked again so soon."

I spent some time kissing her but eventually she wanted me between her legs and reminded me, "It's getting late." While I transitioned from kissing her lips to putting my head between her legs, I tried to explain how difficult it is to remain caged when we do this.

"Hey, I don't know what it's like to be a man and you should be glad considering what you're about to do."

Holy crap! What happened to my super conservative wife? She was definitely feeling her power over me and willing to use it. My cage was smothering my erections and my level of excitement was very high even though I knew I would go to bed without satisfaction.

I tongued her gently, rapidly, slowly and darted inside when she seemed receptive of the motion. She squeezes her thighs against my shoulders as she tenses up for orgasms and I'd guess she had two large and 2+ small orgasms from my efforts. She finally ran out of steam and called it to an end. My arms were blood starved from being squeezed tightly and now I was breathing hard, I was hot and bothered from being submerged in her femininity.

We settled into bed and she was already dozing off but wanted to tell me, "You're very good at that. I love you."

I love my wife!
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

I was working from home yesterday and while the work load wasn't a big deal, it was April 15th and I still had to complete and file my taxes. On top of that a neighbor's tree had fallen into my yard so that needed to be cleaned up.

My wife made it home from work and while I was puttering around the kitchen she detected some air of stress or discontentment in my demeanor. I was busy and not really sure what she meant but I could understand how she could have sensed that.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Taxes and tree cutting are my designated tasks so there really wasn't much she could do but then she hit me with this...

"I mean, I can't help you with your current 'situation' but anything else, I'd be happy to do."

Chastity reference right in the kitchen caught me completely off guard. It took me more than a few moments to process it and then my mood noticeably brightened. God, I love that woman.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Three weeks since last orgasm

Work travel is slowing down (for now) and the end of school is in sight as the temps start to rise and yard work becomes a regular part of the schedule. Life.

Her efforts to tease have been limited this week but I'm feeling the desire without a lot of help. I'm being tortured by every ad on TV or web for athleisure clothing which keeps my occupied when she doesn't. Shiny spandex was a thing in the last 80's and it is making a comeback. I'm in trouble.

When we retired to the bedroom for some fun, she announced that she was "unavailable at this time" but would likely be ready for something next weekend. Uh, okay.

"I'm going to give you two options:

A) I tease you but the cage stays on
B) I unlock you for some fun but I'm only going to play with your nipples. You will be allowed to come."

Oof. I have been given the classic question that I hate for her to ask, Do you want to come? I know I have to answer, I can't throw it back to her.

What about Option C? You unlock me for some serious teasing but I'm NOT allowed to come. She thought about it briefly and said, "OK, but you have to lock up as soon as we're done. I don't want you taking your time to go back into the cage."

This is my absolute favorite scenario but I wish she would think of it herself and then keep me in the dark as to what will happen until she pushes me to orgasm or locks me back. More fine tuning opportunities ahead.

She unlocked me while I stripped down and got into bed. She discouraged me from touching her and snuggled up with her head on my chest. I would get no attention below the waist so that was all my work to do. Her teeth immediately closed on my right nipple and any slack in my erection was gone. Her right hand grabbed the other nipple and went between stroking, pinching and twisting. Nothing is more exciting that her tongue flicking my nipple after she's been chewing on it. I had a pair of satin panties to keep me on the edge down below while she made me worry about going too far from up top.

I went to the edge at least twice during the 30 minutes she worked me over. Her ability to play me like a fiddle is amazing. When she finally called it off, I took a few minutes to let my breathing return to normal and promptly returned to the cage. My wife threaded the lock back through the cage and looked for my reaction as I heard the CLICK. I always get a thrill up my spine from that sound.

I love my wife!
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

28 days since last orgasm

My wife was more interested in some teasing this week. She had a couple of nights where she insisted on working over my nipples right before bed. I have worked hard to not attack her when she keeps me denied but I definitely let her know I was interested. As the weekend began, I did my best to be loving, helpful and take care of the housework she had been putting off. I used none of my pitiful, poor husband routine nor did I ask her if she had a plan for our sex session she would inevitably initiate.

The knock-off Chinese HT Nub that we ordered arrived in the mail on Saturday and I took the time to show it to her. "When do we use this again?" When I'm traveling or anywhere there might be metal detectors. "Ah." I have to say, I am impressed with the quality of the device and the four rings that are included. My cost was $18 and it took a solid two weeks to arrive but the reports of burrs or rough spots that need to be sanded out were not evident and looks to be ready to wear. The opportunity to try it on didn't materialize but I'll see what we can do later in the week.

Our session began as it always does with her getting a foot rub while she catches up on social media and I watch something on TV. Daughter checked in about some school stuff and when the lotion was all rubbed in and the house got quiet, she announced what would happen.

"I'm going to use the vibrator and then I'm going to unlock you so you can have some fun. When we're done, you're going to lock right back up." She thought about it and then offered to unlock me first which I accepted since being free is not common these days. Her key came out and she removed the lock from my cage so I removed the rest of the steel. The vibrator came to life and she turned her head away from me to fully focus on her pleasure. I did what I could to support her, stimulate her and generally be as involved as I could without actually doing anything. It didn't take her long to find her first orgasm so she reset and worked on the next one. I love to watch how her body reacts when she gets close and the orgasm crashed over her like a wave. The second took a little longer and the third was pretty intense so I got a great show with moaning, back arching and nipples at full mast. She spent some time on number four but it wasn't to be so declared it "your turn."

I was still dressed in my pajamas and had some quick prep to do but she didn't have to wait long for me. She grabbed my left nipple and didn't let me move in close to her giving me one last dose of denial. It hurt but it felt good at the same time and was more than welcome by me. When she let go, she shifted into position to receive me so I moved into place. I took my time enjoying her since my last orgasm was a hand job and I hadn't been inside her for 6 weeks.

Her hands were pinching, scratching (lightly) and working me over making it difficult for me to not race to release but slowed down when I felt out of control. When I slowed down, she worked that much harder so I was left with the impossible task of go harder with a lighter touch from her to go slower while she stimulated me constantly. I was doomed to orgasm sooner than I wanted but she was setting the pace and I was just along for the ride.

"Are you ready to come?" She has never been the dirty talker in bed and when she says anything during sex, it does something special for me. My wife has learned it is potent weapon when she's trying to get me to orgasm. I got so excited I had to stop all motion and then I realized I was already beyond the point of no return. It was happening and I started thrusting again while I made noises that were more high-pitched than I'm comfortable admitting.

"I think you were ready to come."

We put toys away, cleaned up and my wife stood over me and said, "You have something else to do before we go to sleep. Lock up."

I love my wife!
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

7 Days since last orgasm

Lots of household busy work cropping up as the temperature rises and the grass starts growing again. We had some storms come through in the last month and make a mess of some trees that needed to be cleaned up. Kids see the end of the school year and have begun salivating at the thought of summer. We are trying to eat better (healthier) and yeah, that is taking some of our attention as well.

The week ended and our usual ritual began with her getting a foot rub and me wondering what level of intimacy would be permitted. Would I be allowed an orgasm or just to give her one? Would I be unlocked or left in the cage. I have become resigned to my fate but I am always curious what she'll do when the time arrives.

I gave her feet the relief she always enjoys and rubbed the lotion into her skin until it was used up. She normally takes a few minutes to linger in the joy she gets from having her feet rubbed; this time she hopped up and got to her side of the bed. There was no discussion of what was about to happen, everything she was doing made it seem like she was about to go to sleep. Uh, what are we doing?

"Well, I don't want anything tonight and you know, it is all about what I want."

I was hoping that we could.... "No. This is why you wear the cage. Now slide down beside me a lay flat and I'll give you a little attention before I go so sleep."

Yeah, I was disappointed but I craved her attention and didn't want to miss out on what she was offering. I got settled and she got in close and took my right nipple between her teeth right through my shirt. It started me and excited me all at the same time. My wife slid her hand beneath my shirt and grabbed my other nipple sternly between her fingers. I could easily detect my heartbeat pulsing against the cage bars. I had to focus on staying quiet since she elected to keep the bedroom door open and there was nothing to mask any sounds I made.

Breathe. Breathe deeply. She used her fingernails to pinch instead of the pad of her fingers to up the intensity. I felt nerves firing inside my thighs while my body reacted to the stimulation which turned simple teasing into true longing to be satisfied. Her efforts got me very wound up and breathing hard and then she backed off to let things subside only to begin again after a minute later. I received four rounds of sexual cardio teasing and then she ran her fingernails across my rib cage before nodding off to sleep.

I love my wife!
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

14 days since last orgasm

My wife has spent a little more time teasing before bedtime this week. Nothing wild or super special but she seemed to be making an effort and seems to have incorporated my deep breathing when she gets me turned on into her own bedtime ritual. It isn't something that happens every night but I enjoy it when she hands it out.

The kids and I put together our scheme to surprise Mom and included plans for the two grandmothers as well. Flowers and chocolates for all in celebration for what they do, handily delivered by kids who enjoyed being the ones who got to choose the arrangements and delivering the goods. My wife knew that I was behind it all and gave me a quiet appreciation for being the inspiration (and funding) behind the conspiracy. I got extra points for including her own mother but then, I'm thoughtful that way.

The family assembled for dinner and a board game but I was cautioned that tonight needed time for us so the game couldn't go on too long. The game ended in due course so we didn't have to end it before the rules permitted the finish. A victor was identified and game was cleaned up and put away while everyone headed to bed.

I prepared a foot rub with a pillow and blanket for her while she washed her face and got ready for bed. The foot rub delivered she was now ready to let me know the plan for the remainder of our evening.

"I know it is Mother's Day but I'm tired and I don't want anything but I'm going to unlock you for some fun. It has been three weeks and I'm letting you out tonight."

I explained it had actually been two weeks to which she replied, "Well, I'm feeling generous." My job was to prepare by grabbing a pair of satin panties with which to stroke myself and get undressed. She offered the key and I got close enough for her to unlock me. Once she removed the lock, I removed the cage and base ring to enjoy what feels like a wonderful stretch in the morning. Freedom is such a relief when an erection is permitted.

She worked me over running fingernails across my skin, chewing on my nipple and doing everything she knows gets me going. I started a slow massage but she speed me up with some serious tweeks and before I knew it I was headed to the edge. Feeling the impending orgasm, I stopped all stimulation and she did the same but I felt too much still spinning and knew it was too late. The stroking resumed and she turned on the stimulation and I'm pretty sure I lost the top of my scalp as I had a fiercely intense orgasm. I couldn't contain my "sex noises" and she tried to stifle me reminding me to not be so loud. I couldn't help myself, it was a lot of pleasure to process.

"You need to lock up now. Zzzzz."

I love my wife.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

7 Days since last orgasm
Locked... it is full time now

So a contrast this time is that the teasing this week was pretty light. I was getting more interested in having it happen as I get further from the last orgasm but it wasn't in her plan. She has toned down wearing leggings and generally gotten to the point where she is just trying to make it through her day. I got a couple of evenings where she was intentional and showed me specific effort; there was also a dismissive pat on the backside while I was vacuuming one day. She hates ironing, mopping and vacuuming so those fall to me more than average but I rarely do them.

It was one of those weekends when there was a plan for every day, kids scattered on the winds to different gatherings... Mom had time to organize, Dad had time to work on projects and we all ended up at dinner Sunday evening. Friends went home, we got ready for the week ahead and while I wasn't thinking about it or paying any attention she says, "When do you want to go upstairs?"

Uh, well... I figured there would be a parade of kids showering and being in the way so I wasn't in any hurry. She agreed and went upstairs alone, "I'll survey their progress and let you know." I wrapped up what I was doing and followed her shortly thereafter.

Yes, she got her foot rub and that took long enough for the house to settle and the kids still awake to wander in and say their goodnights. When we had the room to ourselves, she cut her eyes up and right as if to stare at her right eyebrow, "You're going to lick me, you'll get nothing and stay locked." I let her know that I was available and was okay with her letting me out to play. "No, nope, not going to happen. Noooo."

I didn't bother getting undressed since she feigns offense when I act like there is any reason for me to disrobe. My body rolled toward hers and did my best to offer myself for any attention she wanted to show me before I went to work. She didn't seem keen to spin me up but I made sure to lock eyes with her and make that connection while I could. Her hips shifted as she got comfortable and I went down between her legs to enjoy servicing her. It is always intoxicating when I get that first whiff and taste of her, my cage was too small and I was physically uncomfortable... in a good way. <sigh>

My mouth worked on her for less than five minutes when I felt her first tensing up but there was no relief or spasm. Missed it. Back to work. Several more minutes later and there was some intense breathing, muscles tensed and then nothing happened again. I gave her my best for 30-40 minutes but couldn't get that orgasm to drop. She went completely limp and finally said, "I know you're getting tired. Go get the vibrator. You're all over it but I just can't get over."

OK, I was tired but I was willing to continue on however she knew what she wanted and that was why I was there. It took me a minute to get into a position where I could extricate myself from our situation. Always worried about me, she asked "is that okay?" I've never been replaced before and put my mouth back on her and hummed. She laughed but I knew not to push my luck so left to get her favorite toy.

The blue rubber went into her hand while all I could do was be supportive from the side as it started vibrating. She went to work and immediately proclaimed, "this won't take long, I'm right there." What do you know... she wasn't right there and there were all sorts of breathing and back arching that went on for another 10-15 minutes. There was a goal to be had and she was completely focused on it. Her vibe finally went silent and she was done. I let her know that I was still available for any fun but I knew she wouldn't accept. She told me that I enjoyed the show, that's all I would get.

It was over, I was locked and that's how things go these days.

I love my wife!
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

This is a long read and is more a reflection on my own psychology than a chastity update. I needed some introspection so don't go into this one thinking you'll want to read it again and again.

I may have made things unnecessarily uncomfortable. Long story compressed for time is that I have always had a bondage fetish, I would play with rope, toy store handcuffs and anything else that could restrain me for as long as I can remember. It was a sexual thing because I remember only doing it in private when I was alone and hiding any evidence when I was done. As I got older and had my own money as a teenager, I would buy different toys and when I got through college I started to acquire a collection of leather restraints, handcuffs and leg shackles along with piecing together my own chains for restraints. I bought a bunch of padlocks from the hardware store to make it all very difficult to escape.

Having this fetish in my early 20's with no regular girlfriend and completely frightened by the thought of sharing my weird sexual thoughts, I kept it to myself. When my desire for bondage got to be too much, I planned a self-bondage adventure but learned how quickly I could get into trouble. There were times when I didn't consider the consequences of my actions and put myself in a bad position that I couldn't easily get out of. Being restrained and unable to escape would be very sexy but when you're alone it quickly turned to panic. Feeling the adrenaline hit and realizing that I could even call for help if I had to made what was supposed to be sexy fun into a really unpleasant experience.

There was one really elaborate session where I had the bright idea that I would chain a collar to leg shackles, lock leather wrist cuffs behind my back and use an egg vibrator secured with rubber bands to stimulate me. I was standing, hunched over with my feet chained together, my hands restrained behind my back and this vibration going non-stop between my legs. I heard the click of the lock on the last restraint and I may have lasted 20-30 seconds before orgasm. Being horny affords the mind an amazing amount of pain tolerance and bravery but once I came, I was ready for the vibrator to stop and didn't have a way to turn it off. I had screwed up some part of my escape plan and couldn't get to the key. What was going to be the realization of fantasy became literal torture as the vibrations went from pleasant to pleasurable to annoying to just painful.


I started working through how I could escape without the key which was out of reach and my animal brain took over. Logic was gone, calm problem solving wasn't an option, I was freaking out and pulled at the restraints in sheer abject panic. In my hulk moment two things happened, the rubber bands holding the vibrator lost grip and it fell to the floor (thank God). The other thing was that I managed to pull the padlock through the tab on the leather wrist restraint which freed one hand. I unlocked myself dropping everything to the floor and attempted to regain my sanity. That was so stupid and I could have been there for a long time if I'd used handcuffs instead. Sheer luck.

All that goes to demonstrate that I don't have the best track record with keeping my desires and fetishes properly channeled. When my wife entered the picture as my steady girlfriend, I introduced her to bondage and my interests there which she dutifully tried. She immediately decided that she had no interested in being tied up. OK, even better because that's what I want you to do to me. It wasn't a regular thing but even now and then... she would oblige. She didn't understand it, she really wasn't a fan but wanted to make me happy. Over time it became less and less often, there was negotiation about how many restraints (nothing too elaborate) and finally she was done. No thanks.

Disappointed but respectful of her wishes, I quit asking. Chastity for me was a way to do private full-time bondage that I could even take to work. She was open to the idea from the start and we've been going for over three years now. The last two weeks, I have been having serious fantasies about getting into some restraints just to be restrained. The idea kept floating to the surface where I knew it wouldn't be well received so I'd let it go.

Last weekend my wife unlocked me for some good old PIV sex and being in an intimate moment with her, I confessed that I had been dreaming of some bondage and thought about bringing it up to her before she told me what she wanted.

"Ugh. I wish you would throw all that stuff away. You're lucky I'm able to keep you locked in that cage."

That wasn't as harsh as it sounds but it wasn't the response I was hoping to get and had I not been denied for the prior two weeks, I would have struggled to go forward. I wasn't asking her to do anything, I was just sharing what was in my head. A clever seductress might have said something else but she may have been as turned off by the idea as I was turned on. Being horny affords the mind an amazing amount of pain tolerance and bravery but not a lot of good decision-making.

We pressed on and had a remarkable love-making session where she had me quivering underneath her fingernails until she finally released me to orgasm. It was one of those ejaculations that just keeps you thrusting because the spasms keep getting better and better.

She loves me and I love her. Our decades together and amazing family we've built show the strength of our marriage. Life isn't perfect; so be it.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by PervParadox »

Oef. The struggle is real.
You're post kinda resonates with me. There's all this good stuff in your life; family, work, security. But there is this desire you have wanting to be fulfilled. The one thing, maybe the best thing you can imagine happening to you doesn't seem reachable without loosing other things you already have. You're a good person. You really are. It's not like you want her to debase herself and use her like trash for you're own perverted pleasures. It's not an unreasonable thing to ask but you know it's an unreasonable thing to demand her to like as well. You struggle with your own wants while you want to respect her. That's a hard thing to do because there's the pitfall of blaming her for not giving her you what you want.
"a clever seductress"... Does imply to me that there is that part in you that wants to blame her for not being the way you want her to be. Of course the other part in you understands you can't respect her for who she is AND want her to be something she (currently) is not. As I said, a good person.
The struggle is real.
I have no answers for you in this department I'm afraid. The above, if correct, is also my situation.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

June 2, 2019

7 days since last orgasm

There hasn't been a lot of teasing and I haven't chased her much but we keep going about our respective days secure in our relationship. We couldn't live without one another and we both know it. It is hard to describe the current situation as anything other than routine.

Last weekend she wanted a foot rub (because she wants one every other day) during our sexy time and when it was complete, I awaited her instructions. Our regular method is that she gets a foot rub, she relaxes and then tells me what I'll be allowed for the evening. This time is was curt, "You'll get nothing. Good night."

I was so shocked, not that she denied me, but that she didn't want anything else. My excitement to pleasure her was dashed like rain on the parade. We went to sleep with her getting exactly what she wanted and me being completely confused.

June 9, 2019

14 days since last orgasm

I was very proud of her decisiveness last weekend but assumed she would have something else besides "nothing" in mind for this go around. My foot rub was followed by her directions to lay on my back so she could mount me from on top. I was being treated and she was sacrificing her knees which aren't fond of this position.

My ability to continue in this position far exceeds hers and it usually culminates in her stripping off her top and running her fingers through her hair. She can make it impossible for me to continue by just showing me what I like to see and it's over.

This time she leaned over my bare chest and let her hair flow over me and across my face. Her deliberate attempt to push me over was too much and I had an earthquake of an orgasm.

She enjoyed my obvious pleasure and said, "I didn't even have to take off my shirt that time." I got one more sweep of her hair and she returned to lying beside me.

The cage went into a drawer and I have to admit I was disappointed. I was still buzzing and trying to recover but I longed for her to lock me back up. I'd be on a plane this week and we'd have to plan for that but still...

June 16, 2019

7 days since last orgasm

I had gone across the country and back so it was a busy week for me. My return on Thursday night held hope for her to lock me up but it didn't happen and I just pouted to myself.

When we had our time together over the weekend it was Father's day and she let me know it would be my night to shine.

"Since you didn't take the initiative to lock yourself up and you'll be flying again this week, we'll just take care of you tonight. We'll lock you up when you come back after this trip. Go get a pair of your silky panties."

She worked her magic running her nails across my ribs, she chewed on my nipples and it was my job to work myself with the satin. When I had been teased for a while she asked, "Do you want to come?"

I do, yes but it would be better if you just locked me up now. "You want to come but you'd rather be locked up? That wouldn't be very nice. So do you want to come?" Well, yes but... she bit down on one nipple and pinched the other with all she had and pulled the two opposite of one another. All I could do was stroke myself furiously while I tried to manage my breathing. I couldn't last with that much stimulation and it was one of those three stage rockets that just got more intense as it went.

"That was loud. Aren't you glad I didn't lock you up?"

I love my wife!
If my comments don't annoy you, follow my exploits here. I started all of this April 2016.