[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

7 Days after getting the keys back.
I feel I might slip back into my old ways. started random masturbating again. usually with the morning wood.
it feels good to it free but posibly for the wrong reasons.
I mention my cage. The difference it did make and my wife agreed that it did sort out quite a few problems.
Any possibility of continuing? I asked.
No. she doesn't like it.

10 days after being unlocked. We went shopping and had lunch. The mood in general is good.
I asked my wife about my being locked. What about it she didn't like exactly.
she admitted to seeing benefits. snoring. more patient with sex. I have stopped fiddling with my bits. seem more easy going and improved and in general.
And this is still the case even though I'm free.

My wife told me that she had not like it when I had asked more of her. such as denying me. asking her to tell me I have to stay locked, or asking if I have been good.
Basically. she didn't want to be more than minding the key. She didn't like the odd related coment or reference to it. such as " gonna lock me up?.
She didn't like it. and she didn't like the idea of taking control.
I have always been the confident one. in control. that is what she wants still.

I asked and now I have an answer. Hopefully something can be worked out eventually but best not to rush.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

I decided to cage myself. The wife was tired and I was horney.
I just emphasised how sexy she is anyway and how much I had wanted her.
and then out of the blue I said "Actually. I dont Care if your tired. I'm gonna fuck you any way".

'Oh no you're not'.

"Ill just pin you down. I'm not sure you could stop me".

Honestly. this was one sided role play. I just fancied saying it. I knew we would both be going to sleep.

what surprised me was her reaction. I expected to be told off for being imoral, lack of respect ect..

My wife actually brightened up and gave an vocal shiver "Oooh. That is so horney. I like that idea. You just holding me down and having your way with me."

"Yeah well" (now what? couldn't anyway) "maybe another day then"

So. what just happened? have I stumbled onto something? This is the total opposite to the way I thought it might go?

Can I be caged and be dominant at the same time?
Can I be dominant at all? I didn't think she was into anything?
My wife has alwsys insisted she has no fantasies.
I've mention restraint before. Even fluffy hand cuffs. she always says No. not interested? .. And No. she just confirmed it.

I don't get it?
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

2 weeks after getting the keys back.

This Weekend we went shopping again.
whilst waiting around while my wife tried clothes on I recieved a phone call. My wife. "look at your whatsapp" she said. and then hung up.
Imagine my surprise when I found three photos of my wife in the changing rooms dressed in just a bra. three different bras each showing her incredible cleavage

Surprise because my wife has always been dead set against anything like this?
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

wore cage again. she still has no problem with it.
also wore it at night due to me being horny and the wife tired.

I took it off next morning for sex and left it off.

I asked if she would just keep the key. I was happier. I won't ask for anything else.

"No", she replied. "I won't play your game".

So for the past 2 nights I've given the impresions that I'm up for it. she was tired which wasn't a problem.
she did let me give her a butt & tit massage and said she really would like to give me what I wanted but too tired.

Today she said she would have a nap and hopefully we can get to bed early.

she mentioned I'd been playing with myself a couple of times in the night. I had no recollection of this?

got to bed early but the wife had a headache. she offered sex if I needed it. so I said she'd be better sleeping and I'd put the cage on so I didn't wank in my sleep again..

she watched while I put it on. not a problem at all.

dont know how best to play this.

keep it on so I don't masterbate?

so the cage is fine. "do what you want" she says. "having it on while going down on me is not a problem".

so currently. 1 month after the holiday I am in limbo.

I can wear the cage if I want. my wife doesnt mind but she isn't interested in it as such.

Yes she will ball play if its on at night on occasion. but nothing else.

where do i head now?

Baby steps seems to be the idea. it might take forever but if thats what it takes that's what it takes.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

sun 1st Dec.
haven't worn the cage for a few days now.
if I do my wife wouldn't know anyway. there seems little point until I get around to another chat. if only to encourage in some way.
wife came into the bedroom with new sexy lingerie. she had bought it herself?
Once again this is a first.
usually ill buy something and she will more than likley not like it or not want to dress up. just not her thing.
its a shame. she has a body made for this stuff.
so I ask "where did this come from?
said she wasn't looking. it just popped up while searching for something else and she thought "why not" and I know your upset about the key thing so i thought this might cheer you up.

"Yes. the key thing is very upsetting" I replied. but said no more about it.

My wife thought it would be nice if we made love and then I clean her up afterwards.

is my wife in some kind of denial or am I?

so confusing.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

4th Dec 2019

So im feeling down. no point in any of it.
my wife obviously enjoys teasing me. pulling my balls. making me moan desperately. enjoys her toys and enjoys me going down to clean her up after sex. she has sent rude photos to me and bought a sexy outfit that has no practical use other than to enhance sex.
yet she absolutely refuses to admit that she is in any way interested in anything non vanilla. if questioned she will say it's for me. she can do without?

I have decided the cage is going back on. even if I hold key.
I spoke to my wife. she said she doesn't mind me wearing the cage all the time.
said "I dont mind it at all. I just don't want any control over it"

So does this mean I get to say how long it's on or do I just play my own game?
I have an idea...
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Dec 10. Thing are startin to head in the right direction again.
we went camping at weekend (caravan)
Once home and in bed my wife asked if I needed to relive myself.
"I can't "I replied " I lost the key, I think it might still be in the Caravan".
she looked concerned and said
"Well you might have to drive back up there, we're not due to go back for thee weeks"
So I told her I might have left it in the campervan. ill check in there just in case.

on Tuesday we had a booked morning sex session. For good behaviour my wife has said I can use her body for 30 minutes.
As she slipped into bed she asked "have you found the key? "
"no. not yet"
"Oh come on!" she replied" "How we suposed to enjoy this without cock?.
so I replied " This is for me honey. This is what I want".
"Well i would rather have cock".
"I know honey. That's why I have two right here"
So I went down and did my thing.
We went for two orgasms by tongue this time. It is the first time my wife has ever wanted to try for two in this way.

After i had finished (at which point my wife would normally be expecting many multiple orgasms from deep penetrive sex). my wife asked "Are you getting me back for not holding key?
"not at all, I'm just enjoying this"

I thanked her for letting me have her body and then used her vibrator on myself while my wife read her book next to me.

My wife didn't offer to help or a hand. just got into online shopping. like noting had or was happening.
I enjoyed being aroused a little longer and then we got up and went out for dinner.

On Wednesday when asked. I said I had found the key in the van. but also that I didnt know if I was glad I'd found it.
"why?" she asked.
"because the temptation wasn't there before or the burden of it, so I left it in there".

On Thursday my wife asked "have you got key out of the camper yet?".
"well you better have by tomorrow".
"because you will explode. you need pokey pokey".
So i replied with what i hear from my wife fairly often "but you said some people go month without sex".
"erm.Yes. but you don't need to".
"Are you sure. I might not want to shop any more? and last Friday I didn't have it on and you said I was moody".
"Yes. but you can't go without sex".
"I dont. we had amazing sex on Tuesday
" I know but it wasn't proper pokey sex.
"No. honey, it was better".
"ok. if your sure?, but I would rather tou took it off"
"I could. but I don't put it back on or I forget then all that it keeps at bay comes flooding out"
"well you should put it straight back on then".

So. Maybe she doesn't want to lose all control?
Maybe she would rather look after it than let me put it out of reach of both of us?
Or should I just keep this up for now and maybe eventually my wife will miss cock on demand and want an alternative solution?

I don't know? What do I do next?
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

yesterday. (Friday morning) the cage came off after a week. My wife wanted it in her.
I was trying not to cum too quickly (easily done when not caged for a week), but my wife gets enjoyment out of teasing me verbally when she knows I'm trying to hold off. And was telling me how wet she was. how she would force me to lick her clean no matter if I came or not.. it was too much for me and I blew.

At the end of the day my wife had asked me if I would like to wank off onto her breasts. even though we had had sex that morning.
I said I would like to. but i didnt think i should.
I was then told to puy my toy back in its cage, so i didnt get tempted. she might have use for it tomorrom.
After I was locked she put her breasts on show while we read in bed. with a slight smile on her face.

its strange to me. my wife is highly opposed to anything bdsm or t&d yet she pulls on my balls until I can't take the pain any more.
admits she is amused by the whimpering noises I make when im asleep and caged and deliberately uses her butt cheeks to cause me to moan. likes to see my cock bulge in the cage so teases me and tells me to mop up my own mess (although she never insists on this so it either does or doesn't happen)

I enjoy this (not kinky or bdsm) attention too. But if I mention the word tease. she tenses up and says she will not entertain the idea.
makes no sense to me?

This morning I awoke up to a ball massage.
Nice one
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [gehngus] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by TwistedMister »

she absolutely refuses to admit that she is in any way interested in anything non vanilla
And yet...
gets enjoyment out of teasing me verbally when she knows I'm trying to hold off. And was telling me how wet she was. how she would force me to lick her clean no matter if I came or not
...definitely *not* 'vanilla'...
At the end of the day my wife had asked me if I would like to wank off onto her breasts
...also not 'vanilla'
its strange to me. my wife is highly opposed to anything bdsm or t&d yet she pulls on my balls until I can't take the pain any more.
admits she is amused by the whimpering noises I make when im asleep and caged and deliberately uses her butt cheeks to cause me to moan. likes to see my cock bulge in the cage so teases me and tells me to mop up my own mess (although she never insists on this so it either does or doesn't happen)

I enjoy this (not kinky or bdsm) attention too. But if I mention the word tease. she tenses up and says she will not entertain the idea.
makes no sense to me?
Sometimes, you have to let them go at their own pace. The idea that she may like something that is not 'normal' may cause her to feel that *she* is not 'normal', with a negative connotation, and to admit that she likes it would thereby be an admission that she is not 'normal', with all of the negative baggage that she feels goes with such an admission. You have to let her enjoy it in her own way, until her enjoyment of it overrides any sense of 'judgment' that she may feel is attached to something which is not [in her mind] 'normal'...in other words, she needs to reach a point where she says (if only to herself) "Screw it, I like [doing] this and I'm going to do it whether it's 'normal' or not."

You cannot 'push' her down this path because, if you try to, she will back up and run the other way. She has to *want* to venture further down the path, of her own volition. All you can do is to encourage her to enjoy it, reinforce her enjoyment of it, in such a way that she accepts that her enjoyment of it is 'OK'.

For instance, if she 'teases' you in such a way that you become aroused and straining in the cage, you could say something like "Oh, baby, it's so fucking 'hot' when you play with my cock and make it hard, and I can't do anything about/with it. I love the look on your face when you're doing it." Use [mostly] your own words, of course, but if she doesn't like the word 'tease' you have avoided it by substituting the word 'play'...she may, in fact, be 'teasing' you but 'playing with' has a slightly different connotation.

(When Mrs. Twisted was in High School, she was sometimes 'accused' of being a 'cock tease', with a negative stigma attached to the term. It took *years* for her to accept that it was not a 'Bad Thing' when it comes to 'The Game'.)

Another example of encouragement would be, if/when she 'threatens' to 'force' you to 'lick her clean' you respond with something like "Oh, baby, it would be soooo fucking 'hot' if you really did that. Hearing you say that makes me want to 'blow my load' immediately, and I can't stop it from happening." She probably enjoys 'turning you on', and this response indicates that is is acceptable and 'OK' if she does so in this manner. If she is pleased with the result (you are 'turned on' and indicate such) it makes her feel good about doing it, and encourages her to do it again. Eventually, after she has made the 'threat' enough times, she may very well start thinking "I wonder how it would be, if I *really* did it." And, then...she is going to start thinking about 'how' she is going to accomplish it...
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Thanks Twisted. What you say makes a lot of sense. I think my wife's strict Catholic upbringing as a child may be the wedge in the door.
It does seem that if I back off completely things progress.. slowly. But slowly is better than not at all or backwards.
I will try gentle encouragement when these opportunities arise.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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