[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by nosaint »

I'm going to second that smaller is better. I can still get a semi erection in my cherry keeper small, with the ball stretching/pain. Going down to the stub and micro, erections are pretty much suppressed. But I've always wanted the smallest cage possible.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Suddenly I find that it's all getting very real rather quickly.

A second night spent trying to sleep with this thing locked on was interrupted by numerous nocturnal erections. More than the first night in fact and again discomfort bordering on pain, and that curious burning sensation that I had read about, both under my balls and inside the cage where my penis was pressed solidly against the plastic.

Some of these episodes required me to get up and walk around to get rid of it, others I managed by just sitting up on the edge of the bed for a short while, and two did naturally subside when I just lay there extremely still. Unfortunately lying extremely still didn't work every time so further little walks were required. Most annoying was getting rid of an erection only for another one to come along as soon as I tried to settle back down again. Yes, it was a disturbed night, but as a positive, I do believe I coped with it slightly better. Perhaps that was because I was wearing a different size ring and spacer, or maybe I am just getting used to it.

Emm said that she wanted me to try for 24 hours yesterday and I was locked in at 4:30pm. I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in it, went to bed and survived the night, and still have another ten hours to wait before I get let out. I know this is nothing to all the seasoned veterans out there, but it's a long time for me.

What awaits me at 4:30pm? Well a clean and an inspection, hopefully some sex (!), and then if all is well, I'll be back in the cage for a further 24 hours. Before I get locked back in though, I hope I can do a little more experimenting with ring sizes etc. following the advice that I've been given on here. I am being urged by my keyholder, lovely Emm, to attempt the smallest ring but I don't think that will work at all. My views on sizing are changing quickly, and I am seeing the benefits of smaller rings, gaps, and even cages. Particularly cages as I'd never even thought about using one that was shorter than my penis when its relaxed.

Unless my experimentation leads me to other conclusions, I intend to use the second smallest ring for the next 24 hour session, along with the shortest spacer. With that spacer, the gap between the ring and the cage will be small but I have managed that before without any trouble. The real benefit of the shortest spacer is that it keeps the cage closer to my body with the result that my penis remains pressed against the bottom of the cage pretty much all the time. That ring/spacer combination will make a tight fit, but I have found that the lack of any movement is a positive thing.

Thank you to those who have made comments, given their opinions on sizing, and answered my questions so far. I am very grateful for all the info.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I've never written anything like this before but a few people have “liked” my posts so I'll keep going with it.

Today saw the chalking up of a new record when I completed 24 hours in the CB6000S, a target set for me by my lovely wife Emm, Emmi, or Emmie. Right on time I was called into the bedroom and she unlocked it, sent me for a shower, and followed me into the bathroom to give the thing a thorough clean, while I was giving myself a thorough clean. Once I dried off she got me to lay on the bed so she could inspect “the area” as she called it. She ran a finger around my balls, lifted my cock to look underneath (and yes, it needed lifting), did the same with my sack and summed up the situation with “It's a little bit red but you'd expect that. Nothing to worry about.”. She wiped a little baby oil around the area to sooth it.

Emm wanted me to try the smallest ring even though I said there was no chance of it working. It didn't. There's no chance with that one. Further experiments using the latest information (thanks to those on here who have helped with this) seemed to confirm that Ring No. 2 (second smallest) was the right one for us. I had been unsure about whether to use this one or the next size up. As for the spacer, I knew straight away that the smallest one is best. It pulls that cage in nice and close but the gap is still big enough to pull the skin around and get everything settled. The cage is (again according to information gained from these forums) a bit too long at 2.5 inches, the same length as my flaccid penis, but it's the only one I've got so that's what I'll use.

With those little tests all done, we had some time to play. Emmi was as ready as I was. I got to come for the first time in a week. Playing, and cuddling up, continued for a while until more serious matters had to be dealt with.

When she'd cleaned the cage and relevant bits (when I was in the shower) she'd left them out to dry on a towel, all neat and just as I'd need them when the time came to use them again. I found out that now was that time! Ok, I'd had an hour and a half out of it, and I thought I might get longer than that, but she wanted to see how quickly I could get it back on with everything set out already. Of course, I went along with her plan. With me cleaned up and the various pieces laid out ready, it was easy and it was locked back in place in less than 3 minutes. Considering the number of fiddly parts and that I had to apply body lotion to my penis as part of the process, I thought that was pretty good. It earnt me a big smile and a “Well done” comment from Emmi.

Sitting on the bed she led a discussion. All the trials were now finished, she said (a decision that apparently required no input from me) and we would be using the pieces that we'd just settled on, and I was now wearing, going forwards. She confirmed something that I had already realised over the past few days and that was that I was having no further access to the keys henceforth. Where this air of authority came from, I've no idea because it's not like her at all but I now know that decisions regarding removal of the cage are not mine to make. She carried on with some rules that she'd obviously been giving thought to for some time, one of which is that when I find the device laid out ready for use as I had this afternoon, I was to put it on straight away without being asked. Other rules were of a more practical nature, keeping clean, reporting issues, etc. Finally I was told that I was not allowed to ask for it to be taken off (emergencies excepted of course) and if I did, my next orgasm would recede into the shadows. Chilling words.

With her somewhat one-sided discussion over, she told me that she was “ready to come again” and indicated that I was to “satisfy her one more time” before we do anything else. I did satisfy her again of course with the thought in my mind that I was ready to come again too, but that clearly wasn't going to happen. I noted to myself that everything she'd told me and asked of me, had been after the lock had been clicked shut. Crafty, I thought.

Now I know where I stand at least. She has taken control, much sooner and more quickly that I ever expected. Only an hour since I was locked up and I've had repeated erections (or attempts at them) already. I was expecting another 24 hour session, but Emmi didn't actually confirm this during our talk. I honestly don't know what she has lined up or what to expect.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Entering my third night in a row caged.
Comfortable enough at the moment but already getting involuntary erections.
Does that mean another night of unwanted nocturnal attempts that keep me awake again, even though I got to come today?
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

And here we go already.
It's only 22:20 and I'm awake with the first one.
Need to get up for a little walk around.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I know that what I'm writing is all just routine stuff for most of you on here but for me it's all brand new experience.

I'm wondering about these unwanted nighttime erection attempts...
Do they:
(a) get less intense / frequent
(b) stop happening altogether
(c) get easier to deal with
(d) none of the above


I'm on my third one tonight and I could do with some sleep.

My one consolation I guess is that the 6000S is at least doing its job and I haven't wasted my money as I did on previous occasions when I bought rubbish chastity products...
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I think this is the worst of the three nights.
Just been for a little walk around again.
Please tell me it gets easier.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by jomojo76 »

I think it's okay to go to a looser set up during your first few weeks whilst your body gets used to wearing a cage. This is a journey, so take your time. If it hurts (in a way that isn't kinky), consider changing the set up and going easy on yourself. Personally, I don't want to lose the positive effects of wearing a cage by causing a bit of damage and not being able to wear one for a few weeks or being put off from wearing one at all.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Good advice, jomojo and thanks for posting.
I will show Emmi, my wife and now keyholder, your message in the hope that she agrees.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I was conducting my experiments and trials with rings and spacers with the full support and encouragement of Emm. She has looked after the key, but allowed me freedom to do all my tests and trials as I see fit. If I needed the key, she handed it over without question. Then, yesterday afternoon (when we had just had sex and I'd been allowed to come) Emm announced that trials and experiments were over.

I've woken up to find that all the control that I had over the situation yesterday has been removed. Emmi asked how my night had been (the worst!) and how I was feeling now (a bit sore). She said she'd have a look to check for anything that needed dealing with down there. She did, told me that there was “nothing serious to worry about” and sent me off to shower. When I returned from the shower and got dried off, she had some further announcements to make. Firstly, she wanted to make sure that I understood that I was not allowed to ask for, or about, release (except in a genuine emergency) as she was going to decide on these things now. If I did, even as a casual enquiry, she would “add time”. She went on to add further situations that would get me “added time” such as not doing as I was told or failing to satisfy her sexually among other things.

It seems that Emmi has been reading up on this life-style and formed some ideas of her own about how she will run it. She had always shown interest and been supportive, keen even, to give this a try, but it was a shock to find that she had formed secret plans for when the day arrived and that she wanted to play such a big part as keyholder. I never thought she had that streak in her. Perhaps I thought she would be more vanilla than that but clearly I was wrong.

I have realised that although I was locked in yesterday afternoon for what I thought would be “another 24 hour trial”, Emmi hasn't actually told me that she intends to unlock me after 24 hours (4:30pm today). She's given no indication at all and I'm not even allowed to ask.
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Full time Nubbed by Emmi.
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