[sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by sexy_cheese »

Thanks, crated51! I assume you mean at the back of the main ring right? I'd figured that might dig in a bit. I've got some high-grit (800, 1200 and 1500) sandpapers too, so I can get a super smooth finish too.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by crated51 »


Also suggest you get some small rubber gasket from your local hardware store. 3/8" or so as I recall. There is some play in the connection between of the ring and cage. It can be noise and can pinch & pull hairs. The gaskets reduce most of that. I actually use 4, one before positioning the cage, three after. This also steadied the lock and keeps it quieter as well.

Round the end of the post some. This is especially helpful if you ever are "allowed" to take the cage off and need to twist the ring around so the post is out of the way for..... "duties as assigned".

** Correction 3/16" rubber gasket.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by sexy_cheese »

It's been some time since I posted here. Various other issues cropped up in our lives which meant chastity things went out of the window for a while. But once you've tasted the pleasures of restraint, it's hard to go back to being entirely vanilla.

Mrs sexy_cheese isn't really that interested - but she's also not against the idea of me practising chastity and quite happy for me to do so. Maybe one day when we are closer (I'll explain shortly) we will reintroduce it to our lives together.

By this, I mean we have a complicated life - she had a hysterectomy, making intercourse difficult, and on top of that she is a very very vanilla lady. I love her lots though, and we have worked round the sexual difficulties that have been faced. For me, the chastity is a personal play, as it seemed she could not get the idea of being tough on me in terms of sexual intercourse and the denial thereof. She often felt it awkward and cruel, despite my assurances that in fact she was doing me a favour. However, I will leave that there for now, as we are working on restoring that somehow.

So I've been allowed to play again, but I'm doing it solo for now - she's okay with that. It's New Years eve tonight and I'm making a fresh start for tomorrow - kind of a resolution if you will. I've been locked for the last 5 days, barring one painful testicle slip through on the motorbike (ouch) it's been a great experience again. That thrill of the first click of the lock, the excitement of knowing you're locked away, it all came back to me again. I realised I wanted to do this again so bad. I've even ordered a new, smaller steel cage (my current one is rather heavy and slightly too long), and that may hopefully arrive today ready for the New Year.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by TwistedMister »

sexy_cheese wrote:...she had a hysterectomy, making intercourse difficult, and on top of that she is a very very vanilla lady. I love her lots though, and we have worked round the sexual difficulties that have been faced.
Mrs. Twisted had a radical hysterectomy some years ago, after being diagnosed with cancer and non-surgical treatments failed. Although he was a very good surgeon, her oncologist was an ass who seemed to regard the loss of sex-drive as 'inconsequential' and refused to prescribe HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). So, we found a doctor who was sympathetic and willing to write the scripts. HRT has been very effective (and KY Intense provides an even greater bonus effect that works with it).

If you and your wife have not looked into it already, I suggest you discuss it with her and do so. There is no good reason why those who enjoy sex should be deprived of it due to age or surgery when effective treatments are available.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by sexy_cheese »

Mrs sexy_cheese has been on HRT for some years now, and during our researching also found out that females need a little testosterone which has helped her in the past - it seemed to give her a little libido boost. The hormonal situation is challenging enough, but there's also some chronic pain issues she has to deal with which has made things a little stale. I'm probably naturally submissive and to that end I've not forced myself upon her to 'perform', but it's also meant that we don't make love as often as most people would (I guess).

But, we did start chastity play a while back, and for the time we did it it was fun and brought us closer together. We are going to be back into the swing of things soon - we've discussed our sexual needs for the year, and both agreed on a few things:

1. I'm too ready to please myself. This means "rubbing one off" or whatever, and doesn't involve her - so this will be the first to go. I'm currently starting myself off being locked up, because it has been a while I'm keeping the key just in case it gets too irritated, and when I'm comfortable (if/when) in my new cage, then she will get the key back and the next orgasm will be up to her.

2. We still need to discover her ideal or more suitable forms of pleasure that don't necessarily involve PIV intercourse. As a male willing to go the chastity route, this is not a problem. The main idea is that she will talk to me more frequently about what she would like to try, how she would like to be pleased.

3. After I've reacquainted myself with locking up (it's irritated the skin around the sack a little, so I'm keeping the key for now) she will regain possession - and I really absolutely cannot wait for that day. I've also got a new stainless cage coming, after recently getting one that was just a little too small. With my last steel one being a slight too big, I think I've found the ideal size. Plus it will be a bit lighter too - and hopefully more comfortable when riding the motorbike.

I've also found an excellent game which involves coloured marbles - and this might be a better game than we tried with the dice which seemed a bit overwhelming for the Mrs. At least this way she has a determined yes/no approach to my release, and even then it will still have conditions (for example - I didn't do x so we won't draw a marble tonight, or I did something special and we will draw two marbles to increase my chances).

It's back to baby steps for the moment, but at least this time I'm not having to break the entire chastity thing to her, in fact she's remarked on it recently how much it had changed me. I'd guess that was the seed that got me returning to this amazing experience - one that takes time to build, and I'm loving it just as much as before.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by sexy_cheese »

Just a short update - I am presenting to my wife/KH the rules of the game. She has agreed to much of it already verbally in earlier discussion, but having it written down means we will both be in agreement.

As I am starting to push some boundaries, I have also put in additional items regarding punishments, rewards and also time out if I start to get too uncomfortable. The hope is that Mrs sexy_cheese will start to think about how to reward/punish me in any way she sees fit. Secretly, I hope for spanking or something like that, but she is a very vanilla woman who it took a fair effort to get her to embrace chastity as she has done so far.

When asked last night as I got into bed if I'd locked myself, and I'd replied 'yes', she simply said 'good', rolled over and went to sleep. Awesome.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by sexy_cheese »

Cold, pain and motorbikes...

It's starting to get really cold here, and boy don't I know it! Now I'm finally adjusting to my new 2016 cage for longer term wear, Mrs sexy_cheese is reviewing the simplified/revised rules for me and laughing maniacally at the power she can exert over me. Which is exactly what I want :D

But the cold... No matter how many layers, how much thermal underwear, my testicles just want to retract completely, causing a fair amount of pinching and pulling. Nothing majorly uncomfortable that is cause for alarm, but I could really do with them being free and loose, rather than pulling between the cage and ring. Such is our choices I guess.

And the motorbike. I have a policy of ATGATT - All The Gear, All The Time. It bunches up everything below, and on the bike pushes the cage into me, and has rather painfully 'popped' a testicle through the gap it should not go through - twcie now. Needless to say, this may require some adjustment and also forgiveness from Mrs sexy_cheese as I have to use the emergency key a little more often than desirable. Any tips in this area would be helpful.

So at the moment, 2016 has started off cold, mildly painful and without any release. What a great year.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by TwistedMister »

sexy_cheese wrote:And the motorbike. I have a policy of ATGATT - All The Gear, All The Time. It bunches up everything below, and on the bike pushes the cage into me, and has rather painfully 'popped' a testicle through the gap it should not go through - twcie now. Needless to say, this may require some adjustment and also forgiveness from Mrs sexy_cheese as I have to use the emergency key a little more often than desirable. Any tips in this area would be helpful.
I'm guessing that this means that you aren't like me- t-shirt or tanktop, no helmet, hair and beard blowing in the breeze?

What sort of bike do you have? I ride a Yamahog, laid back cruiser, no issues. Reducing the size of the main ring has virtually eliminated balls popping through where they shouldn't, wearing jeans with a little more room in them helps too.
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by sexy_cheese »

Here in the UK the only legal requirement in terms of wear is a helmet. But a fair number of bikers are also ATGATT. I have a Yamaha FZ6, lovely bike, great fun to ride and also commute with. However, I'm trying out different seating positions to get more comfortable on the work runs... I find tighty-whiteys good as the skin rubs if I'm, erm, 'hanging free'. Although loose jeans are a must.

I'm at the stage now where the slightly larger ring is getting comfortable, despite the attempted popping through. I have the next ring down in the series which still feels a little tight. I may change down a size at my next scheduled removal and deep clean.

Mrs Sexy_Cheese now has seen my rewritten rules, and approved them! She actually loved the idea that for both of us to experience an intimate time regardless of emotional/mental states would be good, and I may well be remaining locked up for those - it's now at her discretion. The rules of our game are simple, an easy traffic-light style game which means no point-scoring, no ambiguity about the result that is drawn. She likes it, and is looking forward to the first 'red' day - which means I will be utterly at her beck and call. No complaints or a punishment of some kind will be devised. What that is, I don't know.

It's great to have her back in control, that she now has the key to freedom, and I have to wait in frustration. I'm loving it, and loving her for doing it. The fact that she is laughing, joking about what she could do to me makes it all the more exciting. For her, that is a big thing. For me, it's brought a smile to my face.
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Re: [sexy_cheese] The wife loves the idea...

Post by Jasmic68 »

I have really enjoyed reading this. The way you have used chastity to help your Wife relax and be in control of when and how you experience sex, without any pressure from your expectations is exemplary. I smiled when you wrote about her reaction to you kissing her when locked up, that she knew there was no 'extras' expected. This same understanding has totally allowed my Wife to relax and actually ended up with her getting a lot more attention than she ever had before, all instigated by her.

If only I had known sooner! All those years wasted. :D

Thanks for sharing.
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