[Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by Nelly

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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by OzCub »

Congratulations Nelly on a wonderful personal achievement.
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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by Nelly »


What happens when you misplace the keys?

I’m not sure this qualifies as part of a journey, more of a mishap along the way. Anyway I thought I’d share our little experience since we definitely learnt a few things from it.

The problem arose about a month ago now. I’d been let out of my belt on the Thursday for a bit of a play ahead of some family commitments on the Saturday and Sunday and a potentially busy schedule for the week after. When visiting my wife’s parents the belt just stays on, but my mob are a bit too ‘huggy’ to risk it, especially in the summer with just tee shirt and shorts.

All was going fine until about half an hour before we set off on the Sunday to see my crowd. At this point the keys normally appear, the belt comes off, I get cleaned up and off we go. However this time my wife needed a little prompting - “have you got the keys then?” to which the reply came “I’m looking for them!”. I’ll spare you the details of usual domestic bliss that follows conversations that start like that. Suffice to say she couldn’t find the keys, apparently she’d put them somewhere out of sight on the Thursday after unlocking me, with a view to putting them back in her usual hiding place when I wasn’t around. They were definitely not in the hiding place and not under a magazine where she thought she’d put them. She was also a little sketchy about exactly which magazine; we have lots of them around.

Unable to find the keys the belt just stayed on and I pretended to have a touch of summer snuffles, so nobody came too close. Not really a huge deal and my wife drove, so I got to have a few beers as compensation for my extended lockup. We got back late on the Sunday and couldn’t be bothered with more key hunting so we just fell into bed.

Monday was a busy day for us, but a prompt start allowed some time for more searching. Two hours later, still no joy and a little bit of tension in the air. However, life goes on and we couldn’t spend the whole day looking for keys and decided to have another look in the evening. Again no joy and this sporadic searching continued for another two days, under the assumption that “they’ll turn up at some point”. So here was the beginning of the first dilemma. How long do you give it before trying to get the belt off without the keys? The thing is this is real world, and chastity belts do need to come off, if nothing else but for hygiene reasons. I’m sure there are people in full belts that are in them for far more than a week without a break, but I didn’t really want to risk giving myself some nasty problem down there. I decided that come Saturday if the keys had still not come to light, it was time to look at removing the belt by other means.

Well, Saturday arrived and still no sign, so I set about the most obvious first i.e. take a hacksaw to the padlock. I’m sure there are plenty of cheap padlocks out there that say ‘hardened’ but are actually just mild steel. The bad news for me was that my wife had bought a nice German ABUS that was most definitely the real deal. There was just room to get the hacksaw across the shackle, below the nut at the front of the belt (see pics on previous posts) but despite vigorous sawing; the blade just skidded across it, barely marking it. OK, not the only way to get the belt off; but I tell you; the first time you resort to a saw to try and get out of a belt and find it doesn’t work, it does give you a slight panicky feeling.

The next thing I tried was a large flat-bladed screw driver between the padlock and the nut to try and prise it open, small padlocks can ‘pop’ this way, but I couldn’t get enough purchase on it and nearly stabbed myself a couple of times – slightly more panic now. At this point my wife came in to check on progress and finding me still locked she suggested trying to pick the lock. It sounds a bit corny but my next options were looking like attacking the belt itself. Initially I tried the lock picking but due to the padlock being key-way down I was having to use a mirror or try and do it by feel. Then my wife had a go, I had to laugh, it was like the ‘locked belt’ scene out of that Woody Allen film ‘All you wanted to know about sex but were too afraid to ask’.

Well, after several hours or so of pissing about with jeweller’s screwdrivers and paperclips we gave up on that as well. I did think of trying to drill the lock out but that would be messy if it slipped, so I put that on hold.

The next thing to try was the nut on the front of the belt, it was pinned, but I thought if I really forced it, it might sheer. I tried with an open-ended spanner but it didn’t give a bit, so went to fetch the socket-set, only to find that the socket wouldn’t fit over the nut because the padlock was in the way. I was also aware that apart from my hips, my bits were the only other things stopping the belt from rotating with the spanner. By this time it was getting late and I thought it better to go to bed rather than do something stupid when I was tired.

Having slept on it I decided the best thing would be to just cut vertically down across nut/bolt in front of the padlock. Cutting though a 10mm nut and bolt would take time but it I figured it was possible and minimised damage to the belt. I was in the process of lining up the saw when I realised that the bevel on the nut undercuts the padlock shackle. So even if I cut though the nut/bolt it still might not come off and there certainly wouldn’t be anything left to put a spanner on, to unscrew the remnants. Not only that but I might hit the hardened pin securing the nut and that definitely wouldn’t cut.

Finally it looked like cutting the waistband might be the only possibility. After all the work making the belt this really wasn’t the preferred option. After the failed padlock cutting attempt I thought it wise to do a little homework first, so I offered up the hacksaw at the most comfortable angle for sawing, figure 1. This ends up being on the diagonal with your hand up under your armpit on the back-stroke and the end of the saw heading towards your groin on the forward-stroke. As a test I used a piece of leftover waistband, held it across my stomach just above the belt and attempted to cut it, shit! I could have been doing it for hours and not got anywhere. Not really expecting any luck I tried the tin shears on it, one tiny dent at the edge. It was looking rather like power tools might be needed.
Figure 1  Belt Cutting Angle.jpg
Figure 1 Belt Cutting Angle.jpg (126.6 KiB) Viewed 7802 times
At this point the old head started to spin a bit, it wasn’t that I thought I would be stuck in it forever. It was more a case of which option to peruse, how long it might take and how to avoid injury. It was now Sunday night and despite devoting numerous hours to my belt escape I was still in it, still no sign of the keys, another busy week ahead and probably still in my belt! Although my wife was a little bit concerned at the lack of progress her attitude was a sort of ‘I’m sure you’ll figure it out dear’.

After a trawl of the Internet and having slept on it /in it for yet another night I decided that the best course of action might be to go back to plan-A and try and cut the padlock off. It would just mean getting a carbide coated hacksaw blade, which apparently should cut though pretty much anything if you keep at it for long enough. I decided I’d look in town on Monday, at least I knew what to ask for.

Well, Monday morning came round and my first little job was to sort out the recycling which had built somewhat in the garage, and needed to be put out before the collection lorry arrived. I normally give all the junk-mail a quick shake before finally chucking them, just in case there is something important that we missed. Guess what fell out of one of the supermarket deal of the week magazines, ‘a get out of your belt now!’ offer – the keys!!!. The reassuring ‘chink’ of a padlock opening has never sounded sooooo good, see figure 2. I really hadn’t been looking forward to spending hours trying to cut the lock off, close call though.
Figure 2  Lock.jpg
Figure 2 Lock.jpg (96.1 KiB) Viewed 7802 times
The good/bad news, depending on how you look at it, was that close inspection of my little chap revealed no ill effects from his week and bit of incarceration. A fact that my wife was very keen to point out to me! Personally I prefer to check everything is OK a bit more frequently than that.

So how would I have cut the belt off?

Despite the last minute and favourable outcome, I still hadn’t actually got out of my belt without using the keys. So I thought I’d do a few experiments to see what it would have taken to cut it off, if they hadn’t turned up. The picture in figure 3 shows my little collection of tools and some test pieces of Stainless steel : 2mm (as used in my belt), 1.5mm (like a lot of Neosteel models) and 0.7mm (cheaper belts I suspect).
Figure 3  Tools.jpg
Figure 3 Tools.jpg (213.96 KiB) Viewed 7802 times
See next post for part #2
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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by Nelly »

PART #2 of
What happens when you misplace the keys?

Tin shears

First I tried the tin shears, see figure 4. The 0.7mm (bottom) cut OK, on the 1.5mm (middle) the edge crimped a bit but wouldn’t cut and the 2mm (top) barely dented. On the thicker sections I gave it maximum effort, two hands and braced against my thigh. There are obviously lots of variables like your strength and how effectively you can use it at the angle you are trying to cut at (remember you’d be in the belt), the temper of the metal will also affect how hard it is to cut. etc I also tried some other metals like Brass and Aluminium and found that the thickness is the big factor, at 2mm extruded Aluminium flat-bar won’t cut with tin-shears either.

Bottom line : If the stainless is under a 1mm thick you stand a good chance of getting out quickly and pretty safely with the shears. Above 1mm doubtful, above 1.5mm forget it.
Figure 4  Tin Shears.jpg
Figure 4 Tin Shears.jpg (129.76 KiB) Viewed 7802 times

Standard hacksaw blade

So what about the thicker material? Here the exact thickness isn’t so much the issue, it is more about what will cut into it effectively, thicker stuff will just take longer. I used the 2mm sample for the test and the standard hacksaw made very little impression, in fact it just broke teeth off the blade figure 5.
Figure 5  Saw Blades.jpg
Figure 5 Saw Blades.jpg (114.14 KiB) Viewed 7802 times
Carbide coated hacksaw blade

This is basically a piece of wire coated with chips of Tungsten Carbide (blade labelled MEJIX, top figure 3)., it cuts on the forward and reverse strokes and is more like a file in the way it cuts It cuts into Stainless and hardened steel padlock shackles, albeit rather slowly. This will definitely cut you free but you have to go carefully, too much pressure and the wire just bends out of the way or snaps. If you’re also having to use short strokes of the blade because of awkward angles it could take quite a while.

Angle grinder + metal cutting disk

Well no big surprise in that it cut OK, what was interesting is that it produced very few sparks on the stainless; instead it just got extremely hot after only a few seconds. Realistically though, you’d have to be pretty brave (read stupid) to poke the business end of an angle grinder in the direction of your own body, just don’t do it! See the next section if want know the sort of thing that can go wrong.

Dremel type miniature cutting disk

Finally on to one the most popular responses to, ‘how do I cut my chastity belt off? “With a Dremel” they replied. What I tested wasn’t a genuine Dremel, but near as makes no difference. I used a high speed PCB drill with Dremel cutting disks. The disks certainly grind the surface but actually making a clean single cut is harder than you think. A full size angle grinder as a right angle gear head, this means that as you cut the grinder just pulls away from you, inline with the disk. With a Dremel you hold it round one end of the cutting axis, this means as soon as you start to cut it tries to move in an arc, with your wrist at the centre, quite tricky.

The next thing I found out was quite by chance. So far I had tried all the cuts with the test piece in the bench vice. Since the Dremel didn’t seem too scary and in order to try and make a linear cut I held the test piece flat on the bench and had a go, this way I could steady my arm on the bench. Not too bad but the metal was chattering on the bench a bit so I put a piece of the Neoprene waistband-liner under it, to cushion it and stop it sliding around, so now configured exactly like the majority of chastity belt waist-bands. I started cutting again towards the edge of the metal, next thing the drill nearly came out of my hand, I got a face full of shattered disk (good job I had the safety specs on!) and there was a gouge in my work top.

Basically, if a grind wheel touches anything rubbery it grips it rather than cutting it. It’s like a car tyre on the road, the wheel turns, grips the road and the car moves. In this case the materials are reversed, the road is rubber and the wheel is gritty stuff and spinning at around 10,000 rpm!

Bottom line : I wouldn’t recommend using high-speed grinders of any size to cut something off your body, if goes wrong, it goes wrong extremely quickly.

The results of the various cutting attempts on the 2mm stainless are shown in figure 6.
Figure 6  Test Cuts.jpg
Figure 6 Test Cuts.jpg (186.23 KiB) Viewed 7802 times
Summary of cutting attempts

The results of these little tests reminded me why I got a machine shop to guillotine the main parts of my belt to size, stainless is a bitch to cut. Drilling holes and some de-burring is OK with everything clamped in a vice, cutting though chunks of stainless that are attached to your body is a very different proposition.

So, if you need out of a full chastity belt in a hurry and don’t have the keys, try tin shears. If they won’t do it, call the emergency services and put up with the embarrassment. A red face will soon disappear, stitches take much longer!

If you’re in less of a hurry and the victim of a particularly determined or just absent minded key-holder use a carbide coated hacksaw blade, they only cost a few Euros. You’ll probably have to do it bit by bit, maybe over a few days, but it should avoid a trip to hospital.

What have I learnt from all this?

If you’re planning on getting yourself locked in a solidly constructed chastity belt, do make sure you can access an emergency key. If you have a key-holder, get them to leave a key in sealed plastic box. If they’re not up for that, then at least get them to put a spare key somewhere that they’re not going to forget it, which is the arrangement we now have. Another option we considered was putting a blob of silicone adhesive over the round end of the key and dropping it inside a nice ceramic ornament, a variation on the china piggy bank. If it’s a real emergency at least you’ll be out quickly.

From a general security point of view, I found the biggest factor was the desire not to destroy something that was going to be difficult/expensive to replace. The first thing I went for in my bid to escape was the padlock; it’s relatively cheap and easy to replace. Any belt design that integrates the lock, or makes the task of removing it more difficult than cutting the device itself will inherently be more secure. My thought processes were; ‘I can’t get the lock off easily but I don’t want to damage the belt too much either, now what?’

Getting a belt off without a key is certainly possible but it might not be the trivial decision and 10min operation that some people would have you believe. I think I have now come as close to my ‘inescapable chastity’ fantasy as I really want to.

Play safe people!

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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by locknload »

Excellent information. Empirical evidence always trumps the wings-and-a-prayer method.
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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by Atone »

Nelly wrote: I think I have now come as close to my ‘inescapable chastity’ fantasy as I really want to.
Sorry to hear about your predicament but thanks for sharing. Now I really want a full steel belt.

Really nice belt btw.

I agree that going after the lock is probably the best approach. I have had to remove many seized locks (not from chastity devices) by cutting the body of the lock. Usually much easier than going after the shackle. Still wouldn't be fun doing it that close to soft flesh.

Glad to hear you got out. Well, not really. Ok, I am glad but it was a cool story. Also glad that you didn't have to destroy your belt, that would have been a shame.
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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by locked4her55 »

Great Report!

Happy to hear you didn't have to ruin your handcrafted belt.
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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by Nelly »

Hi guys,

I’m glad you enjoyed the tale of my little predicament and thank you for your good wishes. I’m actually rather fond of my belt, even though it does drive me nuts at times :D . Also, thanks for the tip about cutting the body of the lock, hopefully I won’t be putting that to the test.

Take care,

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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by TwistedMister »

I have had to remove many seized locks (not from chastity devices) by cutting the body of the lock. Usually much easier than going after the shackle.
Bolt cutters work fine, even on a big Abus 3/8" hardened shackle.
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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by Atone »

TwistedMister wrote: Bolt cutters work fine, even on a big Abus 3/8" hardened shackle.
Try that on a locking hitch pin for a class IV receiver hitch, I wouldn't be surprised if they make bolt cutters that big but not something you pickup at the local hardware store. Or on any lock with a protected shackle.

I agree, the universal key (bolt cutters) work great if you can get to it.
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Re: [Nelly] Home-made Stainless Steel belt and thoughts by N

Post by locked4her55 »

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